6 resultados para the process of becoming an entrepreneur
em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest
A tanulmány az egyetemi hallgatók, mint a jövő potenciális tudásintenzív vállalkozóinak sajátosságát hivatott vizsgálni, empirikus úton. A kutatás feltáró jellegű, hiszen igen keveset tudni általában az egyetemi hallgatók, és különösen a Szegedi Tudományegyetem egyetemi hallgatóinak vállalatalapítási motivációról, aktivitásáról és az egyetem ezzel kapcsolatos szerepéről. A vizsgálatok két fő cél köré összpontosulnak: a Szegedi Tudományegyetem nappali tagozatos hallgatóinak vállalatalapítási aktivitását feltárni, valamint a vállalatindításhoz szükséges ismereteket feltérképezni. A tanulmány első részében a szerzők a kérdőíves megkérdezés eredményeit ismertetik, mely keretében 840 főt kérdeztek meg a hallgatói vállalkozásalapítási aktivitás feltárása érdekében. Ezt követően húsz, már hallgató korában vállalkozást alapító személlyel történő mélyinterjúk eredményeit mutatják be, különös tekintettel arra, milyen specialitásokkal bírnak azon vállalkozók, akik már hallgatóként belevágtak egy vállalkozás elindításába. _______ Present paper provides an empirical analysis of the characteristics of university students as potential knowledgeintensive entrepreneurs of the future. The authors’ research is explorative since the knowledge of university students and especially of the students of the University of Szeged is scarce with regard to their entrepreneurial motivations, activities and the influence of the university. The authors set two fundamental objectives: first, to explore the entrepreneurial activities of the full-time students of the University of Szeged; and second, to map the knowledge necessary for starting a business. In the first part of the paper they demonstrate the results of an empirical survey based on 840 questionnaires that aimed at the exploration of students’ entrepreneurial activities.
Mind ez ideig a gyakorlatban kevéssé aknázták ki azt a lehetőséget, hogy a természeti tőke pénzbeli értékelése számszerű, egzakt információt nyújthat a döntéshozóknak. A szerzők a zajvédelmi intézkedések példáján keresztül tekintik át a természeti tőkejavak közgazdasági értékelésében rejlő lehetőségeket. Ismertetik a költség-haszon elemzés környezeti javakkal bővített formájának előnyeit, majd az általában elhanyagolt, a nem piaci javak által nyújtott haszon közgazdasági értékelésére alkalmas eljárásokat, külön kitérve a zajterhelés területére. Nagy hangsúlyt helyeznek a haszonfelmérések átvitelének széles körben alkalmazható módszereire. Bemutatják az általuk gyakorlatban végzett kutatás során szerzett tapasztalatokat, különös tekintettel arra, hogy a haszonértékelések átvitele hogyan járulhat hozzá a természeti tőkejavakkal kapcsolatos döntések során a társadalmi haszon maximalizálásához. _____ The paper offers an overview of the economic valuation of transportation-induced noise and cost-benefit analysis of noise-control measures and actions. Although economic valuation can provide hard, monetized data for decision-makers, it is relatively underused in practice. The study focuses on benefit-transfer methodology, where values obtained in previous cases are used as the basis for current evaluation. A specific application of benefit transfer is presented by a recent pilot project in Hungary, whereby a tool was developed for LGOs, enabling them to make preliminary assessments of the benefits of potential noise-control measures and rank possible options. This can help to optimize the benefits to society using limited resources.
Venture capitalists can be regarded as financers of young, high-risk enterprises, seeking investments with a high growth potential and offering professional support above and beyond their capital investment. The aim of this study is to analyse the occurrence of information asymmetry between venture capital investors and entrepreneurs, with special regard to the problem of adverse selection. In the course of my empirical research, I conducted in-depth interviews with 10 venture capital investors. The aim of the research was to elicit their opinions about the situation regarding information asymmetry, how they deal with problems arising from adverse selection, and what measures they take to manage these within the investment process. In the interviews we also touched upon how investors evaluate state intervention, and how much they believe company managers are influenced by state support.
The author’s ideas on the soft budget constraint (SBC) were first expressed in 1976. Much progress has been made in understanding the problem over the ensuing four decades. The study takes issue with those who confine the concept to the process of bailing out loss-making socialist firms. It shows how the syndrome can appear in various organizations and forms in many spheres of the economy and points to the various means available for financial rescue. Single bailouts do not as such generate the SBC syndrome. It develops where the SBC becomes built into expectations. Special heed is paid to features generated by the syndrome in rescuer and rescuee organizations. The study reports on the spread of the syndrome in various periods of the socialist and the capitalist system, in various sectors. The author expresses his views on normative questions and on therapies against the harmful effects. He deals first with actual practice, then places the theory of the SBC in the sphere of ideas and models, showing how it relates to other theoretical trends, including institutional and behavioural economics and theories of moral hazard and inconsistency in time. He shows how far the intellectual apparatus of the SBC has spread in theoretical literature and where it has reached in the process of “canonization” by the economics profession. Finally, he reviews the main research tasks ahead.
The EU played an instrumental role re-starting the international development policies in Central and Eastern European member states, but questions remain about how far this policy area has been Europeanized since accession. Focusing on the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, the paper investigates why the new donors have been reluctant to adopt the EU’s development acquis more fully. The paper traces the process of the EU’s development policy rulemaking and subsequent national rule implementation to understand the socialization opportunities these processes offer. The conclusions reveal thrre reasons why socialization has been weak: (1) perceptions among the new member states on the development acquis’ procedural legitimacy; (2) low domestic resonance with the development acquis; and (3) inconsistencies in the activities of norm entrepreneurs. The paper contributes to our understanding of development policy in the EU, in particular how decision making takes place within the Council and its Working Groups post enlargement.
The study focuses on two features of family businesses (FBs), namely familiness and paternalism. These two concepts are inseparable in two ways: inseparable from family businesses and also from each other. Family businesses differ from one another in the degree of family involvement, leadership and management in the business. Paternalism as a leadership attitude is naturally present in FBs, especially in the founding stage of development. This feature provides the solid bases for establishing a strong and proud culture built around the personality and success of the founder. This characteristic however can become a major hindering factor upon succession. Through a review of the literature and the INSIST studies for Central Europe this study aims to identify the supportive and limiting factors of both phenomena and examine the case studies of the INSIST research project for signs of the existence of these supportive and limiting factors. It is found that the degree of familiness in these firms is a sliding scale and a lack of familiness is not a precursor for failure. Paternalism is found to be broken down into authoritarian, benevolent, moral and enlightened. After discovering studies claiming that paternalism is a stage in the process of leadership style changing from participative to autocratic (or vice versa) and that Central Europe and the current era of instability and uncertainty lead to employees preferring a more autocratic or paternalistic style, our findings suggest that there are more driving than restraining forces for family firms adopting a paternalistic style. Furthermore many cases appear to be on the path from an authoritative towards a more enlightened paternalistic leadership style either out of choice in the search to shake off the drawbacks of other types of paternalism or as part of a natural evolution of this particular leadership style within the context of this study.