34 resultados para long hydroperiod marsh
Understanding the relationships between hydrology and salinity and plant community structure and production is critical to allow predictions of wetland responses to altered water management, changing precipitation patterns and rising sea-level. We addressed how salinity, water depth, hydroperiod, canal inflows, and local precipitation control marsh macrophyte aboveground net primary production (ANPP) and structure in the coastal ecotone of the southern Everglades. We contrasted responses in two watersheds - Taylor Slough (TS) and C-111 - systems that have and will continue to experience changes in water management. Based on long-term trajectories in plant responses, we found continued evidence of increasing water levels and length of inundation in the C-111 watershed south of the C-111 canal. We also found strong differentiation among sites in upper TS that was dependent on hydrology. Finally, salinity, local precipitation and freshwater discharge from upstream explained over 80 % of the variance in Cladium ANPP at a brackish water site in TS. Moreover, our study showed that, while highly managed, the TS and C-111 watersheds maintain legacies in spatial pattern that would facilitate hydrologic restoration. Based on the trajectories in Cladium and Eleocharis, shifts in plant community structure could occur within 5–10 years of sustained water management change.
After developing field sampling protocols and making a series of consultations with investigators involved in research in CSSS habitat, we determined that vegetationhydrology interactions within this landscape are best sampled at a combination of scales. At the finer scale, we decided to sample at 100 m intervals along transects that cross the range of habitats present, and at the coarser scale, to conduct an extensive survey of vegetation at sites of known sparrow density dispersed throughout the range of the CSSS. We initiated sampling in the first week of January 2003 and continued it through the last week of May. During this period, we established 6 transects, one in each CSSS subpopulation, completed topographic survey along the Transects A, C, D, and F, and sampled herb and shrub stratum vegetation, soil depth and periphyton along Transects A, and at 179 census points. We also conducted topographic surveys and completed vegetation and soil depth sampling along two of five transects used by ENP researchers for monitoring long-term vegetation change in Taylor Slough. We analyzed the data by summarizing the compositional and structural measures and by using cluster analysis, ordination, weighted averaging regression, and weighted averaging calibration. The mean elevation of transects decreased from north to south, and Transect F had greater variation than other transects. We identified eight vegetation assemblages that can be grouped into two broad categories, ‘wet prairie’ and ‘marsh’. In the 2003 survey, wet prairies were most dominant in the northeastern sub-populations, and had shorter inferred-hydroperiod, higher species richness and shallower soils than marshes, which were common in Subpopulations A, D, and the southernmost regions of Sub-population B. Most of the sites at which birds were observed during 2001 or 2002 had an inferred-hydroperiod of 120-150 days, while no birds were observed at sites with an inferred-hydroperiod less than 120 days or more than 300 days. Management-induced water level changes in Taylor Slought during the 1980’s and 1990’s appeared to elicit parallel changes in vegetation. The results described in detail in the following pages serve as a basis for evaluating and modifying, if necessary, the sampling design and analytical techniques to be used in the next three years of the project.
In aquatic ecosystems, hydrological fluctuation may generate a gradient of lifehistory responses associated with marsh drying. This study was conducted in the Florida Everglades to document spatial and temporal variability in growth and survivorship of the bluefin killifish (Lucania goodei) from six populations along a hydroperiod gradient. The otolith-microstructure analysis of field-collected fish was used to estimate growth rate and those data were combined with field-density estimates for survivorship analysis. Otolith analysis revealed that L. goodei is extremely short-lived with no variation in growth rates and very little spatial or temporal variation in survivorship. These results suggest that bluefin killifish populations experience similar life histories across a diversity of hydroperiods either through well-mixed populations homogenizing these vital rates, or more likely, that a multitude of factors force L. goodei to respond to these "stressors" in a similar fashion across hydroperiod gradients.
Large-extent vegetation datasets that co-occur with long-term hydrology data provide new ways to develop biologically meaningful hydrologic variables and to determine plant community responses to hydrology. We analyzed the suitability of different hydrological variables to predict vegetation in two water conservation areas (WCAs) in the Florida Everglades, USA, and developed metrics to define realized hydrologic optima and tolerances. Using vegetation data spatially co-located with long-term hydrological records, we evaluated seven variables describing water depth, hydroperiod length, and number of wet/dry events; each variable was tested for 2-, 4- and 10-year intervals for Julian annual averages and environmentally-defined hydrologic intervals. Maximum length and maximum water depth during the wet period calculated for environmentally-defined hydrologic intervals over a 4-year period were the best predictors of vegetation type. Proportional abundance of vegetation types along hydrological gradients indicated that communities had different realized optima and tolerances across WCAs. Although in both WCAs, the trees/shrubs class was on the drier/shallower end of hydrological gradients, while slough communities occupied the wetter/deeper end, the distribution ofCladium, Typha, wet prairie and Salix communities, which were intermediate for most hydrological variables, varied in proportional abundance along hydrologic gradients between WCAs, indicating that realized optima and tolerances are context-dependent.