3 resultados para Crabs.

em Digital Commons at Florida International University


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Stomach contents analysis (SCA) provides a snap-shot observation of a consumer's diet. Interpretation of SCA data can be complicated by many factors, including variation in gastric residence times and digestion rates among prey taxa. Although some SCA methods are reported to efficiently remove all stomach contents, the effectiveness of these techniques has rarely been tested for large irregular shaped prey with hard exoskeletons. We used a controlled feeding trial to estimate gastric residency time and decomposition rate of a large crustacean prey item, the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus), which is consumed by American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis), an abundant apex predator in coastal habitats of the southeastern United States. The decomposition rate of C. sapidus in the stomachs of A. mississippiensis followed a predictable pattern, and some crab pieces remained in stomachs for at least 14 days. We also found that certain portions of C. sapidus were prone to becoming caught within the stomach or esophagus, meaning not all crab parts are consistently recovered using gastric lavage techniques. However, because the state of decomposition of crabs was predictable, it is possible to estimate time since consumption for crabs recovered from wild alligators. This information, coupled with a detailed understanding of crab distributions and alligator movement tactics could help elucidate patterns of cross-ecosystem foraging by the American Alligator in coastal habitats.


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The capacity of epifauna to control algal proliferation following nutrient input depends on responses of both grazers and upper trophic level consumers to enrichment. We examined the responses of Thalassia testudinum (turtle grass) epifaunal assemblages to nutrient enrichment at two sites in Florida Bay with varying levels of phosphorus limitation. We compared epifaunal density, biomass, and species diversity in 2 m2 plots that had either ambient nutrient concentrations or had been enriched with nitrogen and phosphorus for 6 months. At the severely P-limited site, total epifaunal density and biomass were two times higher in enriched than in unenriched plots. Caridean shrimp, grazing isopods, and gammarid amphipods accounted for much of the increase in density; brachyuran crabs, primary predatory fish, and detritivorous sea cucumbers accounted for most of the increase in biomass. At the less P-limited site, total epifaunal density and biomass were not affected by nutrient addition, although there were more caridean shrimp and higher brachyuran crab and pink shrimp biomass in enriched plots. At both sites, some variation in epifaunal density and biomass was explained by features of the macrophyte canopy, such as T. testudinum and Halodule wrightii percent cover, suggesting that enrichment may change the refuge value of the macrophyte canopy for epifauna. Additional variation in epifaunal density and biomass was explained by epiphyte pigment concentrations, suggesting that enrichment may change the microalgal food resources that support grazing epifauna. Increased epifaunal density in enriched plots suggests that grazers may be able to control epiphytic algal proliferation following moderate nutrient input to Florida Bay.


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In the discussion - Travel Marketing: Industry Relationships and Benefits - by Andrew Vladimir, Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University, the author initially states: “A symbiotic relationship exists among the various segments of the travel and tourism industry. The author has solicited the thinking of 37experts and leaders in the field in a book dealing with these relationships and how they can be developed to benefit the industry. This article provides some salient points from those contributors.” This article could be considered a primer on networking for the hospitality industry. It has everything to do with marketing and the relationships between varied systems in the field of travel and tourism. Vladimir points to instances of success and failure in marketing for the industry at large. And there are points of view from thirty-seven contributing sources here. “Miami Beach remains a fitting example of a leisure product that has been unable to get its act together,” Vladimir shares a view. “There are some first class hotels, a few good restaurants, alluring beaches, and a splendid convention center, but there is no synergism between them, no real affinity, and so while visitors admire the Fontainebleau Hilton and enjoy the food at Joe's Stone Crabs, the reputation of Miami Beach as a resort remains sullied,” the author makes a point. In describing cohesiveness between exclusive systems, Vladimir says, “If each system can get a better understanding of the inner workings of neighboring related systems, each will ultimately be more successful in achieving its goals.” The article is suggesting that exclusive systems aren’t really exclusive at all; or at least they shouldn’t be. In a word – competition – drives the market, and in order for a property to stay afloat, aggressive marketing integrated with all attendant resources is crucial. “Tisch [Preston Robert Tisch, currently – at the time of this writing - the Postmaster General of the United States and formerly president of Lowe’s Hotels and the New York Visitors and Convention Bureau], in talking about the need for aggressive marketing says: “Never...ever...take anything for granted. Never...not for a moment...think that any product or any place will survive strictly on its own merits.” Vladimir not only sources several knowledgeable representatives in the field of hospitality and tourism, but he also links elements as disparate as real estate, car rental, cruise and airlines, travel agencies and traveler profiles to illustrate his points on marketing integration. In closing, Vladimir quotes the Honorable Donna Tuttle, Undersecretary of Commerce for Travel and Tourism, “Uniting the components of this industry in an effective marketing coalition that can compete on an equal footing with often publicly-owned foreign tourism conglomerates and multi-national consortia must be a high priority as the United States struggles to maintain and expand its share of a rapidly changing global market.”