36 resultados para Biology, Cell|Biology, Animal Physiology|Chemistry, Biochemistry|Health Sciences, Oncology

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Receptor-tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are membrane bound receptors characterized by their intrinsic kinase activity. RTK activities play an essential role in several human diseases, including cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. RTK activities have been regulated by the expression or silencing of several genes as well as by the utilization of small molecules. Ras Interference 1 (Rin1) is a multifunctional protein that becomes associated with activated RTKs upon ligand stimulation. Rin1 plays a key role in receptor internalization and in signal transduction via activation of Rab5 and association with active form of Ras. This study has two main objectives: (1) It determines the role of Rin1 in the regulation of several RTKs focusing on insulin receptor. This was accomplished by studying the Rin1-insulin receptor interaction using a variety of biochemical and morphological assays. This study shows a novel interaction between the insulin receptor and Rin1 through the Vps9 domain. Two more RTKs (epidermal growth factor receptor and nerve growth factor receptor) also interacted with the SH2 domain of Rin1. The effect of the Rin1-RTK interaction on the activation of both Rab5 and Ras was also studied during receptor internalization and intracellular signaling. Finally, the role of Rin1 was examined in two differentiation processes (adipogenesis and neurogenesis). Rin1 showed a strong inhibitory effect on 3T3-L1 preadipocyte differentiation but it seems to show a modest effect in PC12 neurite outgrowth. These data indicate a selective function and specific interaction of Rin1 toward RTKs. (2) It examines the role of the small molecule Dehydroleucodine (DhL) on several key signaling molecules during adipogenesis. This was accomplished by studying the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes exposed to different concentrations of DhL in different days of the adipocyte formation process. The results indicate that DhL selectively blocked adipocyte formation, as well as the expression of PPARγ, and C/EBP&agr;. However, DhL treatment did not affect Rin1 or Rab5 expression and their activities. Taken together, the data indicate a potential molecular mechanism by which proteins or small molecules regulate selective and specific RTK intracellular membrane trafficking and signaling during cell growth and differentiation in normal and pathological conditions.


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The aorta has been viewed as a passive distribution manifold for blood whose elasticity allows it to store blood during cardiac ejection (systole), and release it during relaxation (diastole). This capacitance, or compliance, lowers peak cardiac work input and maintains peripheral sanguine irrigation throughout the cardiac cycle. The compliance of the human and canine circulatory systems have been described either as constant throughout the cycle (Toy et al. 1985) or as some inverse function of pressure (Li et al. 1990, Cappelo et al. 1995). This work shows that a compliance value that is higher during systole than diastole (equivalent to a direct function of pressure) leads to a reduction in the energetic input to the cardiovascular system (CV), even when accounting for the energy required to change compliance. This conclusion is obtained numerically, based on a 3-element lumped-parameter model of the CV, then demonstrated in a physical model built for the purpose. It is then shown, based on the numerical and physical models, on analytical considerations of elastic tubes, and on the analysis of arterial volume as a function of pressure measured in vivo (Armentano et al. 1995), that the mechanical effects of a presupposed arterial contraction are consistent with those of energetically beneficial changes in compliance during the cardiac cycle. Although the amount of energy potentially saved with rhythmically contracting arteries is small (mean 0.55% for the cases studied) the importance of the phenomenon lies in its possible relation to another function of the arterial smooth muscle (ASM): synthesis of wall matrix macromolecules. It is speculated that a reduction in the rate of collagen synthesis by the ASM is implicated in the formation of arteriosclerosis. ^


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The emergence of tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitor resistance is a major problem in the treatment of breast cancer. The molecular signaling mechanism of antiestrogen resistance is not clear. Understanding the mechanisms by which resistance to these agents arise could have major clinical implications for preventing or circumventing it. Therefore, in this dissertation we have investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying antiestrogen resistance by studying the contributions of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced redox signaling pathways in antiestrogen resistant breast cancer cells. Our hypothesis is that the conversion of breast tumors to a tamoxifen-resistant phenotype is associated with a progressive shift towards a pro-oxidant environment of cells as a result of oxidative stress. The hypothesis of this dissertation was tested in an in vitro 2-D cell culture model employing state of the art biochemical and molecular techniques, including gene overexpression, immunoprecipitation, Western blotting, confocal imaging, ChIP, Real-Time RT-PCR, and anchorage-independent cell growth assays. We observed that tamoxifen (TAM) acts like both an oxidant and an antioxidant. Exposure of tamoxifen resistant LCC2 cell to TAM or 17 beta-estradiol (E2) induced the formation of reactive oxidant species (ROS). The formation of E2-induced ROS was inhibited by co-treatment with TAM, similar to cells pretreated with antioxidants. In LCC2 cells, treatments with either E2 or TAM were capable of inducing cell proliferation which was then inhibited by biological and chemical antioxidants. Exposure of LCC2 cells to tamoxifen resulted in a decrease in p27 expression. The LCC2 cells exposed to TAM showed an increase in p27 phosphorylation on T157 and T187. Conversely, antioxidant treatment showed an increase in p27 expression and a decrease in p27 phosphorylation on T157 and T187 in TAM exposed cells which were similar to the effects of Fulvestrant. In line with previous studies, we showed an increase in the binding of cyclin E-Cdk2 and in the level of p27 in TAM exposed cells that overexpressed biological antioxidants. Together these findings highly suggest that lowering the oxidant state of antiestrogen resistant LCC2 cells, increases LCC2 susceptibility to tamoxifen via the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p27.


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Androgen receptor (AR) is commonly expressed in both the epithelium of normal mammary glands and in breast cancers. AR expression in breast cancers is independent of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) status and is frequently associated with overexpression of the ERBB2 oncogene. AR signaling effects on breast cancer progression may depend on ERα and ERBB2 status. Up to 30% of human breast cancers are driven by overactive ERBB2 signaling and it is not clear whether AR expression affects any steps of tumor progression in this cohort of patients. To test this, we generated mammary specific Ar depleted mice (MARKO) by combining the floxed allele of Ar with the MMTV-cre transgene on an MMTV-NeuNT background and compared them to littermate MMTV-NeuNT, Arfl/+ control females. Heterozygous MARKO females displayed reduced levels of AR in mammary glands with mosaic AR expression in ductal epithelium. The loss of AR dramatically accelerated the onset of MMTV-NeuNT tumors in female MARKO mice. In this report we show that accelerated MMTV-NeuNT-dependent tumorigenesis is due specifically to the loss of AR, as hormonal levels, estrogen and progesterone receptors expression, and MMTV-NeuNT expression were similar between MARKO and control groups. MMTV-NeuNT induced tumors in both cohorts displayed distinct loss of AR in addition to ERα, PR, and the pioneer factor FOXA1. Erbb3 mRNA levels were significantly elevated in tumors in comparison to normal mammary glands. Thus the loss of AR in mouse mammary epithelium accelerates malignant transformation rather than the rate of tumorigenesis.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 17-β-estradiol (E2)-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the induction of mammary tumorigenesis. We found that ROS-induced by repeated exposures to 4-hydroxy-estradiol (4-OH-E2), a predominant catechol metabolite of E2, caused transformation of normal human mammary epithelial MCF-10A cells with malignant growth in nude mice. This was evident from inhibition of estrogen-induced breast tumor formation in the xenograft model by both overexpression of catalase as well as by co-treatment with Ebselen. To understand how 4-OH-E2 induces this malignant phenotype through ROS, we investigated the effects of 4-OH-E2 on redox-sensitive signal transduction pathways. During the malignant transformation process we observed that 4-OH-E2 treatment increased AKT phosphorylation through PI3K activation. The PI3K-mediated phosphorylation of AKT in 4-OH-E2-treated cells was inhibited by ROS modifiers as well as by silencing of AKT expression. RNA interference of AKT markedly inhibited 4-OH-E2-induced in vitro tumor formation. The expression of cell cycle genes, cdc2, PRC1 and PCNA and one of transcription factors that control the expression of these genes – nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1) was significantly up-regulated during the 4-OH-E2-mediated malignant transformation process. The increased expression of these genes was inhibited by ROS modifiers as well as by silencing of AKT expression. These results indicate that 4-OH-E2-induced cell transformation may be mediated, in part, through redox-sensitive AKT signal transduction pathways by up-regulating the expression of cell cycle genes cdc2, PRC1 and PCNA, and the transcription factor – NRF-1. In summary, our study has demonstrated that: (i) 4-OH-E2 is one of the main estrogen metabolites that induce mammary tumorigenesis and (ii) ROS-mediated signaling leading to the activation of PI3K/AKT pathway plays an important role in the generation of 4-OH-E2-induced malignant phenotype of breast epithelial cells. In conclusion, ROS are important signaling molecules in the development of estrogen-induced malignant breast lesions.


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To assess the role of shark cartilage as an immune modulator, acid, salt-soluble, and phosphate-buffered saline extracts were prepared from three different commercial sources (SL, TL, FDC) of cartilage and used to stimulate human leukocytes in vitro. Duplicate leukocyte cultures were set up, each containing 50 $\mu$l of endotoxin-free extract, 200 $\mu$l of cell suspension (2.4-2.5 $\times$ 10$\sp5$ cells) and 100 $\mu$l of medium and incubated at 37$\sp\circ$C. Cultures stimulated with LPS (5 $\mu$g/ml) or medium served as the positive and negative controls, respectively. Culture supernatants were assayed for TNF$\alpha$ by ELISA. Cartilage extracts stimulated cells to release significant levels of TNF$\alpha$ (p $<$.005); the highest response was obtained with the acid extract of SL cartilage. In comparison, response to corresponding extracts of bovine cartilage was lower (p $<$.05). The stimulatory activity was reduced (85%) following proteolytic digestion, and lost when extract was heated (60$\sp\circ$C, 20 min) or treated with urea (6M), suggesting that the active component(s) is a protein. ^


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This study investigated the effects of sound reduction on physiological variables in premature infants in neonatal intensive care. Ten premature infants born between 27 and 36 weeks gestation wore a specially designed earmuff cap for a 45-minute rest period. Heart rate, respiration rate, oxygen saturation level and behavioral state were measured and compared to a similar 45-minute control period without the earmuff cap. Subjects showed a significant decrease (p =.050) in mean respiration rate, and a significant increase (p $<$.02) in mean oxygen saturation level with the earmuff cap on. No significant differences were found in heart rate between the experimental condition and the control condition. Behavioral state was documented only as a potentially confounding variable, however a significant decrease (p $<$.05) in the time spent awake and a significant increase (p $<$.05) in the time spent in quiet sleep rather than active sleep occurred with the earmuff cap on. Findings suggest that noise reduction may be a viable means of increasing respiratory efficiency and the amount and quality of sleep in premature infants in neonatal intensive care.


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Pteris vittata, the first reported arsenic hyperaccumulating plant, is potentially used in phytoremediation of arsenic, as it can accumulate up to 2.3% of arsenic in its fronds. In this study, the mechanisms of arsenic tolerance, uptake and transformation were studied in the plant. Arsenic species were analyzed by HPLC-AFS. Results showed that arsenic was mainly accumulated in leaflets, and inorganic arsenate and arsenite were only species in P. vittata. Arsenite was the predominant species in leaflets, whereas arsenate was the predominant species in roots. Arsenic induced the synthesis of thiol containing compounds in P. vittata. As-induced thiol was purified by a novel method: covalent chromatography following preparative HPLC. The purified thiol was characterized as a phytochelatin with two units (PC2). ^ In P. vittata, enhanced tolerance likely results from unusual intracellular detoxification mechanisms. Although PC-dependent sequestration of arsenic into vacuoles is essential for nonhyperaccumulators, this sequestration is not the major arsenic tolerance mechanisms in this arsenic hyperaccumulator. PC-independent sequestration of arsenic is likely the major arsenic tolerance mechanism. PC-dependent arsenic detoxification is probably a supplement to this major mechanism. ^ Interactions between arsenic and phosphate were studied. Under hydroponic condition, arsenic supply decreased the concentrations of phosphate in roots. In soil, arsenic increased the concentrations of phosphate in roots. Arsenic concentrations in rachises and leaflets were not affected by arsenic supply in either hydroponic or soil system. Phosphate decreased arsenic accumulation in roots, rachises and leaflets in the hydroponic system. ^ The uptake kinetics of arsenate, arsenite, monomethyl arsinic acid (MMA), dimethyl arsonic acid, and phosphate were studied in P. vittata. Phosphate uptake systems in Pteris vittata cannot distinguish phosphate and As(V), resulting in As hyperaccumulation. Arsenic hyperaccumulation in this plant is an inevitable consequence during phosphate acquisition. Arsenate, arsenite and MMA are transported via the phosphate uptake systems. The co-transport of arsenite/phosphate and MMA/phosphate is reported for the first time in plants. These unique phenomena are useful for understanding arsenic hyperaccumulation and the evolution of this capacity in P. vittata. ^


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Neural Crest cells (NCC) constitute a unique embryonic cell population that arises between the prospective epidermis and the dorsal aspect of the neural tube of vertebrates. NCC migrate ventromedially and dorsolaterally throughout the developing embryo giving rise to the peripheral nervous system constituents and melanocytes that ultimately reside in the skin and hair follicles respectively. Mice and humans with mutations in the Endothelin receptor b (Ednrb) gene manifest strikingly similar phenotypes characterized by hypopigmentation, hearing loss and megacolon these are due to absence of melanocytes in the skin and inner ear and lack of enteric ganglia in the distal part of the gut, respectively. Piebald lethal mice and humans with Hirschsprung's disease or Waardenburg syndrome carry different mutations in the Ednrb gene. The major goals of this project were to determine whether the action of Ednrb in NCC is required prior to commitment of these cells to the melanocytic lineage and to investigate its potential participation in the actual process of commitment. In order to achieve these goals transgenic mice that express Ednrb under two different regulatory elements were created. The first, Dct-Ednrb, expresses Ednrb under the control of the DOPAchrome tautomerase (Dct) promoter to direct expression to already committed melanocyte precursors. The second, Nes-Ednrb, expresses Ednrb under the regulation of the human nestin gene second enhancer to direct expression to pre-migratory NCC. Crosses of the Dct-Ednrb mouse with piebald lethal showed that the transgene was capable of rescuing the hypopigmentation phenotype of the later. This result indicates that the action of Ednrb after NCC commit to the melanocytic lineage is sufficient for normal melanocyte development. The Dct-Ednrb was further crossed with two other hypopigmentation mutants that carry mutations in the transcription factors Sox10 and Pax3. The transgene rescued the phenotype of the Sox10 mutant only. This suggests that Ednrb interacts with Sox10 but not with Pax3 during melanocyte development. The Nes-Ednrb mice developed a hypopigmentation phenotype that was augmented when crossed with piebald lethal or lethal spotting (mutation in Edn3, the ligand for Ednrb) mice but was rescued by over expression of Edn3. These results suggest that alterations in Ednrb expression early in development affect melanocyte development. This study provides novel information necessary to better understand the early embryonic development of NCC, clarifies specific interactions between different melanogenic genes and, could eventually help in the implementation of therapies for human pigmentary genetic disorders. ^


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A major problem with breast cancer treatment is the prevalence of antiestrogen resistance, be it de novo or acquired after continued use. Many of the underlying mechanisms of antiestrogen resistance are not clear, although estrogen receptor-mediated actions have been identified as a pathway that is blocked by antiestrogens. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), such as tamoxifen, are capable of producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) through metabolic activation, and these ROS, at high levels, can induce irreversible growth arrest that is similar to the growth arrest incurred by SERMs. This suggests that SERM-mediated growth arrest may also be through ROS accumulation. Breast cancer receiving long-term antiestrogen treatment appears to adapt to this increased, persistent level of ROS. This, in turn, leads to the disruption of reversible redox signaling that involves redox-sensitive phosphatases and protein kinases and transcription factors. This has downstream consequences for apoptosis, cell cycle progression, and cell metabolism. For this dissertation, we explored if altering the ROS formed by tamoxifen also alters sensitivity of the drug in resistant cells. We explored an association with a thioredoxin/Jab1/p27 pathway, and a possible role of dysregulation of thioredoxin-mediated redox regulation contributing to the development of antiestrogen resistance in breast cancer. We used standard laboratory techniques to perform proteomic assays that showed cell proliferation, protein concentrations, redox states, and protein-protein interactions. We found that increasing thioredoxin reductase levels, and thus increasing the amount of reduced thioredoxin, increased tamoxifen sensitivity in previously resistant cells, as well as altered estrogen and tamoxifen-induced ROS. We also found that decreasing levels of Jab1 protein also increased tamoxifen sensitivity, and that the downstream effects showed a decrease p27 phosphorylation in both cases. We conclude that the chronic use of tamoxifen can lead to an increase in ROS that alters cell signaling and causing cell growth in the presence of tamoxifen, and that this resistant cell growth can be reversed with an alteration to the thioredoxin/Jab1 pathway.


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Treatment of sensory neuropathies, whether inherited or caused by trauma, the progress of diabetes, or other disease states, are among the most difficult problems in modern clinical practice. Cell therapy to release antinociceptive agents near the injured spinal cord would be the logical next step in the development of treatment modalities. But few clinical trials, especially for chronic pain, have tested the transplant of cells or a cell line to treat human disease. The history of the research and development of useful cell-transplant-based approaches offers an understanding of the advantages and problems associated with these technologies, but as an adjuvant or replacement for current pharmacological treatments, cell therapy is a likely near future clinical tool for improved health care.


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Multiple physiological systems regulate the electric communication signal of the weakly electric gymnotiform fish, Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus. Fish were injected with neuroendocrine probes which identified pharmacologically relevant serotonin (5-HT) receptors similar to the mammalian 5-HT1AR and 5-HT2AR. Peptide hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal axis also augment the electric waveform. These results indicate that the central serotonergic system interacts with the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal system to regulate communication signals in this species. The same neuroendocrine probes were tested in females before and after introducing androgens to examine the relationship between sex steroid hormones, the serotonergic system, melanocortin peptides, and EOD modulations. Androgens caused an increase in female B. pinnicaudatus responsiveness to other pharmacological challenges, particularly to the melanocortin peptide adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). A forced social challenge paradigm was administered to determine if androgens are responsible for controlling the signal modulations these fish exhibit when they encounter conspecifics. Males and females responded similarly to this social challenge construct, however introducing androgens caused implanted females to produce more exaggerated responses. These results confirm that androgens enhance an individual's capacity to produce an exaggerated response to challenge, however another unidentified factor appears to regulate sex-specific behaviors in this species. These results suggest that the rapid electric waveform modulations B. pinnicaudatus produces in response to conspecifics are situation-specific and controlled by activation of different serotonin receptor types and the subsequent effect on release of pituitary hormones.


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A novel biocompatible and biodegradable polymer, termed poly(Glycerol malate co-dodecanedioate) (PGMD), was prepared by thermal condensation method and used for fabrication of nanoparticles (NPs). PGMD NPs were prepared using the single oil emulsion technique and loaded with an imaging/hyperthermia agent (IR820) and a chemotherapeutic agent (doxorubicin, DOX). The size of the void PGMD NPs, IR820-PGMD NPs and DOX-IR820-PGMD NPs were approximately 90 nm, 110 nm, and 125 nm respectively. An acidic environment (pH=5.0) induced higher DOX and IR820 release compared to pH=7.4. DOX release was also enhanced by exposure to laser, which increased the temperature to 42°C. Cytotoxicity of DOX-IR820-PGMD NPs was comparable in MES-SA but was higher in Dx5 cells compared to free DOX plus IR820 (p<0.05). The combination of hyperthermia (HT) and chemotherapy improved cytotoxicity in both cell lines. We also explored the cellular response after rapid, short-term and low thermal dose (laser/Dye/NP) induced-heating, and compared it to slow, long-term and high thermal dose cell incubator heating by investigating the reactive oxygen species (ROS) level, hypoxia-inducible factor-1&agr; (HIF-1&agr;) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression. The cytotoxicity of IR820-PGMD NPs after laser/Dye/NP HT resulted in higher cancer cell killing compared to incubator HT. ROS level, HIF-1&agr; and VEGF expression were elevated under incubator HT, while maintained at the baseline level under the laser/Dye/NP HT. In vivo mouse studies showed that NP formulation significantly improved the plasma half-life of IR820 after tail vein injection. Significant lower IR820 content was observed in kidney in DOX-IR820-PGMD NP treatment as compared to free IR820 treatment in our biodistribution studies (p<0.05). In conclusion, both IR820-PGMD NPs and DOX-IR820-PGMD NPs were successfully developed and used for both imaging and therapeutic purposes. Rapid and short-term laser/Dye/NP HT, with a low thermal dose, did not up-regulate HIF-1&agr; and VEGF expression, whereas slow and long-term incubator HT, with a high thermal dose, can enhance expression of both HIF-1&agr; and VEGF.^


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The eggs of the dengue fever vector Aedes aegypti possess the ability to undergo an extended quiescence period hosting a fully developed first instar larvae within its chorion. As a result of this life history stage, pharate larvae can withstand months of dormancy inside the egg where they depend on stored reserves of maternal origin. This adaptation known as pharate first instar quiescence, allows A. aegypti to cope with fluctuations in water availability. An examination of this fundamental adaptation has shown that there are trade-offs associated with it. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are frequently associated with urban habitats that may contain metal pollution. My research has demonstrated that the duration of this quiescence and the extent of nutritional depletion associated with it affects the physiology and survival of larvae that hatch in a suboptimal habitat; nutrient reserves decrease during pharate first instar quiescence and alter subsequent larval and adult fitness. The duration of quiescence compromises metal tolerance physiology and is coupled to a decrease in metallothionein mRNA levels. My findings also indicate that even low levels of environmentally relevant larval metal stress alter the parameters that determine vector capacity. My research has also demonstrated that extended pharate first instar quiescence can elicit a plastic response resulting in an adult phenotype distinct from adults reared from short quiescence eggs. Extended pharate first instar quiescence affects the performance and reproductive fitness of the adult female mosquito as well as the nutritional status of its progeny via maternal effects in an adaptive manner, i.e., anticipatory phenotypic plasticity results as a consequence of the duration of pharate first instar quiescence and alternative phenotypes may exist for this mosquito with quiescence serving as a cue possibly signaling the environmental conditions that follow a dry period. M findings may explain, in part, A. aegypti’s success as a vector and its geographic distribution and have implications for its vector capacity and control.


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The Fas system, comprising the Fas receptor (Fas/Apo-1/CD95) and its ligand, Fas ligand (FasL), is a central mediator of programmed cell death in various physiological and pathological processes. FasL exists as transmembrane and soluble forms and induces apoptosis on crosslinking with Fas receptor. Recent evidence indicated that tumor cells exploit this system for their immunologic escape that includes the loss of Fas and the gain of FasL expression. In the present study, nine mouse tumor cell lines of diverse origin were examined immunocytochemically for the expression of Fas and FasL. Nine of nine cell lines expressed FasL, and five of nine cell lines expressed Fas. FasL expression in these tumor cell lines was demonstrated to be functional by its induction of apoptosis in Fas-sensitive target cells in coculture experiments. These results suggest that FasL may be a prevalent mediator of immune privilege in mouse malignancies, and support the recently proposed "counterattack model" for local elimination of tumor-reactive immune cells by tumor cell-derived FasL.^ Culture supernatant of four cell lines expressing FasL showed cytotoxic effect on Fas-sensitive target cells, indicating the possibility of secreted FasL in the medium. The Fas-expressing cell lines were sensitized to anti-Fas antibody cytotoxicity following treatment with IL-2 and IFN-$\gamma$, suggesting cytokine stimulation as an effective target for future immunotherapeutic strategies. ^