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em Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
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This paper aims to discuss the influences of gender issues in formal and informal evaluation processes in order to identify situations that may lead to exclusion of boys and girls in our schools. Therefore, we rely on the authors as Freitas (2005, 2006, 2011), Sordi (2009), Villas Boas (2006), Fernandes (2006, 2008), (Carvalho (2001.2004, 2011), Blonde (1995, 2003), Scott (1995), Connell (1995), Navy (2009), Dal'igna (2004), among others. These authors help us understand that both gender issues as the evaluation questions in its formal and informal when analyzed, especially in light of school reality, are impregnated with socially constructed conceptions that are reflected in the school. The survey was conducted in two rooms of the 5th year of elementary school, and the genres of research were qualitative and quantitative. In the development of this study, the research followed those steps: School Rules analysis, grade maps, class journals; Mapping of records of the evaluation results of the 1st to 5th year of elementary school; Analysis of official government documents in education; development, implementation and analysis of questionnaires answered by the students and the teachers with issues about gender and evaluation; Mapping of the evaluation results of the students of two classes surveyed during 2012; Observation in the classroom; interview with the teachers of the surveyed groups. During the research we found that gender issues are not dealt with by the school and that this reinforces some exclusion processes that are linked to these questions. Studies also tell us that on the surveyed groups most of the children who have lower evaluative results are boys, which, in the evaluation of teachers, are considered undisciplined. Of the children with poor results, 50% are black. Some of these children who had low evaluative income have not completed the school year in that school. The study also reveals that on the observed groups, generally the girls have better results in formal assessments than boys, which are considered, by the teachers, more undisciplined and difficult to work with. The girls, on the other hand, are considered more docile and attentive than boys. The observations made by teachers concerning the behavior of boys and girls also reflect in the formal evaluative results, therefore the informal assessments, the value judgment of teachers in relation to the behavior of the students influence the results of formal assessments. In this sense, in order to seek ways to try to overcome the exclusion situations experienced in the evaluation process, we believe that the principles of popular education can be configured as an important parameter to begin discussions on gender and evaluation in schools.