5 resultados para probability indicator

em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest


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A címben említett három fogalom a közgazdasági elméletben központi szerepet foglal el. Ezek viszonya elsősorban a közgazdaságtudományi megismerés határait feszegeti. Mit tudunk a gazdasági döntésekről? Milyen információk alapján születnek a döntések? Lehet-e a gazdasági döntéseket „tudományos” alapra helyezni? A bizonytalanság kérdéséről az 1920-as években való megjelenése óta mindent elmondtak. Megvizsgálták a kérdést filozófiailag, matematikailag. Tárgyalták a kérdés számtalan elméleti és gyakorlati aspektusát. Akkor miért kell sokadszorra is foglalkozni a témával? A válasz igen egyszerű: azért, mert a kérdés minden szempontból ténylegesen alapvető, és mindenkor releváns. Úgy hírlik, hogy a római diadalmenetekben a győztes szekerén mindig volt egy rabszolga is, aki folyamatosan figyelmeztette a diadaltól megmámorosodott vezért, hogy ő is csak egy ember, ezt ne feledje el. A gazdasági döntéshozókat hasonló módon újra és újra figyelmeztetni kell arra, hogy a gazdasági döntések a bizonytalanság jegyében születnek. A gazdasági folyamatok megérthetőségének és kontrollálhatóságának van egy igen szoros korlátja. Ezt a korlátot a folyamatok inherens bizonytalansága adja. A gazdasági döntéshozók fülébe folyamatosan duruzsolni kell: ők is csak emberek, és ezért ismereteik igen korlátozottak. A „bátor” döntések során az eredmény bizonytalan, a tévedés azonban bizonyosra vehető. / === / In the article the author presents some remarks on the application of probability theory in financial decision making. From mathematical point of view the risk neutral measures used in finance are some version of separating hyperplanes used in optimization theory and in general equilibrium theory. Therefore they are just formally a probabilities. They interpretation as probabilities are misleading analogies leading to wrong decisions.


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There is a long debate (going back to Keynes) how to interpret the concept of probability in economics, in business decisions, in finance. Iván Bélyácz suggested that the Black–Scholes– Merton analysis of fi nancial derivatives has a contribution to this risk vs. uncertainty debate. This article tries to interpret this suggestion, from the viewpoint of traded options, real options, Arrow–Debreu model, Heath–Jarrow–Morton model, insurance business. The article suggests making clear distinction and using different naming ● when the frequents approach and the statistics is relevant, ● when we just use consequent relative weights during the no-arbitrage pricing, and these weight are just interpreted as probabilities, ● when we just lack the necessary information, and there is a basic uncertainty in the business decision making process. The paper suggests making a sharp distinction between fi nancial derivatives used for market risk management and credit risk type derivatives (CDO, CDS, etc) in the reregulation process of the fi nancial markets.


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Using ecological data compiled from scientific literature on pest, pathogen and weed species characteristic in maize cultures in Hungary, we defined monthly climate profile indicators and applied them to complete a comparative analysis of the historical and modelled climate change scenario meteorological data of the city of Debrecen. Our results call attention to a drastic decline of the competitive ability of maize as compared to several C4 and especially C3 plants. According to the stricter scenarios, the frequency of potential pest and pathogen damage emergency situations will grow significantly by the end of the century.


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New Public Management (NPM) has played a decisive role and has had a radical effect on the productivity and efficiency of the public sector in the Anglo-Saxon countries. However, the effective introduction of the NPM reforms is not an easy task. The scientific community is zealously analyzing the experiences of the developing countries. The stories, they tell, are full of failures, and ineffective reforms. The goal of the current study is to uncover the factors that might influence the successful implementation of the NPM reforms. In our analysis, by relying on the theories of new institutional economics, we developed a model with which we wish to prove that in regards to the success of the reforms the informal and the formal institutions characteristic of the given country are the decisively determining factors. When answering the question, we introduced a new indicator based on public choice theory – the politicians’ interest index – by which we could measure the success of the NPM. We tested our hypothesis by a comparative statistical analysis using the data from 31 countries. Based on our results, we find that informal institutions, the culture shared by the members of society, fundamentally determine the probability of the successful implementation of the NPM reforms, these results having a significant practical relevance.