27 resultados para Biology, Neuroscience|Health Sciences, Pharmacology|Chemistry, Biochemistry


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Press Release from Florida International University 's Office of Media Relations announcing the appointment of Dr. John Rock as founding Dean of Florida International University 's College of Medicine.


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Most ethnopharmacological studies overlook food plants, yet many edible plants, also have medicinal value. I documented plants that are used as both food and medicine by the Totonac of Zapotitlan de Mendez, Mexico and recorded the presence of selected secondary compounds, and physical characteristics in these plants. Photoactivity, antimicrobial, and antifungal assays also were performed. The presence of these properties were compared among food/medicine plants, food, medicinal, and randomly selected plants. I predicted that a higher percentage of medicinal plants would contain the secondary compounds, physical characteristics, and bioactivity compared to the other groups. Phenolics and cyanogenic glycosides in the medicinal group were significantly greater than in the food/medicine group. The food plants did not differ greatly from the medicinal plants. This research indicates that including food plants in ethnomedical studies could provide a more complete knowledge of peoples therapeutic resources and practices. ^


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In the field of postmortem toxicology, principles from pharmacology and toxicology are combined in order to determine if exogenous substances contributed to ones death. In order to make this determination postmortem and (whenever available) antemortem blood samples may be analyzed. This project focused on evaluating the relationship between postmortem and antemortem blood drug levels, in order to better define an interpretive framework for postmortem toxicology. To do this, it was imperative to evaluate the differences in antemortem and postmortem drug concentrations, determine the role microbial activity and evaluate drug stability. Microbial studies determined that the bacteria Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa could use the carbon structures of drugs as a source of food. This would suggest prior to sample collection, microbial activity could potentially affect drug levels. This process however would stop before toxicologic evaluation, as at autopsy blood samples are stored in tubes containing the antimicrobial agent sodium fluoride. Analysis of preserved blood determined that under the current storage conditions sodium fluoride effectively inhibited microbial growth. Nonetheless, in many instances inconsistent drug concentrations were identified. When comparing antemortem to postmortem results, diphenhydramine, morphine, codeine and methadone, all showed significantly increased postmortem drug levels. In many instances, increased postmortem concentrations correlated with extended postmortem intervals. Other drugs, such as alprazolam, were likely to have concentration discrepancies when short antemortem to death intervals were coupled with extended postmortem intervals. While still others, such as midazolam followed the expected pattern of metabolism and elimination, which often resulted in decreased postmortem concentrations. The importance of drug stability was displayed when reviewing the clonazepam/ 7-aminoclonazepam data, as the parent drug commonly converted to its metabolite even when stored in the presence of a preservative. In instances of decreasing postmortem drug concentrations the effect of refrigerated storage could not be ruled out. A stability experiment, which contained codeine, produced data that indicated concentrations could continue to decline under the current storage conditions. The cumulative data gathered for this experiment was used to identify concentration trends, which subsequently aided in the development of interpretive considerations for the specific analytes examined in the study.


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Fact sheet describing the desired qualifications for the Academic Health Sciences Master Planning Initiative team.


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One-third of botanical remedies from southern Italy are used to treat skin and soft tissue infections (SST's). Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a common cause of SSTIs, is responsible for increased morbidity and mortality from infections. Therapeutic options are limited by antibiotic resistance. Many plants possess potent antimicrobial compounds for these disorders. Validation of traditional medical practices is important for the people who rely on medicinal plants. Moreover, identification of novel antibiotics and anti-pathogenic agents for MRSA is important to global healthcare.^ I took an ethnopharmacological approach to understand how Italian medicinal plants used for the treatment of SSTIs affect MRSA growth and virulence. My hypothesis was that plants used in folk remedies for SSTI would exhibit lower cytotoxicity and greater inhibition of bacterial growth, biofilm formation and toxin production in MRSA than plants used for remedies unrelated to the skin or for plants with no ethnomedical application. The field portion of my research was conducted in the Vulture-Alto Bradano area of southern Italy. I collected 104 plant species and created 168 crude extracts. In the lab, I screened samples for activity against MRSA in a battery of bioassays. Growth inhibition was analyzed using broth microtiter assays for determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration. Interference with quorum-sensing (QS) processes, which mediate pathogenicity, was quantified through RP-HPLC of δ-toxin production. Interference with biofilm formation and adherence was assessed using staining methods. The mammalian cytotoxicity of natural products was analyzed using MTT cell proliferation assay techniques.^ Although bacteriostatic activity was limited, extracts from six plants used in Italian folk medicine (Arundo donax, Ballota nigra, Juglans regia, Leopoldia comosa, Marrubium vulgare, and Rubus ulmifolius ) significantly inhibited biofilm formation and adherence. Moreover, plants used to treat SSTI demonstrated significantly greater anti-biofilm activity when compared to plants with no ethnomedical application. QSI activity was evident in 90% of the extracts tested and extracts from four plants ( Ballota nigra, Castanea saliva, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Sambucus ebulus) exhibited a significant dose-dependent response. Some of the plant remedies for SSTI identified in this study can be validated due to anti-MRSA activity.^


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Despite of its known toxicity and potential to cause cancer, arsenic has been proven to be a very important tool for the treatment of various refractory neoplasms. One of the promising arsenic-containing chemotherapeutic agents in clinical trials is Darinaparsin (dimethylarsinous glutathione, DMA III(GS)). In order to understand its toxicity and therapeutic efficacy, the metabolism of Darinaparsin in human cancer cells was evaluated. With the aim of detecting all potential intermediates and final products of the biotransformation of Darinaparsin and other arsenicals, an analytical method employing high performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS) was developed. This method was shown to be capable of separating and detecting fourteen human arsenic metabolites in one chromatographic run. The developed analytical technique was used to evaluate the metabolism of Darinaparsin in human cancer cells. The major metabolites of Darinaparsin were identified as dimethylarsinic acid (DMAV), DMA III(GS), and dimethylarsinothioyl glutathione (DMMTAV(GS)). Moreover, the method was employed to study the conditions and mechanisms of formation of thiol-containing arsenic metabolites from DMAIII(GS) and DMAV as the mechanisms of formation of these important As species were unknown. The arsenic sulfur compounds studied included but were not limited to the newly discovered human arsenic metabolite DMMTA V(GS) and the unusually highly toxic dimethylmonothioarsinic acid (DMMTAV). It was found that these species may form from hydrogen sulfide produced in enzymatic reactions or by utilizing the sulfur present in protein persulfides. Possible pathways of thiolated arsenical formation were proposed and supporting data for their existence provided. In addition to known mechanism of arsenic toxicity such as protein-binding and reactive oxygen formation, it was proposed that the utilization of thiols from protein persulfides during the formation of thiolated arsenicals may be an additional mechanism of toxicity. The toxicities of DMAV(GS), DMMTA V, and DMMTAV(GS) were evaluated in cancer cells, and the ability of these cells to take the compounds up were compared. When assessing the toxicity by exposing multiple myeloma cells to arsenicals externally, DMMTAV(GS) was much less toxic than DMAIII(GS) and DMMTAV, probably as a result of its very limited uptake (less than 10% and 16% of DMAIII(GS) and DMMTAV respectively).^


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In the first part of this study human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) proviral DNA sequences derived from 201 clones of the C2-V3 env region and the first exon of the tat gene were obtained from six MV-1 infected heterosexual couples. These molecular data were used to confirm the epidemiological relationships. The ability of the molecular data to draw such conclusions was also tested with multiple phylogenetic analyses. The tat region was much more useful in establishing epidemiological relationships than the commonly used C2-V3.^ Subsequently, using nucleotide sequences from the first exon of the Tat gene, we tested the hypothesis that a Florida dentist (a common source) infected five of his patients in the course of dental procedures, against the null hypothesis that the dentist and each individual of the dental group independently acquired the virus within the local community. Multiple phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the sequences of the five patients were significantly more related to each other than to sequences of the controls. Our results using Tat sequences, combined with envelope sequence data, strongly support a common phylogenetic epidemiological relationship among these five patients.^ A third study is presented, which deals with the effects of genomic variations in drug resistance. HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) mutations were detected in DNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 11 of 12 HIV-infected children after 11-20 months of zidovudine monotherapy. The codon 41/215 mutant combination was associated with general decline in health status. Patients developing the codon 70 mutation tended to have a better health status. ^


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The purpose of this study was to establish a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction enzyme assay for detecting the hereditary hemochromatosis (HHC) mutation, C282Y, in gestational and gestational diabetic subjects in South Florida. DNA samples from 43 gestational subjects were amplified by PCR, digested with RsaI, and analyzed by electrophoresis. An allelic frequency of 2.33%, or 4.65% heterozygosity, was observed. The assay is successful and applicable to future studies on HHC and gestational diabetes. ^


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Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) following in vitro fertilization (IVF) offers couples at risk for transmitting genetic disorders the opportunity to identify affected embryos prior to replacement. In particular, embryo gender determination permits screening for X-linked diseases of unknown etiology. Analysis of embryos can be performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of material obtained by micromanipulation. This approach provides an alternative to the termination of an established pregnancy following chorionic villi sampling or amniocentesis. ^ Lately, the focus of preimplantation diagnosis and intervention has been shifting toward an attempt to correct cytoplasmic deficiencies. Accordingly, it is the aim of this investigation to develop methods to permit the examination of single cells or components thereof for clinical evaluation. In an attempt to lay the groundwork for precise therapeutic intervention for age related aneuploidy, transcripts encoding proteins believed to be involved in the proper segregation of chromosomes during human oocyte maturation were examined and quantified. Following fluorescent rapid cycle RT-PCR analysis it was determined that the concentration of cell cycle checkpoint gene transcripts decreases significantly as maternal age increases. Given the well established link between increasing maternal age and the incidence of aneuploidy, these results suggest that the degradation of these messages in aging oocytes may be involved with inappropriate chromosome separation during meiosis. ^ In order to investigate the cause of embryonic rescue observed following clinical cytoplasmic transfer procedures and with the objective of developing a diagnostic tool, mtDNA concentrations in polar bodies and subcellular components were evaluated. First, the typical concentration of mtDNA in human and mouse oocytes was determined by fluorescent rapid cycle PCR. Some disparity was noted between the copy numbers of individual cytoplasmic samples which may limit the use of the current methodology for the clinical assessment of the corresponding oocyte. ^


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Twelve plants used medicinally in Callejon de Huaylas, Department of Ancash, northeastern Peru were selected and screened in vitro for cytotoxic and cytostatic activities. Traditional preparations, aqueous extracts and organic extracts (methanol:dimethyl chloride) were tested against murine leukemia P388 cells using flow cytometry. Seventy-five percent or more of the traditional and aqueous extracts were cytostatic at concentrations of 1mg/ml. For organic extracts, cytostatic activity ranged from 8.3% (at 6.25 μg/ml) to 58.3% (at 100 μg/ml). Quinchamalium procumbens, Ophryosporus chilca and Baccharis genistelloides showed strong activity. Extracts of Brachyotum rostratum, Monnina salicifolia, and Orthrosanthus chimboracensis were particularly interesting, since they were cytostatic but not cytotoxic at concentrations of 0.5 mg/ml. These Andean plants merit further analysis. The high percentage of activity found among the traditional preparations suggests that the traditional medical knowledge of Callejon de Huaylas healers deserves respect and merits further research. ^


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The health status of wild and captive Atlantic Bottlenose dolphins ( Tersiops truncatis) is difficult to ascertain. Mass strandings of these animals have been attributed to pollutants, as well as bacterial infections. Using human Enzyme Linked Immuno-Assays (ELISA) for immunological cytokines, I measured soluble cytokine levels with respect to their health status. In a retrospective analysis of dolphin sera, there was a trend of higher cytokine levels in “sick” animals. I cultured dolphin lymphocytes in the presence of a mitogen (PHA), a super antigen (Staph-A), Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and a calcium flux inducer (PMA). Levels of messenger RNA, from these cultured cells, were assayed with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using primers for the human cytokines IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, Tumor Necrosis Factor, and Interferon gamma. Only IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 messages were obtained, inferring similar nucleotide homology to the human primer sequences. The PCR products were sequenced. Sixteen IL-4 sequences, twelve IL-6 sequences and seven IL-10 sequences were obtained and analyzed. Each cytokine exhibited the same nucleotide sequence in all dolphins examined. There was no difference in the cytokine profile in response to the various stimuli. The derived amino acid composition for each of the dolphin cytokines was used for molecular modeling, which showed that dolphin IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 were structurally similar to the corresponding proteins of Perissodactyla. ^