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In this study, I determined the identity, taxonomic placement, and distribution of digenetic trematodes parasitizing the snails Pomacea paludosa and Planorbella duryi at Pa-hay-okee, Everglades National Park. I also characterized temporal and geographic variation in the probability of parasite infection for these snails based on two years of sampling. Although studies indicate that digenean parasites may have important effects both on individual species and the structure of communities, there have been no studies of digenean parasitism on snails within the Everglades ecosystem. For example, the endangered Everglade Snail Kite, a specialist that feeds almost exclusively on Pomacea paludosa, and is known to be a definitive host of digenean parasites, may suffer direct and indirect effects from consumption of parasitized apple snails. Therefore, information on the diversity and abundance of parasites harbored in snail populations in the Everglades should be of considerable interest for management and conservation of wildlife. Juvenile digeneans (cercariae) representing 20 species were isolated from these two snails, representing a quadrupling of the number of species known. Species were characterized based on morphological, morphometric, and sequence data (18S rDNA, COI, and ITS). Species richness of shed cercariae from P. duryi was greater than P. paludosa, with 13 and 7 species respectively. These species represented 14 families. P. paludosa and P. duryi had no digenean species in common. Probability of digenean infection was higher for P. duryi than P. paludosa and adults showed a greater risk of infection than juveniles for both of these snails. Planorbella duryi showed variation in probability of infection between sampling sites and hydrological seasons. The number of unique combinations of multi-species infections was greatest among P. duryi individuals, while the overall percentage of multi-species infections was greatest in P. paludosa. Analyses of six frequently-observed multiple infections from P. duryi suggest the presence of negative interactions, positive interactions, and neutral associations between larval digeneans. These results should contribute to an understanding of the factors controlling the abundance and distribution of key species in the Everglades ecosystem and may in particular help in the management and recovery planning for the Everglade Snail Kite.
Background The infraorder Anomura has long captivated the attention of evolutionary biologists due to its impressive morphological diversity and ecological adaptations. To date, 2500 extant species have been described but phylogenetic relationships at high taxonomic levels remain unresolved. Here, we reconstruct the evolutionary history—phylogeny, divergence times, character evolution and diversification—of this speciose clade. For this purpose, we sequenced two mitochondrial (16S and 12S) and three nuclear (H3, 18S and 28S) markers for 19 of the 20 extant families, using traditional Sanger and next-generation 454 sequencing methods. Molecular data were combined with 156 morphological characters in order to estimate the largest anomuran phylogeny to date. The anomuran fossil record allowed us to incorporate 31 fossils for divergence time analyses. Results Our best phylogenetic hypothesis (morphological + molecular data) supports most anomuran superfamilies and families as monophyletic. However, three families and eleven genera are recovered as para- and polyphyletic. Divergence time analysis dates the origin of Anomura to the Late Permian ~259 (224–296) MYA with many of the present day families radiating during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. Ancestral state reconstruction suggests that carcinization occurred independently 3 times within the group. The invasion of freshwater and terrestrial environments both occurred between the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary. Diversification analyses found the speciation rate to be low across Anomura, and we identify 2 major changes in the tempo of diversification; the most significant at the base of a clade that includes the squat-lobster family Chirostylidae. Conclusions Our findings are compared against current classifications and previous hypotheses of anomuran relationships. Many families and genera appear to be poly- or paraphyletic suggesting a need for further taxonomic revisions at these levels. A divergence time analysis provides key insights into the origins of major lineages and events and the timing of morphological (body form) and ecological (habitat) transitions. Living anomuran biodiversity is the product of 2 major changes in the tempo of diversification; our initial insights suggest that the acquisition of a crab-like form did not act as a key innovation.
With the increased antibiotic exposure from anthropogenic sources, soil microbes are an ever-increasing ecological pool of resistant bacteria. This is the case with bacterial resistance to vancomycin through transfer of van-resistance genes by transposons. Studies show that bacterial species other than enteroccoci harbor genetic-like elements such as the Tn1546 transposon containing vancomycin-resistant genes. Overuse and misuse of antibiotics in hospital settings and agricultural practices have led to an increase in transferability of vancomycin-resistant genes among microbes. The objective of this project is to analyze the diversity of these genes found in the soil microbes from Miami-Dade County. Bacterial isolates were Gram-stained and the Kirby-Bauer antibiotic disk diffusion test was performed to determine the degree of resistance. Results showed that all bacterial isolates were resistant to penicillin at the 10 µg concentration and most were susceptible to varying vancomycin concentrations (10 µg, 20 µg, and 30 µg). A 1465 bp fragment was amplified from the 16S rDNA gene using 27F and 1492R universal primers from the multi-antibiotic resistant bacteria and sequenced to identify the isolates. Three Gram-negative bacteria genera were identified with the closest phylogenetic match to: Pseudomonas sp., Stenotrophomonas sp., Xanthomonas sp., as well as two Gram-positive bacteria genera: Bacillus sp. and Brevibacillus sp. The isolates’ vanA and vanB genes were amplified using the respective primers. Ongoing work is underway to sequence and compare these known van resistant genes, with the goal of revealing intrinsic vancomycin resistance present in soil bacteria.
Antibiotic resistance has become an important area of research because of the excessive use of antibiotics in clinical and agricultural settings that are driving the evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria. However, drug tolerance is a naturally occurring phenomenon in soil communities, and is often linked to those soils that are exposed to heavy metals as well as antibiotics. Resistance to antibiotics maybe coupled with resistance to heavy metals in soil bacteria through efflux pumps that can be regulated by iron. Although considered s a heavy metal, iron is an essential component of life that regulates gene expression through the Ferric Uptake Regulator (Fur) protein. This master regulator protein is known to control siderophore production, and other biological pathways. As a suspected controller of biofilm formation, the role of Fur in environmental antibiotic resistance may be greater than is currently realized. In this study, we sought to explore a potential Fur-regulated drug tolerance pathway by understanding the response of soil bacteria when stressed with oxytetracycline and iron. Bacteria were collected from two locations in Miami Dade County. Isolates were first tested using Kirby-Bauer Disk Diffusion tests for antibiotic resistance/susceptibility and identified by 16S rDNA sequencing. A 96-well growth assay was developed to measure planktonic cell growth with 3 mM FeCl3, Oxytetracycline HCl, and the combination treatments. A Microtiter Dish Biofilm Formation Assay was employed and Fur diversity was evaluated. Tetracycline-susceptible bacterial isolates developed drug resistance with iron supplementation, but iron did not enhance biofilm formation. Development of a Fur-dependent drug resistance may be selected for, but further study is required to evaluate Fur evolution in the studied isolates. Gene expression analysis is also needed to further understand the ecological role of Fur and antibiotic resistance.