3 resultados para Serviços de saúde
em Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
When expressed by mental health services users, sexuality is typically denied by professionals, viewed as another symptom or as if these people are not capable of practicing it. Once Brazilian health professionals havent shown lots of investment in this theme, and few are the studies in this field, it is necessary the attention to be focused on researches involving this public. Therefore, the main goal of this study was understand the meanings of sexuality of the mental health services users, which were negotiated in sexuality workshops. The secondary goals were: a) understand the meanings of themes about sexuality brought by users through their experiences of everyday life; b) to evaluate the facilitating experience of the workshops on sexuality at CAPS. Thus, 10 workshops on sexuality were held, with an average of an hour and twenty minutes each, distributed from December 2014 and April 2015. There were 43 participants, 29 women and 14 men. The meetings had the following central themes: sexuality; sexuality and mental health; myths, beliefs and sexual taboos; gender identity; sexual orientation; sexual and reproductive rights; safe sex; and STD/AIDS. The data collection was through audio-recording of these meetings. Later, was made the transcript of the workshops, a careful reading of these transcripts and then its analysis. It was identified categories to analyze the interfaces that permeate the focus of the study. Initially, the categories relating to mental health and sexuality: meanings about sexuality; gender issues; gender and religion; sexual rights, STD/AIDS prevention and attention or denial of sexuality at CAPS. Later, those relating to the workshops facilitating process: challenges in facilitating the workshops; and the perception of the participants. A variety of meanings about sexuality could be noticed in the users statements, relating it more with affection and respect than with intercourse. The gender issues that emerged during the workshops were related to marital relationship, sexism, domestic violence, psychological violence and male and female roles in society. Moreover, were also revealed some situations that associated gender differences with religious issues, such as the submission of women and homosexuality. It was also noticed some experiences of the participants involving worrying situations of family violence, suicidal ideation and chemical castration, were often mismanaged or ignored by the service professionals. With regard to the facilitation of the workshops, it was possible to legitimize it as places where users were able to talk openly about the suggested themes and highlight its importance to the study site. Besides, its possible to list a few challenges of its facilitation in a mental health service, which was in general positively evaluated by the participants. Thus, the research highlights the need for sexuality theme discussion in mental health services, in order to understand, discuss and inform the users. Also, its important to problematize the stigma created in the theme relation with the users, the professionals and the society, working its specificities and avoiding a pathological bias.
This dissertation analyzed the existing work on travestility and transsexuality whose problematic research focused on issues related to health and / or health services. For this purpose, a Literature Review Systematized Descriptive in virtual databases was performed: Bank of Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination Thesis (CAPES), Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), Scielo and PubMed, between the years 1997 and 2014 in Brazil. We used the search terms "transsexual," "transvestite" and "transgender", each associated with the search term "health", in Portuguese and English. Complementing this search, we used the Documentary Analysis methodology to assess pamphlets productions, institutional documents and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which were incorporated into the discussion. 295 papers were identified, among theses, dissertations and scientific articles. Of these, 223 were excluded and 72 selected for analysis. Thus, it obtained five theses and dissertations 21 on the topic of travestility and 7 theses and dissertations 9 that deal with transsexuality. Among the selected papers, 16 deal with transsexuality and health, 5 address the issue of travestility and health and work, 9 refer to the term "transgender" and "health". Even though it is an emerging field of research, there is an apparent deviation of the speech, previously anchored in questions whose topics are related to confrontation, infection or illness by HIV / AIDS (level of specialized care) for discussions on the health care for transsexuals in the process (level of specialized care). Still, few papers have specific trans attention in primary care associated with a comprehensive health care, with the empowerment of individuals, respecting the power of life, which are configured as important issues for the Public Policy on Health today.
The HIV/Aids epidemic is today, in Brazil, a phenomenon of great magnitude and extent. The disease progresses over a physically weakened, and with more complex approach, portion of the population: the elderly. This study has the objective to know the vision of health professionals facing the possibility of HIV/Aids in the elderly. It is a cross-sectional observational study conducted in the city of Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, from November 2013 to December 2015, with the participants Doctors, Dental Surgeons and nurses stationed in the Municipal Network of Primary Care, with a sample of 220. Using factor analysis, factors unrelated to the training of health professionals and others directly related; only the latter showed differences between the professions. The investigation of the professional view on the possibility of infection of HIV/Aids in the elderly should be crafted specifically for each type of professional, meeting the specific difficulties of training each degree course. It is crucial the need to update each professional in the health care field in order to be able to make an early diagnosis aimed at protecting the elderly patient's integrity affected by HIV/Aids.