20 resultados para Workplace aggression
As the nursing profession faces a shortage of nurses, workplace initiatives focused on retaining employees are critical to the United States healthcare industry (Sochalski, 2002). The purpose of this research was to determine whether self-reported intent to stay on the job was related to perceptions of workplace empowerment using Kanter's (1977) theory of organizational empowerment as a framework. ^ The sample consisted of 206 Florida registered nurses. Four self-report scales and a demographic questionnaire were administered by mail. The Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire (CWEQ; Chandler, 1987), Job Activity Scale (JAS; Laschinger, Kutzscher, & Sabiston, 1993), Organizational Relationships Scale (ORS; Laschinger, Sabiston, & Kutzscher, 1993) and an intent to stay instrument (Kim, Price, Mueller & Watson, 1996) were used to measure perceived access to empowerment structures, perceived formal power, perceived informal power, and intent to stay, respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlational analysis, and hierarchical regression. ^ Twenty-eight percent of the variance of intent to stay was explained by perceived access to empowerment structures, perceived formal power, and perceived informal power when holding age, gender, education, overall nursing experience, and number of years on current job constant. Perceived access to empowerment structures (CWEQ total score) was the best predictor of self-reported intent to stay for this sample. Of the four components of perceived access to work empowerment structures, perceived access to opportunity and resources were the best predictors of nurses' intent to stay on the job. ^ This study was the first step in establishing the relationship between Kanter's full model and intent to remain on the job, which is a stepping stone for the development of effective retention strategies based on a workplace empowerment model. This knowledge is particularly important in today's healthcare industry where healthcare administrators and human resource development practitioners are ideally positioned to implement organizational strategies to enhance access to work empowerment structures and potentially reduce turnover and mitigate the effects of nursing shortage. ^
Androgens regulate aggression in male vertebrates however the exact role they play in regulating aggression in females is not as well understood. Female aggression is commonplace in many vertebrate groups where it can provide various advantages to the aggressors. I explored whether androgens serve as important hormonal mediators of aggressive behavior in female electric fish. I paired adult females of the weakly-electric fish Brachyhypopomus gauderio in aggressive encounters and compared bloodtestosterone (T) levels of dominant and subordinate groups. Afterwards, I implanted a new set of females with the androgen 5a-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and compared frequency of different aggressive behaviors to a blank-implanted group. I created dyads ofblank-blank (BB), blank-DHT (BD), and DHT-DHT (DD). I demonstrate that dominant females have higher T-levels than subordinates. I also show that the frequency of aggressive behaviors is dependent upon treatment type. Androgens increased both the intensity and level of female aggression, however the degree and type of aggressive behavior depended on the opponent being fought.
Bullying is a growing problem in all organizations. This paper will examine how transformational theory can be used to understand victims who are being bullied in the workplace. This research will provide useful information regarding all aspects of bullying and how it relates to this theory.
This study examined variables that may influence coworkers' acceptance of accommodations made for employees with disabilities. Agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, self-esteem, and emotional intelligence were predicted to affect the relationship between procedural justice and fairness perceptions of accommodations made for disabled workers. Approximately 400 university students read one of four accommodation scenarios and provided fairness ratings in order to test eight hypotheses. Results provided evidence that the presence of procedural justice had a direct influence on participants' fairness perceptions of implemented accommodations. Participants' individual characteristics were also directly related to fairness perceptions. Additionally, conscientiousness was found to moderate the relationship between the presence of procedural justice and fairness perceptions. Findings from this study suggest that organizations should use clear and consistent guidelines and procedures to determine and implement accommodations. Additionally, findings reinforce the importance of keeping individuals informed of the ways in which decisions are made within an organization.
Today’s workplace is undergoing dramatic shifts due to the growth of Miillennials within the workforce and the insertion of their ideals, values, and identity in organizations. This article explores the workplace profile of Millennials, their use of technology, their workplace engagement, and the ultimate impact they have on organizational success.