6 resultados para Cork oak.
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Mercury (Hg) contamination problem in the United Sates has been an important issue due to its potential threat to human and ecological health. This thesis presents a study of two Hg-contaminated sites along the East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC) at Oak Ridge. The top soils from the terrestrial areas, along with the soils from three vertical soil horizons at the EFPC bank were sampled and analyzed for total-Hg (THg), methyl-Hg, total-organic-carbon (TOC), and pH. The stream bank soils were also analyzed for the stable-Hg-isotopes (198Hg, 199Hg, 200Hg, 201Hg, and 202Hg). Furthermore, some of the soil samples (n=7) from the same study sites were investigated for phytoavailability of mercury as measured by degree of Hg translocation in aboveground biomass of Impatiens walleriana plants grown in the soils.^ The results showed a significant difference (p<0.001) in THg concentrations for the forest soils (42.40±4.98 mg/kg) and the grassland soils (8.71±2.30 mg/kg). The higher THg and methyl-Hg concentrations were commensurate with the higher TOC content in the soils (p<0.001). Also, the THg concentrations for the upstream site was higher (129.08±34.14 mg/kg) than the downstream site (24.31±3.47 mg/kg). The two sites also differed in their stable Hg isotope compositions (p<0.001 for δ199Hg). The stable isotope analysis indicated the increased level of mass dependent isotopic fractionation with increasing depths along the EFPC bank. The difference between the two study sites was also prominent in case of the Hg uptake by the plants, with higher Hg uptake from the upstream soils compared to that from the downstream soils. A significant correlation, r=0.93 p<0.01, was observed between the Hg uptake and the soil-THg concentrations. THg was higher in the leaves (1161.87±310.01 μg/kg) than in the flowers (206.13±55.23 μg/kg) or the stems (634.54±403.35μg/kg). ^ The level of Hg contamination increased with decreasing distance from the point source and was highly influenced by plants/microbes, soil-organic-content, and Hg-speciation. The isotopic study indicated the existence of an additional Hg source in the EFPC watershed, possibly atmospheric Hg-deposition. These findings are worth taking into account while planning any Hg remediation effort and developing Hg loading criteria as per the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program.^
An integrated flow and transport model using MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 software was developed to predict the flow and transport of mercury, Hg(II), under varying environmental conditions. The model analyzed the impact of remediation scenarios within the East Fork Poplar Creek watershed of the Oak Ridge Reservation with respect to downstream concentration of mercury. The numerical simulations included the entire hydrological cycle: flow in rivers, overland flow, groundwater flow in the saturated and unsaturated zones, and evapotranspiration and precipitation time series. Stochastic parameters and hydrologic conditions over a five year period of historical hydrological data were used to analyze the hydrological cycle and to determine the prevailing mercury transport mechanism within the watershed. Simulations of remediation scenarios revealed that reduction of the highly contaminated point sources, rather than general remediation of the contaminant plume, has a more direct impact on downstream mercury concentrations.
The purpose of this study was to determine the flooding potential of contaminated areas within the White Oak Creek watershed in the Oak Ridge Reservation in Tennessee. The watershed was analyzed with an integrated surface and subsurface numerical model based on MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 software. The model was calibrated and validated using five decades of historical data. A series of simulations were conducted to determine the watershed response to 25 year, 100 year and 500 year precipitation forecasts; flooding maps were generated for those events. Predicted flood events were compared to Log Pearson III flood flow frequency values for validation. This investigation also provides an improved understanding of the water fluxes between the surface and subsurface subdomains as they affect flood frequencies. In sum, this study presents crucial information to further assess the environmental risks of potential mobilization of contaminants of concern during extreme precipitation events.
Mercury interactions with suspended solids at the Upper East Fork Poplar Creek, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
A water quality model was developed to analyze the impact of hydrological events on mercury contamination of the Upper East Fork Poplar Creek, Tennessee. The model simulates surface and subsurface hydrology and transport (MIKE SHE and MIKE 11) and it is coupled with the reactive transport of sediments and mercury (ECOLAB). The model was used to simulate the distribution of mercury contamination in the water and sediments as a function of daily hydrological events. Results from the model show a high correlation between suspended solids and mercury in the water due to the affinity of mercury with suspended organics. The governing parameters for the distribution of total suspended solids and mercury contamination were the critical velocity of the stream for particle resuspension, the rates of resuspension and production of particles, settling velocity, soil-water partition coefficient, and desorption rate of mercury in the water. Flow and load duration curves at the watershed exit were used to calibrate the model and to determine the impact of hydrological events on the total maximum daily load at Station 17. The results confirmed the strong link between hydrology and mercury transport.
An integrated flow and transport model using MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 software was developed to predict the flow and transport of mercury, Hg(II), under varying environmental conditions. The model analyzed the impact of remediation scenarios within the East Fork Poplar Creek watershed of the Oak Ridge Reservation with respect to downstream concentration of mercury. The numerical simulations included the entire hydrological cycle: flow in rivers, overland flow, groundwater flow in the saturated and unsaturated zones, and evapotranspiration and precipitation time series. Stochastic parameters and hydrologic conditions over a five year period of historical hydrological data were used to analyze the hydrological cycle and to determine the prevailing mercury transport mechanism within the watershed. Simulations of remediation scenarios revealed that reduction of the highly contaminated point sources, rather than general remediation of the contaminant plume, has a more direct impact on downstream mercury concentrations.