em Digital Commons at Florida International University


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Coral reefs are experiencing declines worldwide and recently coral diseases have been identified as significant contributors to coral mortality. However, little is known regarding the factors that drive coral disease distributions and dynamics. Current knowledge of the organisms that cause coral diseases is also limited, with pathogens having been identified for only 5 of the 21 described coral diseases. The study presented here describes coral disease dynamics in terms of occurrence, prevalence, spatial distribution, and host species susceptibility from 2002--2004 on reefs of the Northern Florida Keys (NFK) and Lee Stocking Island (LSI) in the Bahamas' Exuma chain. In addition, this research investigated the influence of temperature, sediment, and nutrient availability on coral disease prevalence and severity. Finally, microbial communities associated with a polymicrobial disease, black band, were examined to address spatial and temporal variability. ^ Four scleractinian diseases were observed in repeated surveys conducted during June-August of each year: black band disease (BBD), white plague type 2 (WP), dark spots syndrome (DSS), and yellow band disease-(YBD). Coral disease prevalence was generally low in both the NFK and LSI as compared to epizootic levels reported previously in the NFK and other regions of the Caribbean. Disease prevalence and species susceptibility varied spatially and temporally. Massive framework species, including Siderastrea siderea, Colpophyllia natans, and Montastraea annularis, along with relatively smaller colonies of Meandrina meandrites and Dichocoenia stokesi, were most susceptible to disease. Temperature, sedimentation, and dissolved inorganic nitrogen were positively correlated with BBD infections. Furthermore, experimental nutrient enrichment exacerbated coral tissue loss to BBD both in situ and in vivo. Profiling of BBD microbial communities using length heterogeneity PCR revealed variation over space and time, with significantly distinct bacterial assemblages in the NFK, LSI, and US Virgin Islands. ^ This study contributes to knowledge of the relationship between coral diseases and the environment, and facilitates predictions regarding potential changes in coral reef communities under differing environmental conditions. Additionally, this research provides further understanding of coral disease dynamics at both the host and microbial pathogen levels.^


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One of the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain is extracellular β-amyloid (Aβ) plaques containing 39-42 amino acid Aβ peptides. The deposition of Aβ around blood vessels, known as Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), is also a common feature in AD brain. Vascular density and cerebral blood flow are reduced in AD brains, and vascular risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes are also risk factors for AD. We have shown previously that Aβ peptides can potently inhibit angiogenesis both in-vitro and in-vivo, but the mechanism of action for this effect is not known. Therefore, my first hypothesis was that particular amino acid sequence(s) within the Aβ peptide are required for inhibition of angiogenesis. From this aim, I found a peptide sequence which was critical for anti-angiogenic activity (HHQKLVFF). This sequence contains a heparan sulfate proteoglycan growth factor binding domain implying that Aβ can interfere with growth factor signaling. Leading on from this, my second hypothesis was that Aβ can inhibit angiogenesis by binding to growth factor receptors. I found that Aβ can bind to Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2 (VEGFR-2), and showed that this is one mechanism by which Aβ can inhibit angiogenesis. Since the vasculature is disrupted in AD brains, I investigated whether a strategy to increase brain vascularization would be beneficial against AD pathology. Therefore, my third hypothesis was that voluntary exercise (which is known to increase brain vascularization in rodents) can ameliorate Aβ pathology, increase brain vascularization, and improve behavioral deficits in a transgenic mouse model of AD. I found that exercise has no effect on Aβ pathology, brain vascularization or behavioral deficits. Therefore, in the transgenic mouse model that I used, exercise is an ineffective therapeutic strategy against AD pathology and symptoms.


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This thesis would not have been possible without the aid of my family, friends, laboratory members, and professors. First and foremost, I would like to thank Dr. Kalai Mathee for allowing me to enter her lab in August 2007 and enabling to embark on this journey. This experience has transformed me into more mature scientist, teaching me how to ask the right questions and the process needed to solve them. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Lisa Schneper. She has helped me throughout the whole process, by graciously giving me input at every step of the way. I would like to express gratitude to Dr. Jennifer Richards for all her input in writing the thesis. She has been a great teacher and being in her class has been a pleasure. Moreover, I would like to thank all the committee members for their constructive criticism throughout the process. When I entered the lab in August, there was one person who literally was by my side, Melissa Doud. Without your input and guidance I would not have even been able to do these experiments. I would also like to thank you and Dr. Light for allowing me to meet some cystic fibrosis patients. It has allowed me to put a face on the disease, and help the patients' fight. For a period before I had entered the lab, Ms. Doud had an apprentice, who started the fungal aspect of the project, Caroline Veronese. Her initial work has enabled me to prefect the protocols and complete the ITS 1 region.One very unique aspect about Dr. Mathee's lab is the camaraderie. I would like to thank all the lab members for the good times in and out of the lab. These individuals have been able to make smile and laugh in parties and lab meetings. I would like to individually thank Balachandar Dananjeyan, Deepak Balasubramanian, and V arinderpal Singh Pannu for all the PCR help and Natalie Maricic for the laughs and being a great classmate. Last, but not least, I would like to acknowledge my family and friends for their support and keeping me sane: Cecilia, my mother, Mohammad, my father, Amir, my older brother, Billal, my younger brother, Ouday Akkari and Stephanie De Bedout, my best friends.