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Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) is a multi-purpose fruit tree, native to tropical Asia. It was introduced to South Florida in the early 1900s but has had little commercial importance. In recent years, there has been an increased interest in jackfruit as a commercial crop in South Florida, but there has been little scientific investigation conducted. The pollination mechanism was not clearly understood. This study focused on jackfruit breeding using 'Dang Rasimi' and 'Cheena' cultivars. Controlled hand-pollinations revealed that both cultivars were not apomictic. Both cultivars set fruit with self-pollination, but seed set and many fruit characters such as size, flesh percentage and edible percentage were greatly enhanced with cross-pollination. I conclude that jackfruit are outbreeding plants. Tests for pollen dispersal by wind were inconclusive. A variety of insects were collected, but few had a role in pollination. My results suggest that jackfruit are likely to have insect-assisted wind pollination in South Florida. ^


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This study examined the effectiveness of intelligent tutoring system instruction, grounded in John Anderson's ACT theory of cognition, on the achievement and attitude of developmental mathematics students in the community college setting. The quasi-experimental research used a pretest-posttest control group design. The dependent variables were problem solving achievement, overall achievement, and attitude towards mathematics. The independent variable was instructional method.^ Four intact classes and two instructors participated in the study for one semester. Two classes (n = 35) served as experimental groups; they received six lessons with real-world problems using intelligent tutoring system instruction. The other two classes (n = 24) served as control groups; they received six lessons with real-world problems using traditional instruction including graphing calculator support. It was hypothesized that students taught problem solving using the intelligent tutoring system would achieve more on the dependent variables than students taught without the intelligent tutoring system.^ Posttest mean scores for one teacher produced a significant difference in overall achievement for the experimental group. The same teacher had higher means, not significantly, for the experimental group in problem solving achievement. The study did not indicate a significant difference in attitude mean scores.^ It was concluded that using an intelligent tutoring system in problem solving instruction may impact student's overall mathematics achievement and problem solving achievement. Other factors must be considered, such as the teacher's classroom experience, the teacher's experience with the intelligent tutoring system, trained technical support, and trained student support; as well as student learning styles, motivation, and overall mathematics ability. ^


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Historically, abdominal complaints have been generally dealt with palliatively. Seldom were underlying causes given consideration. However, in 1982 (Warren & Marshall, 1983), the identification of the bacterial agent Helicobacter pylori (known hereafter in this paper as H. pylori) as a potential link between gastrointestinal complaints such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, Crohn's Disease, and some forms of gastric cancer has given rise for concern. In 1994, the National Institute for Health recommended that patients with complaints of dyspepsia be studied for the occurrence of H. pylori. This study proposes to study the occurrence of H. pylori in patients who complain with dyspepsia with a relatively non invasive screening technique to be done in an office setting. The study findings were considered signifcant if p $\le$.05. This study indicated that 49% of patients with complaints of dyspepsia were postive for H. pylori infection with p =.000. ^


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The purpose of this study was to establish a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction enzyme assay for detecting the hereditary hemochromatosis (HHC) mutation, C282Y, in gestational and gestational diabetic subjects in South Florida. DNA samples from 43 gestational subjects were amplified by PCR, digested with RsaI, and analyzed by electrophoresis. An allelic frequency of 2.33%, or 4.65% heterozygosity, was observed. The assay is successful and applicable to future studies on HHC and gestational diabetes. ^


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Research on the adoption of innovations by individuals has been criticized for focusing on various factors that lead to the adoption or rejection of an innovation while ignoring important aspects of the dynamic process that takes place. Theoretical process-based models hypothesize that individuals go through consecutive stages of information gathering and decision making but do not clearly explain the mechanisms that cause an individual to leave one stage and enter the next one. Research on the dynamics of the adoption process have lacked a structurally formal and quantitative description of the process. ^ This dissertation addresses the adoption process of technological innovations from a Systems Theory perspective and assumes that individuals roam through different, not necessarily consecutive, states, determined by the levels of quantifiable state variables. It is proposed that different levels of these state variables determine the state in which potential adopters are. Various events that alter the levels of these variables can cause individuals to migrate into different states. ^ It was believed that Systems Theory could provide the required infrastructure to model the innovation adoption process, particularly applied to information technologies, in a formal, structured fashion. This dissertation assumed that an individual progressing through an adoption process could be considered a system, where the occurrence of different events affect the system's overall behavior and ultimately the adoption outcome. The research effort aimed at identifying the various states of such system and the significant events that could lead the system from one state to another. By mapping these attributes onto an “innovation adoption state space” the adoption process could be fully modeled and used to assess the status, history, and possible outcomes of a specific adoption process. ^ A group of Executive MBA students were observed as they adopted Internet-based technological innovations. The data collected were used to identify clusters in the values of the state variables and consequently define significant system states. Additionally, events were identified across the student sample that systematically moved the system from one state to another. The compilation of identified states and change-related events enabled the definition of an innovation adoption state-space model. ^


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I investigated the phenology and breeding systems of two Florida endemic pawpaws, Asimina reticulata, widespread in peninsular Florida, and A. tetramera, a federally endangered species limited to two counties on the Atlantic Coastal Ridge. The purpose of this study was to determine if differences contribute to the rarity of Asimina tetramera compared with A. reticulata. The study was conducted in sand pine scrub sites with the largest populations of A. tetramera in the two counties. Flowering seasons differ for the two species. Both species are hermaphroditic and strongly protogynous. Pollination experiments show that neither species is autogamous and the primary breeding mechanism is outcrossing, although low levels of geitonogamous pollination occur in mature scrub habitats. High levels of inbreeding depression were noted in both species at both sites but inbreeding depression was relaxed the first year post-fire. Fruit set in mature habitats may be pollinator limited. ^ I studied insects associated with the flowers in sand pine scrub habitat in southeastern Florida from 1994–1996. The most commonly represented orders were Coleoptera (25 spp.), Lepidoptera. (3 spp.) and Hymenoptera. (3 spp.). All Coleoptera. were flower visitors; one species, Euphoria sepulchralis (Fabricius)(Scarabeaidae), visited flowers of the two Asimina species at both sites. Eurytides marcellus (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) eggs and larvae were observed on both species of Asimina during each year of the study. ^ Resource management techniques were applied to a mature sand pine scrub community in Jonathan Dickinson State Park in southeastern Florida for the management of Asimina tetramera. Manipulations conducted in 1996 included combinations of fire and mechanical treatments. I measured effects of these treatments on flowering and fruit set on A. tetramera and found cutting and burning was most effective in increasing flowering, followed by burning. Mechanical cutting and mulching had no significant effect. ^


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The market model is the most frequently estimated model in financial economics and has proven extremely useful in the estimation of systematic risk. In this era of rapid globalization of financial markets there has been a substantial increase in cross listings of stocks in foreign and regional capital markets. As many as a third to a half of the stocks in some major exchanges are foreign listed. The multiple listings of stocks has major implications for the estimation of systematic risk. The traditiona1 method of estimating the market model by using data from only one market will lead to misleading estimates of beta. This study demonstrates that the estimator for systematic risk and the methodology itself changes when stocks are listed in multiple markets. General expressions are developed to obtain the estimator of global beta under a variety of assumptions about the error terms of the market models for different capital markets. The assumptions pertain both to the volatilities of the abnormal returns in each market, and to the relationship between the markets. ^ Explicit expressions are derived for the estimation of global systematic risk beta when the returns are homoscedastic and also under different heteroscedastic conditions both within and/or between markets. These results for the estimation of global beta are further extended when return generating process follows an autoregressive scheme.^


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Fever has both beneficial and detrimental effects. There is evidence that antipyretics and physical cooling methods, when used in combination, are more effective than antipyretics alone. This randomized controlled study examined 45 acutely ill adults with fever ${\ge}102.5\sp\circ\rm F$ where three nursing interventions were used. Group I received acetaminophen 650 mgs., Group II received acetaminophen 650 mgs. and tepid sponging, and Group III received acetaminophen 650 mgs. and hypothermia blanket. The purpose of this study was to evaluate which nursing intervention reduced temperature most effectively with respect to eight biobehavioral variables. Research hypotheses were tested statistically using the chi-square test and repeated measures analysis of variance. The study found statistically significant results for fever reduction overall, but no difference for the groups. Therefore, we suggest that acetaminophen alone be used in the treatment of fever in order to decrease cost, nursing time, and increase patient comfort. ^


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The purpose of this research study was to investigate if the determination of school readiness as it was evaluated by Broward County kindergarten teachers on the Florida's Expectations of School Readiness checklist can be attributed to the effects of gender, chronological age on school entry, racial or ethnic background, attending public preschool, native language other than English, or socioeconomic status.^ This is a descriptive study in which the number of expectations passed or failed for each of the identifier categories was compared. The Chi-squared distribution was used to evaluate the null hypothesis that "chronological age at entry to school, gender, race or ethnicity, native language other than English, public preschool experience, and socioeconomic status have no effect on the determination of readiness for school". Results were confirmed using t-tests, ANOVA, and linear regression models. The cohort of 1555 Broward County students in the study were evaluated using the Florida's Expectations for School Readiness checklist and were determined not ready for school during the initial data collection year 1996-1997.^ The determination of school readiness was significantly dependent on the gender, and racial or ethnic background of the students in the cohort. The socioeconomic status and native language other than English designations were significant for students only in the areas of preacademic, academic and literacy development. Chronological age on entry to school or attendance in public preschool prior to entry in kindergarten for the cohort was not significant in the determination of readiness for school.^ Given the fact that this study followed only students that were determined not ready for school, it is recommended that a second cohort of both "ready" and "not ready" students be studied. ^


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of cooperative learning strategies on students' attitudes toward science and achievement in BSC 1005L, a non-science majors' general biology laboratory course at an urban community college. Data were gathered on the participants' attitudes toward science and cognitive biology level pre and post treatment in BSC 1005L. Elements of the Learning Together model developed by Johnson and Johnson and the Student Team-Achievement Divisions model created by Slavin were incorporated into the experimental sections of BSC 1005L.^ Four sections of BSC 1005L participated in this study. Participants were enrolled in the 1998 spring (January) term. Students met weekly in a two hour laboratory session. The treatment was administered to the experimental group over a ten week period. A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design was used. Students in the cooperative learning group (n$\sb1$ = 27) were administered the Test of Science-Related Attitudes (TOSRA) and the cognitive biology test at the same time as the control group (n$\sb2$ = 19) (at the beginning and end of the term).^ Statistical analyses confirmed that both groups were equivalent regarding ethnicity, gender, college grade point average and number of absences. Independent sample t-tests performed on pretest mean scores indicated no significant differences in the TOSRA scale two or biology knowledge between the cooperative learning group and the control group. The scores of TOSRA scales: one, three, four, five, six, and seven were significantly lower in the cooperative learning group. Independent sample t-tests of the mean score differences did not show any significant differences in posttest attitudes toward science or biology knowledge between the two groups. Paired t-tests did not indicate any significant differences on the TOSRA or biology knowledge within the cooperative learning group. Paired t-tests did show significant differences within the control group on TOSRA scale two and biology knowledge. ANCOVAs did not indicate any significant differences on the post mean scores of the TOSRA or biology knowledge adjusted by differences in the pretest mean scores. Analysis of the research data did not show any significant correlation between attitudes toward science and biology knowledge. ^


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The completion of and graduation from high school is a major problem that must be resolved. A 6% random sample of the students (1,059) who were in the 9th grade in Miami-Dade Public Schools, a large urban school district, September 1992, were selected for this study. The sample was divided into 2 groups, advanced academic and general track students. Each group was then divided into vocational and non-vocational. A causal comparative design was used to evaluate the results for graduate vs. non-graduate. The indicators were the program of study, attendance, standardized test scores, grade point average, ethnicity and gender. It was found that both advanced academic and general track students had significantly higher graduation rates at the .01 level when a vocational education program was part of their studies. All of the other indicators did not show any significant differences. If we arc to improve students educational outcomes and reduce the dropout rate, vocational education should be part of every student's education.^


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This study examines what many scholars have neglected to investigate when addressing post Civil War issues in Lebanon. Most studies have addressed political issues surrounding activities of Shiite movements, such as Harakat Amal or Hizb Allah, while socioeconomic issues have been neglected.^ Imam Musa Sadr challenged the power of traditional Shiite leaders by creating official Shiites institutions and movements like Amal. The Iranian Revolution and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 sparked the creation of Hizb Allah which, not only struggled against its foes, but also provided social services to the Shiites. This development program has been central in creating political legitimacy for Hizb Allah, regardless of its military situation, which suggests that socioeconomic development can transform a militia into a legitimate actor on the Lebanese political scene. The survivability of Shiite parties is therefore tantamount to not only their military might, but also to their social involvement. ^


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The purpose of this study was to determine how dental and medical school deans perceived their own leadership styles and how many management/leadership perspectives they used when approaching a problem. A descriptive and correlational study was conducted which examined the leadership orientations or "frames" utilized by these deans. Four frames--the structural, the human resource, the political, and the symbolic--emerged from leadership studies which described the behavior of leaders in organizational actions and problem solving.^ Employing the repeated measures ANCOVA, it was found that there were no significant interactions between type of dean and perceptions or perspectives. However, the main effects of both leadership style perceptions and the use of perspectives were significant. This indicated that over the total sample of deans, both perceptions and perspectives were used differently; the deans perceived themselves and used perspectives the highest for the human resource frame and the lowest for the political frame. Also, dental deans' mean use overall of the four perspective frames was higher than the medical deans. In addition to the ANCOVA, t-tests performed on perceptions revealed that the deans perceived the frames differently in three human resource items. Pearson's correlations indicated that for the combined sample of deans, significant negative correlations existed when the human resource or symbolic frame was compared to the structural frame. All of the deans used multiple frames, allowing them to re-frame or combine frames according to the situation. ^


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There has been increasing interest in expanding the scope of the study of the "basic" emotions and their development in infancy to include more of the so-called "complex" emotions like jealousy. This dissertation investigated evidence for the divergence of jealousy in infants from both fear and anger, two of the basic emotions said to be precursors and contributors to the emergence of jealousy in the later part of the first year of life. Participants judged how well eight emotion-denoting terms (including jealousy, anger and fear) described infants' emotionality in fear-, anger-, and jealousy-provoking situations in which the social context of the emotion episodes was either included or excluded. Differences within and between participants' judgments of the eight terms in the two context conditions were examined across the three emotion-provoking conditions. Results suggested that infants' emotional behavior denoting jealousy was not judged differently from behavior denoting anger or fear in the absence of contextual information and, that when contextual information was provided, attributions of infant jealousy, anger, and fear were made "correctly" for their respective target emotion conditions. ^


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The present study researched how first-generation black national Caribbean groups and native born black Americans perceived each other socially within an African American institution. Each group rated the other group on items dealing with perceived social relations. Two black ethnically-distinct communities totaling 151 participants were studied. Chi-square ($\chi\sp2$) and one-way analyses of variances (ANOVAs) were employed to test the collected data. The study yielded results about the researched groups that supported both the major findings in the review literature and the thesis's hypothesis; namely, that black Caribbean nationals tend to perceive that they relate socially more with their own group than with African Americans even as mutual participants in a monoracial institution. The present study was unique, as it incorporated a multinational Caribbean group and an African American group that the literature has not previously researched together, and especially as it surveyed these two groups in the context of a black-owned institution. ^