em Digital Commons at Florida International University


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We determined the rate of migration of coastal vegetation zones in response to salt-water encroachment through paleoecological analysis of mollusks in 36 sediment cores taken along transects perpendicular to the coast in a 5.5 km2 band of coastal wetlands in southeast Florida. Five vegetation zones, separated by distinct ecotones, included freshwater swamp forest, freshwater marsh, and dwarf, transitional and fringing mangrove forest. Vegetation composition, soil depth and organic matter content, porewater salinity and the contemporary mollusk community were determined at 226 sites to establish the salinity preferences of the mollusk fauna. Calibration models allowed accurate inference of salinity and vegetation type from fossil mollusk assemblages in chronologically calibrated sediments. Most sediments were shallow (20–130 cm) permitting coarse-scale temporal inferences for three zones: an upper peat layer (zone 1) representing the last 30–70 years, a mixed peat-marl layer (zone 2) representing the previous ca. 150–250 years and a basal section (zone 3) of ranging from 310 to 2990 YBP. Modern peat accretion rates averaged 3.1 mm yr)1 while subsurface marl accreted more slowly at 0.8 mm yr)1. Salinity and vegetation type for zone 1 show a steep gradient with freshwater communities being confined west of a north–south drainage canal constructed in 1960. Inferences for zone 2 (pre-drainage) suggest that freshwater marshes and associated forest units covered 90% of the area, with mangrove forests only present along the peripheral coastline. During the entire pre-drainage history, salinity in the entire area was maintained below a mean of 2 ppt and only small pockets of mangroves were present; currently, salinity averages 13.2 ppt and mangroves occupy 95% of the wetland. Over 3 km2 of freshwater wetland vegetation type have been lost from this basin due to salt-water encroachment, estimated from the mollusk-inferred migration rate of freshwater vegetation of 3.1 m yr)1 for the last 70 years (compared to 0.14 m yr)1 for the pre-drainage period). This rapid rate of encroachment is driven by sea-level rise and freshwater diversion. Plans for rehydrating these basins with freshwater will require high-magnitude re-diversion to counteract locally high rates of sea-level rise.


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Hypertension, a major risk factor in the cardiovascular system, is characterized by an increase in the arterial blood pressure. High dietary sodium is linked to multiple cardiovascular disorders including hypertension. Salt sensitivity, a measure of how the blood pressure responds to salt intake is observed in more than 50% of the hypertension cases. Nitric Oxide (NO), as an endogenous vasodilator serves many important biological roles in the cardiovascular physiology including blood pressure regulation. The physiological concentrations for NO bioactivity are reported to be in 0-500 nM range. Notably, the vascular response to NO is highly regulated within a small concentration spectrum. Hence, much uncertainty surrounds how NO modulates diverse signaling mechanisms to initiate vascular relaxation and alleviate hypertension. Regulating the availability of NO in the vasculature has demonstrated vasoprotective effects. In addition, modulating the NO release by different means has proved to restore endothelial function. In this study we addressed parameters that regulated NO release in the vasculature, in physiology and pathophysiology such as salt sensitive hypertension. We showed that, in the rat mesenteric arterioles, Ca2+ induced rapid relaxation (time constants 20.8 ± 2.2 sec) followed with a much slower constriction after subsequent removal of the stimulus (time constants 104.8 ± 10.0 sec). An interesting observation was that a fourfold increase in the Ca 2+ frequency improved the efficacy of arteriolar relaxation by 61.1%. Our results suggested that, Ca2+ frequency-dependent transient release of NO from the endothelium carried encoded information; which could be translated into different steady state vascular tone. Further, Agmatine, a metabolite of L-arginine, as a ligand, was observed to relax the mesenteric arterioles. These relaxations were NO-dependent and occurred via &agr;-2 receptor activity. The observed potency of agmatine (EC50, 138.7 ± 12.1 ± μM; n=22), was 40 fold higher than L-arginine itself (EC50, 18.3 ± 1.3 mM; n = 5). This suggested us to propose alternative parallel mechanism for L-arginine mediated vascular relaxation via arginine decarboxylase activity. In addition, the biomechanics of rat mesentery is important in regulation of vascular tone. We developed 2D finite element models that described the vascular mechanics of rat mesentery. With an inverse estimation approach, we identified the elasticity parameters characterizing alterations in normotensive and hypertensive Dahl rats. Our efforts were towards guiding current studies that optimized cardiovascular intervention and assisted in the development of new therapeutic strategies. These observations may have significant implications towards alternatives to present methods for NO delivery as a therapeutic target. Our work shall prove to be beneficial in assisting the delivery of NO in the vasculature thus minimizing the cardiovascular risk in handling abnormalities, such as hypertension.


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Many coastal wetland communities of south Florida have been cut off from freshwater sheet flow for decades and are migrating landward due to salt-water encroachment. A paleoecological study using mollusks was conducted to assess the rates and effects of salt-water encroachment due to freshwater diversion and sea level rise on coastal wetland basins in Biscayne National Park. Modem mollusk distributions taken from 226 surface sites were used to determine local habitat affinities which were applied to infer past environments from mollusk distributions found in soil cores. Mollusks species compositions were found to be strongly correlated to habitat and salinity, providing reliable predictions. Wetland soils were cored to bedrock at 36locations. Mollusks were abundant throughout the cores and 15 of the 20 most abundant taxa served as bioindicators of salinity and habitat. Historic accounts coupled with mollusk based inference models indicate (1) increasing salinity levels along the coast and encroaching into the interior with mangroves communities currently migrating westward, (2) replacement of a mixed graminoid-mangrove zone by a dense monoculture of dwarf mangroves, and (3) a confinement of freshwater and freshwater graminoid marsh to landward areas between urban developments and drainage canals.


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Hypertension, a major risk factor in the cardiovascular system, is characterized by an increase in the arterial blood pressure. High dietary sodium is linked to multiple cardiovascular disorders including hypertension. Salt sensitivity, a measure of how the blood pressure responds to salt intake is observed in more than 50% of the hypertension cases. Nitric Oxide (NO), as an endogenous vasodilator serves many important biological roles in the cardiovascular physiology including blood pressure regulation. The physiological concentrations for NO bioactivity are reported to be in 0-500 nM range. Notably, the vascular response to NO is highly regulated within a small concentration spectrum. Hence, much uncertainty surrounds how NO modulates diverse signaling mechanisms to initiate vascular relaxation and alleviate hypertension. Regulating the availability of NO in the vasculature has demonstrated vasoprotective effects. In addition, modulating the NO release by different means has proved to restore endothelial function. In this study we addressed parameters that regulated NO release in the vasculature, in physiology and pathophysiology such as salt sensitive hypertension. We showed that, in the rat mesenteric arterioles, Ca2+ induced rapid relaxation (time constants 20.8 ± 2.2 sec) followed with a much slower constriction after subsequent removal of the stimulus (time constants 104.8 ± 10.0 sec). An interesting observation was that a fourfold increase in the Ca2+ frequency improved the efficacy of arteriolar relaxation by 61.1%. Our results suggested that, Ca2+ frequency-dependent transient release of NO from the endothelium carried encoded information; which could be translated into different steady state vascular tone. Further, Agmatine, a metabolite of L-arginine, as a ligand, was observed to relax the mesenteric arterioles. These relaxations were NO-dependent and occurred via α-2 receptor activity. The observed potency of agmatine (EC50, 138.7 ± 12.1 µM; n=22), was 40 fold higher than L-arginine itself (EC50, 18.3 ± 1.3 mM; n = 5). This suggested us to propose alternative parallel mechanism for L-arginine mediated vascular relaxation via arginine decarboxylase activity. In addition, the biomechanics of rat mesentery is important in regulation of vascular tone. We developed 2D finite element models that described the vascular mechanics of rat mesentery. With an inverse estimation approach, we identified the elasticity parameters characterizing alterations in normotensive and hypertensive Dahl rats. Our efforts were towards guiding current studies that optimized cardiovascular intervention and assisted in the development of new therapeutic strategies. These observations may have significant implications towards alternatives to present methods for NO delivery as a therapeutic target. Our work shall prove to be beneficial in assisting the delivery of NO in the vasculature thus minimizing the cardiovascular risk in handling abnormalities, such as hypertension.