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em Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
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Urban violence, manifestly public and free, has changed the standard of sociability of townspeople. The city is an increasingly private space of hopes of reducing the risk of victimization, due to the fear of violence that separates and distances the classes in expectation of concealing this behavior. However, violence has many facets and, in one way or another, will always be present as a product of social friction. It is in the urban context and using drug trafficking as a backdrop that this work raises questions about the territorial violence in Montes Claros - MG. The objective was to analyze the dynamics of illicit drug trafficking from the concepts of territory, observing to what extent the appropriation of space contributes to the use of violence, especially in interpersonal disputes. Methodologically, it seeks from quantitative and qualitative techniques make the spatial distribution of criminal indicators, defining and creating hierarchy territories of violence in urban areas. From the qualitative approach seeks to organize and analyze data together to the Civil and Military Police, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics -IBGE, João Pinheiro Foundation and the System of the Ministry of Health Mortality Information - SIM. The opportunity of miscegenation between the knowledge of the survey respondents and the official data has introduced qualitative part. The city of Montes Claros has been taken as an object of observation due to a set of conditions, which stood its medium size, your importance in the regional context and their socioeconomic disparities. The results point to the existence of multiple territoriality of violence involving the trafficking of illicit drugs in urban space. Territorial disputes by the traffickers have victimized people with socioeconomic characteristics and urban spatial origin similar. The dynamism of the established boundaries from the cohesion and / or rupture of the interests of those involved creates and destroys territories in the power struggle.