140 resultados para Arts and humanities


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Dr. Soroush Dabbagh presents a lecture on the moral permissibility of unveiling from both philosophical and jurisprudential points of view. Lecture was held on February 8, 2013 at the Green Library, Modesto Maidique Campus, Florida International University.


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The Coral Gables Museum hosts a workshop for Miami-Dade County Public School teachers on the "Beyond Swastika and Jim Crow" exhibition on display the museum.


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Dr. Robert Moser, Associate Professor of Portuguese, Brazilian and Lusophone African Literature and Culture at the University of Georgia, lectures on the late Brazilian playwright Augusto Boal, who was known for developing the Theater of the Oppressed. Lecture held at Green Library, Modesto Maidique Campus, Florida International University.


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Lecture on the topic of the representation of violence in motion pictures, presented at Books & Books Coral Gables on January 29, 2013.


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Dr. Manoj Jain of the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University presents on the topic of applying Jain principles in Medical Practice. Lecture held at the Frost Art Museum, Modesto Maidique Campus, Florida International University on November 4, 2013.


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World-renowned poet Edwidge Danticat gives a lecture on how one's exile experiences can shape their creative oeuvre.Lecture held at the Graham Center, Modesto Maidique Campus, Florida International University on February 11, 2013.


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The Florida International University Drama students present a reading of "Collaborators: Elia Kazan, Arthur Miller, and Marilyn Monroe" by Dr Richard Schwartz. This play touches upon events that surrounded the Cold War and the House of Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s. Event was held at the Black Box at the Wertheim Performing Arts Center on March 31, 2014.


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The Center for Humanities in an Urban Environment presents a screening of the WPBT South Florida Public Television Documentary "Parallel Lives". Afterward, the central figures of the film Mrs Arva Moore Parks and Dr Dorothy Jenkins Fields joined the audience for a talk back. Event held on August 31, 2011 at the Green Library, Modesto Maidique Campus, Florida International University.


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THE ROAD FROM EMMAUS is a collection of 20 personal and lyric essays that explores the narrator’s role as mother and daughter through a close look at significant life events, including her parents’ divorce, a high-risk pregnancy, the death of her father, talking to her daughter for the first time about sex, and accompanying her daughter to the DMV for a learner’s permit. Through examining familial roles and relationships, the narrator’s longing for home emerges as a unifying theme. The essays in THE ROAD FROM EMMAUS vary in style and tone, from light and funny to serious and probing. The collection is divided into five sections, each highlighting a different aspect of the narrator’s life as she evolves from a child, to a young adult, a mother, and a daughter who must help take care of her aging parents.


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Blotto in the Lifeboat is a book of poems that investigates natural processes and idiosyncrasies of human societies. Ranging from the absurd to the scientific in tone, the poems in Blotto in the Lifeboat situate themselves on the blurry-line between fact and imagination, employing a style that Thomas Lux describes as “imaginative realism.” The middle of three sections is comprised solely of the long poem, “A Compendium of the True and Wondrous,” which collages remarkable facts and anecdotes to highlight the strange realities of the world and the rapidity of change. The first and third sections contain shorter, narrative poems in which the surreal or comic is often employed. The language of the poems in BLOTTO IN THE LIFEBOAT reflects a similar desire to affix the fantastic to the familiar. Metaphors in the tradition of Elizabeth Bishop and Charles Simic rely on wild leaps of imagination to illuminate the real world.


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NEC(ROMANTIC) is a poetry collection thematically linked through images of insects, celestial bodies, bones, and other elements of the supernatural. These images are indicative of spells, but the parenthesis around romantic in the collection’s title also implies idealism. The poems explore the author’s experiences with death, grief, love, oppression, and addiction. NEC(ROMANTIC) employs the use of traditional forms such as the villanelle, sestina, and haiku to organize these experiences. Prose poetry and a peca kucha ground the center of NEC(ROMANTIC) which alternates between lyrical and narrative gestures. NEC(ROMANTIC) is influenced by Sylvia Plath. The author uses Plath’s methods of compression, sound, and rhythm to create a swift, child-like tone when examining emotionally laden topics. Ilya Kaminsky influences lyrical elements of the poems, including surrealism. Spencer Reese’s combination of the natural and personal world is also paramount to this book. Adrienne Rich and Audre Lorde influence NEC(ROMANTIC)’s political poetry.


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This poster presentation will exhibit the ongoing design work within two small islands adjacent to Diner Key Marina gifted by the City of Miami to the non-profit organization, Shake-A-Leg. This organization works to blur the lines between access, recreation, and skill, redefining what is possible. Abled and disabled children, adolescents, and young adults go to Shake-A-Leg to participate in a myriad of activities such as sailing, kayaking, swimming, painting, and socializing in these islands regardless of their inadequate walkways and installations. The users are people from different social statuses, physical and mental abilities. This poster will exhibit the design proposal to enhance the islands’ infrastructure to provide seamless access to all its visitors through the lush habitat in these islands. The proposed program challenges the disabilities of the person and helps them to mediate and transform them into new possibilities and abilities. The program proposes ten components which include a nature trail, restrooms, dinning center, art studio, and observation deck. The design of each space draws from the sailing boat to create solutions were the user will explore, participate and enjoy. The location encourages a feeling of challenge but at the same time it is a place for relief and freedom, allowing them to discover the diversity through experimentation and interaction with the environment. This poster presents design principles that value equal access and experience, celebrating the differences among users and the environment, blurring the lines between nature and access.