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The purpose of this study was to determine how dental and medical school deans perceived their own leadership styles and how many management/leadership perspectives they used when approaching a problem. A descriptive and correlational study was conducted which examined the leadership orientations or "frames" utilized by these deans. Four frames--the structural, the human resource, the political, and the symbolic--emerged from leadership studies which described the behavior of leaders in organizational actions and problem solving.^ Employing the repeated measures ANCOVA, it was found that there were no significant interactions between type of dean and perceptions or perspectives. However, the main effects of both leadership style perceptions and the use of perspectives were significant. This indicated that over the total sample of deans, both perceptions and perspectives were used differently; the deans perceived themselves and used perspectives the highest for the human resource frame and the lowest for the political frame. Also, dental deans' mean use overall of the four perspective frames was higher than the medical deans. In addition to the ANCOVA, t-tests performed on perceptions revealed that the deans perceived the frames differently in three human resource items. Pearson's correlations indicated that for the combined sample of deans, significant negative correlations existed when the human resource or symbolic frame was compared to the structural frame. All of the deans used multiple frames, allowing them to re-frame or combine frames according to the situation. ^
An integrated, dual-phase study design assessed the health and nutritional status and practices of African-American (A-A), Caribbean (A-C), and white non-Hispanic (W-A) women during perimenopause (40–55 years). During Phase I, four focus groups (n = 37) of male and female participants discussed the health and social implications of perimenopause. A conceptual framework for the main study (Phase II) was developed from the focus groups' findings, in concert with the main study's specific aims and objectives. ^ The main study, a cross-sectional survey, quantitatively assessed the health and nutritional status of a convenience sample of 109 women (25 A-A, 31 A-C and 53 W-A), who met specific eligibility criteria. Using seven instruments, sociodemographic, dietary, medical, reproductive health, health practice and anthropometric data were collected. ^ The groups were of comparable age, education, and socioeconomic status (SES). Despite these similarities, statistically significant interethnic nutritional status differences were found. Significantly more total energy and energy from fat were consumed by A-A than W-A and A-C women. Also, significantly more A-A and A-C than W-A women were overweight or obese with android-type weight patterning. ^ Overall, iron and calcium Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA's) were not met by 35% and 68% of participants, respectively. Iron deficiency anemia was reported by 29% of participants while 33% reported heavier menstrual bleeding. Coupled with suboptimal iron intakes, this is likely to present a serious public health problem. Similarly, increased bone demineralization characteristic of perimenopause, coupled with suboptimal calcium intakes could precipitate another public health problem, osteoporosis. ^ Participants had different expectations about the role of medical care during perimenopause. Significantly more white (57%) than black (38% [A-A and AC]) women sought medical attention for symptoms. Whereas Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was prescribed for 25% of them, only 13% were compliant at enrollment. ^ The trends and statistically significant findings of this study have huge public health policy implications. It is imperative that appropriate policies are formulated to ensure that America's ethnically diverse perimenopausal women have ready access to culturally appropriate care. This would optimize their health outcomes, and enhance their quality of life and productive capacities at this critical juncture of their lives. ^
The United States has over 4 million births annually. Currently healthy women with non-complicated deliveries receive little to no routine postpartum support when discharged from the hospital. This is especially problematic if mothers are first time mothers, poor, have language barriers and little to no social support after giving birth. The purpose of this randomized clinical trial was to compare maternal and infant health outcomes, and health care charges between 2 groups of mothers and newborns. A control ( n = 69) group received routine posthospital discharge care. An intervention group (n = 70) received routine posthospital discharge care plus follow up telephone calls by advanced practice nurses (APNs) on days 3,7,14,21,28 and week 8. Both groups were followed for the first 8 weeks posthospital discharge following delivery to examine maternal health outcomes (perceived maternal stress, social support and perceived maternal physical health), infant health outcomes (routine medical follow up visits immunizations, weight gain), morbidity (urgent care visits, emergency room visits, rehospitalizations), health care charges (urgent care visits, emergency room visits, rehospitalizations) in both groups and charges for APN follow up in the intervention group only. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and two-sample t-tests. Study findings indicated that intervention group had significantly lower perceived maternal stress, significantly higher rating of perceived maternal health and higher levels of social support and by the end of the 2nd month posthospital discharge compared to control group mothers. Infants in the intervention group had: increased number of immunizations; fewer emergency room visits; and 1 infant rehospitalization compared to 3 infant rehospitalizations in the control group. The intervention groups' health care charges were significantly lower compared to the control group $14,333/$497 vs. $70,834/$1,068. These study results indicate that an intervention of APN follow up telephone calls in this sample of first time low-income culturally diverse mothers was an effective, safe, low cost, easy to apply intervention which improved mothers' and infants' health outcomes and reduced healthcare charges.