140 resultados para Arts and humanities
This poetry collection moves from the narrator’s childhood in the marshes of Canada to her coming of age in a new, southern swamp in South Florida. Many of the poems use free verse as well as fairly recent poetic forms like the Golden Shovel and the Pecha Kucha. Others rely on wordplay and nonce forms. Influenced by Hector Veil Temperly, Matthew Zapruder, Dorothea Lasky, Laura Kasischke and Anne Carson, the poems often employ simple language in stream of consciousness, and oscillate between lyric and narrative. These poems are feverish creations inspired by the oracular tradition and induced by the psychic crush of modern life: depression of the body and mind, cultural paranoia, and the decline of nature. The reader is privy not only to the personal biography of the narrator, but also to the inner workings of the narrator’s mind as it encounters and interprets the world.
The relationship between literature and the visual arts is ancient and it has been studied from different conceptual frames. Scholars agree that both have a descriptive function and therefore share the common goal of portraying a fictional or nonfictional reality. Based on this correspondence between two different modes of artistic expression, the Roman poet Horace coined the well-known simile ut pictura poesis --as is painting so is in poetry-- which in turn functions as the theoretical underpinning of ekphrasis, a rhetorical device through which one medium of art tries to describe the essence and form of another medium of art, with the purpose of enhancing the original work described. Spanish post-romantic poet and writer Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (1836-1870) mastered this rhetorical strategy by expertly weaving all of his artistic interests into his prose. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze how Bécquer makes his readers both see and hear through his prose. My semiotic research encompasses the various forms of ekphrasis used by Bécquer in the “Leyendas”. It shows how both images and symbols produce in readers sensory experiences that enhance their role as active participants in the creation of meaning. Thus, Bécquer´s prose is like a painting which not only tells a story, but also reflects reality through the eyes of the reader’s imagination. By using these ekphrastic strategies in his collection of short stories, Bécquer makes words, paintings, and music converge and collide with iconography, visual culture, and intertextuality. These components must be read, seen, heard, and understood to be more than just complementary to the text, but rather crucial elements, equal in importance to verbal expression. This analysis shows how Bécquer’s “Leyendas” not only tackle notions such as fantasy, figuration, and imagination, but also the importance of the reader´s gaze. Bécquer integrates processes such as imaginative action, iconization and visualization, into a semantic web whereby the reader creates his own particular hermeneutic image.
This investigation focused on the treatment of English deictic verbs of motion by Spanish-English bilinguals in Miami. Although English and Spanish share significant overlap of the spatial deixis system, they diverge in important aspects. It is not known how these verbs are processed by bilinguals. Thus, this study examined Spanish-English bilinguals’ interpretation of the verbs come, go, bring, and take in English. Forty-five monolingual English speakers and Spanish-English bilinguals participated. Participants were asked to watch video clips depicting motion events and to judge the acceptability of accompanying narrations spoken by the actors in the videos. Analyses showed that, in general, monolinguals and bilinguals patterned similarly across the deictic verbs come, bring, go and take. However, they did differ in relation to acceptability of word order for verbal objects. Also, bring was highly accepted by all language groups across all goal paths, possibly suggesting an innovation in its use.
John Henry discusses his background and his work. Comments by Javier Hernández-Lichtl, CEO of Baptist West Kendall Hospital. Introduction by Carol Damien.
Joel Perlman talks about his life and his evolution as an artist. Introduction by Carol Damian.
Juan Manuel Echavarria discusses his exhibition which includes 24 paintings created by men and women who participated in Colombia’s war. All 35 participants were rank and file soldiers demobilized either under the Ley de Justicia y Paz (Justice and Peace Law), or because they deserted or were wounded in combat. They spent two years painting their personal experiences, illustrating the rural tragedy; witnessing the involvement of drug traffickers, capturing the painful repertoire of violence in Colombia, which for years has played out alongside daily life, blending in with normality. Introduction by Carol Damien.
Susan Stamberg talks about the cultural impacts of Ernest Hemingway, Georgia O'Keffe, Frank Sinatra, and Elia Kazan. Introduction by Dahlia Morgan.
Cheech talks about Chicano art, his own art education and what led him to build his collection. Introduction by Dahlia Morgan.
Tom Otterness talks about his background and the influences on his work. He answers questions about his work from the attendees. Comments by Melissa Levine. Introduction by Amy Pollack. Lecture held at the Avenue of the Arts at Florida International University.
Ursula von Rydingsvard talks about her work and focuses her lecture on the process. Introduction by Carol Damian.
Glenn Lowry talks about the state of affairs at the MoMA as well as some of the issues the museum faces. Introduction by Dahlia Morgan.
Luis Jimenez provides a walk through tour of his exhibit and discusses each piece individually while sharing his experiences and life stories. The exhibit includes many of his drawings.