3 resultados para Interacionismo linguístico

em Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo hacer una representación de los “errores” producidos por los aprendices de español del Curso de Letras (Habilitación en Español de la Universidad Federal de Uberlândia. Para este fin, fue compilado un corpus lingüístico a partir de las producciones orales y escritos de los alumnos del segundo, cuarto, sexto y octavo semestre. Los principales temas y autores que dieron sustento teórico a nuestro estudio, en cuanto a los análisis descriptivos fueron: Interlengua (CORDER, 1967; SELINKER, 1972; BARALO, 1999, 2004; DURAO, 2007), Lingüística Contrastiva (SÖHRMAN, 2007), Modelo para Análisis de Errores (DURAO, 2004; ANDRADE, 2011; SANTOS GARGALLO, 2004), entre los principales. Cabe destacar que adoptamos una perspectiva de análisis de base empírica, apoyados en los subsidios que propicia la Lingüística de Corpus (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004). Otro componente importante en esta tesis fue la metodología. Se detalla paso a paso desde el levantamiento y lectura del referencial teórico, hasta la finalización del proceso de escritura del trabajo. Presentándose de esta manera como un futuro referencial para investigaciones que se basan en la utilización de LC como abordaje metodológica, y en el análisis de errores de aprendices. Los análisis desarrollados en el transcurso de este trabajo, comprendieron primeramente el dimensionamiento de los corpora utilizados, seguido de listas de las palabras más recurrentes, análisis cuantitativos y cualitativos, los cuales constituyeron un mapeo de los “errores”, otorgando de esta manera, un valor potencial al tratarse de un estudio que podrá ser utilizado como referente para una eventual elaboración de material didáctico, pensado especialmente para las clases de español que ofrece el Curso de Letras/Habilitación en Español de la Universidad Federal de Uberlândia.


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Deaf teachers presence at superior education triggers a series of reactions due to cultural differences. They feel the discomfort. The cultural difference defies the established power relations. From that emerge the trading spaces with their constant shocks about problems that affect the deaf teacher participation. The thesis goes through practice, resistance, resilience and political thinking of the deaf teacher at the Superior Education. Authors like: Foucault (2004), Hall (2009), Bhabha (1998), Touraine (2009) and Veiga-Netto (2010) underlie the concept of power relations that permeate this study. Perlin (2003); Ladd (2002) subsidize with the cultural focus. The investigation came from the question: How deaf teachers make their political stands in power relations established to the construction of their narratives at Superior Education? It had the goal of identify and chart the deaf teachers narratives at Superior Education. Leaving from the interview-narrative qualitative approach it was constituted a corpus with the collected narratives. These narratives were identified in order to achieve a thematic map express in the last chapter where the constant facts of the trading spaces of Superior Education shocks unfolds. The results point to an infinity of debates. The deaf teachers do not only present initial conditions of distress, doubt and difficulty at Superior Education, but also the disposition to discuss more the everyday power chains, waged by trading spaces. The identification of the narratives was vitally important to confirm the value of cultural and linguistic recognition as strategy for new politics to the structural power relations at the university context.


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This research investigated the nasality of vowels in the spontaneous speech of inhabitants of the quilombola communities of Brejo dos Crioulos and Poções (MG). As a theoretical framework, we based on the assumptions of Phonetics and Phonology, in renowned scholars on the investigation of nasality (CAGLIARI, 1977; CÂMARA JR., 1984, 2013; BISOL, 2013; ABAURRE; PAGOTTO, 1996; SILVA, 2015), with subsidies of the Corpus Linguistics. Its general goal was to investigate the occurrence of nasality, in the dialect of these quilombola communities, and their linguistic behavior, considering the linguistic factors that can interfere in the phenomenon. Specifically it was aimed to a) detect the occurrence of nasalized vowels with the help of the resources that the Corpus Linguistics provides (Praat and WorldSmith Tolls); b) discriminate the different types of occurring contexts of nasalized vowels; c) make quantitative and qualitative analyzes of the nasalized vowels in the study corpus; d) describe and analyze the behavior of nasalized vowels and; e) contrast the values of F1 and F2 of the oral and nasalized vowels. It was hypothesized that the nasality happens because it is conditioned by the nasal segment following the nasalized vowel - phonological process of “assimilation” - its position as the primary stress and grammatical category. It was believed that the quilombolas communities of Brejo dos Crioulos and Poções produce nasalized vowels in their speech and this linguistic phenomenon is favored by the adjacent presence of consonants or nasal vowels. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that the values of F1 and F2 of oral and nasalized vowels in these communities are distinct. The following research questions were elaborated: (i) is the presence of nasalized vowels in the speech of these quilombola communities conditioned to the presence of a nasal sound segment? (ii) does the nasal sound segment following the nasalized vowel favor the occurrence of the nasality phenomenon? is there a difference between the values of F1 and F2 of the oral and nasalized vowels in both quilombola communities considered? To compose our corpus, 24 interviews recordings were used (12 female speakers and 12 male speakers), a total of 24 participants. It was found that the following nasal sound segment tends to condition the nasalized vowel. In general, it assimilates the lowering of the soft palate of nasal consonant segment immediately following, but there are cases of nasal vowel segment - regressive assimilation; the stressed syllable tends to favor the nasality, but it occurs in pretonic and postonic position as well; F1 and F2 values of oral and nasalized vowels in the quilombola communities of Poções and Brejo dos Crioulos are distinct: the group of Brejo dos Crioulos tends to produce the F1 of oral and nasalized vowels more lowered than the group of Poções and the F2, in a more anterior position. The nasality tends to occur in verbs and nouns, although it is not specific to a grammatical category. This research found cases of spurious nasalization, confirming previous studies. In turn, it revealed cases of lexical items with favorable context for nasalization, but with its non-occurrence. This last case, considered as the lowering of the uniform soft palate in PB, presented pronounced vowels without the soft palate lowering. That is, it was detected variation in the phenomenon of nasalization in PB. With this work, it was promoted the discussion about nasality, in order to contribute to the linguistic studies about the functioning of Brazilian Portuguese in this geographical context.