5 resultados para Cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs)

em Digital Commons at Florida International University


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Fulgides and fulgimides are important organic photochromic compounds and can switch between the open forms and the closed forms with light. The 3-indolylfulgides and 3-indolylfulgimides exhibit promising photochromic properties and have great potential in optical memory devices, optical switches and biosensors. Copolymers containing 3-indolylfulgides/indolylfulgimides synthesized via free radical polymerizations increase conformation changes and allow the photochromic compounds to be uniformly distributed in the polymer matrix. A trifluoromethyl 3-indolylfulgide and two trifluoromethyl 3-indolylfulgimides with one or two polymerizable N-stryryl group(s) were prepared. Copolymerization with methyl methacrylate provided two linear copolymers or a cross-linked copolymer. The properties of the monomeric fulgide/fulgimides and copolymers in toluene or as thin films were characterized. In general, the photochromic monomers and copolymers revealed similar photochromic properties and exhibited good thermal and photochemical stability. All compounds absorb visible light in both open forms and closed forms. The closed form copolymers were more stable than the open form copolymers and showed little or no degradation after 400 h. The photochemical degradation rate was less than 0.03% per cycle. In films, conformational restrictions were observed for the open forms suggesting that the preparation of films from the closed forms is advantageous. Two novel methyl 3-indolylfulgimides with one or two polymerizable N-stryryl group(s) were prepared. Copolymerization of acrylamide with the methyl indolylfulgimides or the trifluoromethyl indolylfulgimides yielded two aqueous soluble linear copolymers and two photochromic hydrogels. The closed form copolymers containing trifluoromethyl indolylfulgimides were hydrolyzed in aqueous solution by replacing the trifluoromethyl group with a carboxylic acid group. The resulting carboxylic copolymers were also photochromic. The copolymers containing methyl fulgimides were stable in aqueous solutions and did not hydrolyze. Both methyl and carboxylic copolymers exhibited good stability in aqueous solutions. In general, the open form copolymers were more stable than the closed form copolymers, and the copolymers revealed better stability in acidic solution than neutral solution. The linear copolymers displayed better photochemical stability in neutral solution and degraded up to 22% after 105 cycles. In contrast, the hydrogels showed enhanced fatigue resistance in acidic condition and underwent up to 60 cycles before degrading 24%.


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The objective of this study is to design and development of an enzyme-linked biosensor for detection and quantification of phosphate species. Various concentrations of phosphate species were tested and completed for this study. Phosphate is one of the vital nutrients for all living organisms. Phosphate compounds can be found in nature (e.g., water sediments), and they often exist in aninorganic form. The amount of phosphates in the environment strongly influences the operations of living organisms. Excess amount of phosphate in the environment causes eutrophication which in turn causes oxygen deficit for the other living organisms. Fish die and degradation of habitat in the water occurs as a result of eutrophication. In contrast, low phosphate concentration causes death of vegetation since plants utilize the inorganic phosphate for photosynthesis, respiration, and regulation of enzymes. Therefore, the phosphate quantity in lakes and rivers must be monitored. Result demonstrated that phosphate species could be detected in various organisms via enzyme-linked biosensor in this research.


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The enzyme S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) hydrolase effects hydrolytic cleavage of AdoHcy to adenosine (Ado) and L-homocysteine (Hcy). The cellular levels of AdoHcy and Hcy are critical because AdoHcy is a potent feedback inhibitor of crucial transmethylation enzymes. Also, elevated plasma levels of Hcy in humans have been shown to be a risk factor in coronary artery disease. ^ On the basis of the previous finding that AdoHcy hydrolase is able to add the enzyme-sequestered water molecule across the 5',6'-double bond of (halo or dihalohomovinyl)-adenosines causing covalent binding inhibition, we designed and synthesized AdoHcy analogues with the 5',6'-olefin motif incorporated in place of the carbon-5' and sulfur atoms. From the available synthetic methods we chose two independent approaches: the first approach was based on the construction of a new C5'-C6' double bond via metathesis reactions, and the second approach was based on the formation of a new C6'-C7' single bond via Pd-catalyzed cross-couplings. Cross-metathesis of the suitably protected 5'-deoxy-5'-methyleneadenosine with racemic 2-amino-5-hexenoate in the presence of Hoveyda-Grubb's catalyst followed by standard deprotection afforded the desired analogue as 5' E isomer of the inseparable mixture of 9'R/S diastereomers. Metathesis of chiral homoallylglycine [(2S)-amino-5-hexenoate] produced AdoHcy analogue with established stereochemistry E at C5'atom and S at C9' atom. The 5'-bromovinyl analogue was synthesized using the bromination-dehydrobromination strategy with pyridinium tribromide and DBU. ^ Since literature reports on the Pd-catalyzed monoalkylation of dihaloalkenes (Csp2-Csp3 coupling) were scarce, we were prompted to undertake model studies on Pd-catalyzed coupling between vinyl dihalides and alkyl organometallics. The 1-fluoro-1-haloalkenes were found to undergo Negishi couplings with alkylzinc bromides to give multisubstituted fluoroalkenes. The alkylation was trans-selective affording pure Z-fluoroalkenes. The highest yields were obtained with PdCl 2(dppb) catalyst, but the best stereochemical outcome was obtained with less reactive Pd(PPh3)4. Couplings of 1,1-dichloro-and 1,1-dibromoalkenes with organozinc reagents resulted in the formation of monocoupled 1-halovinyl product. ^


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The enzyme S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHey) hydrolase effects hydrolytic cleavage of AdoHcy to adenosine (Ado) and L-homocysteine (Hcy). The cellular levels of AdoHcy and Hcy are critical because AdoHcy is a potent feedback inhibitor of crucial transmethylation enzymes. Also, elevated plasma levels of Hcy in humans have been shown to be a risk factor in coronary artery disease. On the basis of the previous finding that AdoHcy hydrolase is able to add the enzyme-sequestered water molecule across the 5',6'-double bond of (halo or dihalohomovinyl)-adenosines causing covalent binding inhibition, we designed and synthesized AdoHcy analogues with the 5',6'-olefin motif incorporated in place of the carbon-5' and sulfur atoms. From the available synthetic methods we chose two independent approaches: the first approach was based on the construction of a new C5'- C6' double bond via metathesis reactions, and the second approach was based on the formation of a new C6'-C7' single bond via Pd-catalyzed cross-couplings. Cross-metathesis of the suitably protected 5'-deoxy-5'-methyleneadenosine with racemic 2-amino-5-hexenoate in the presence of Hoveyda-Grubb's catalyst followed by standard deprotection afforded the desired analogue as 5'E isomer of the inseparable mixture of 9'RIS diastereomers. Metathesis of chiral homoallylglycine [(2S)-amino-5-hexenoate] produced AdoHcy analogue with established stereochemistry E at C5'atom and S at C9' atom. The 5'-bromovinyl analogue was synthesized using the brominationdehydrobromination strategy with pyridinium tribromide and DBU. Since literature reports on the Pd-catalyzed monoalkylation of dihaloalkenes (Csp2-Csp3 coupling) were scarce, we were prompted to undertake model studies on Pdcatalyzed coupling between vinyl dihalides and alkyl organometallics. The 1-fluoro-1- haloalkenes were found to undergo Negishi couplings with alkylzinc bromides to give multisubstituted fluoroalkenes. The alkylation was trans-selective affording pure Zfluoroalkenes. The highest yields were obtained with PdCl 2(dppb) catalyst, but the best stereochemical outcome was obtained with less reactive Pd(PPh3)4 . Couplings of 1,1- dichloro-and 1,1-dibromoalkenes with organozinc reagents resulted in the formation of monocoupled 1-halovinyl product.


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Examining factors that affect vitamin D status in the fast-growing elderly population of Miami-Dade, Florida, is needed. Vitamin D deficiency in older adults has been linked to correlates of disability, including falls and fractures, and cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the proportion of vitamin D insufficient individuals and their relationship with vitamin D insufficiency in older adults (n=97) living in Miami-Dade. We evaluated the association between vitamin D status and 1) dual task physical performance to understand the link between vitamin D and cognition in the context of mobility; and 2) cardiometabolic risk, measured by galvanic skin response, pulse oximetry, and blood pressure to create a composite score based on autonomic nervous system and endothelial function. Participants completed baseline assessments that included serum levels of vitamin D, anthropometrics, body composition, dual task physical performance and cardiometabolic risk. Surveys to evaluate vitamin D intake, sun exposure, physical activity, and depressive symptoms were completed. Spearman’s correlations, independent t-tests, paired t-tests, repeated measures ANOVAs, and multiple logistic and linear regressions were used to examine the relationship of vitamin D insufficiency (25(OH)D /ml) and sufficiency (25(OH)D ≥30 ng/ml) with determinants of vitamin D status, dual task physical performance variables and cardiometabolic risk scores. Although the proportion of vitamin D insufficient individuals was lower when compared to the prevalance of the general United States elderly population, it was still common in healthy community-dwelling older adults living in Miami-Dade County, especially among Hispanics. Factors that affected skin synthesis (ethnicity, and sun exposure), and bioavailability/metabolism (obesity) were significant predictors of vitamin D status. Vitamin D insufficiency was not significantly correlated with worse dual task physical performance; however, cognitive performance was worse in the vitamin D insufficient group. Our results suggest a relationship of vitamin D insufficiency with executive dysfunction, and support an association with cardiometabolic risk using an innovative electro-sensor complex, possibly by modulating autonomic nervous system activity and vascular function, thus affecting cardiac performance.