7 resultados para model efficiency

em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest


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For industrialised economy of ourdays, remanufacturing represents perhaps the largest unexploited resource and opportunity for realising a greater growth of the economy in an environmental-conscious manner. The aim of this paper is to investigate of the impact of remanufacturing in the economy from an economic-efficiency point of view. In static context this phenomenon was analysed in the literature. We use the multi-sector input–output framework in a dynamic context to study intra-period relationships of the sectors of economy. We extend the classical dynamic input–output model taking into consideration the activity of remanufacturing .We try to answer the question, whether the remanufacturing/reuse increases the growth possibility of an economy. We expose a sufficient condition concerning the effectivity of an economy with remanufacturing. By this evaluation we analyse a possible sustainable development of the economy on the basis of the product recovery management of industries.


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Koopmans gyakorlati problémák megoldása során szerzett tapasztalatait általánosítva fogott hozzá a lineáris tevékenységelemzési modell kidolgozásához. Meglepődve tapasztalta, hogy a korabeli közgazdaságtan nem rendelkezett egységes, kellően egzakt termeléselmélettel és fogalomrendszerrel. Úttörő dolgozatában ezért - mintegy a lineáris tevékenységelemzési modell elméleti kereteként - lerakta a technológiai halmazok fogalmán nyugvó axiomatikus termeléselmélet alapjait is. Nevéhez fűződik a termelési hatékonyság és a hatékonysági árak fogalmának egzakt definíciója, s az egymást kölcsönösen feltételező viszonyuk igazolása a lineáris tevékenységelemzési modell keretében. A hatékonyság manapság használatos, pusztán műszaki szempontból értelmezett definícióját Koopmans csak sajátos esetként tárgyalta, célja a gazdasági hatékonyság fogalmának a bevezetése és elemzése volt. Dolgozatunkban a lineáris programozás dualitási tételei segítségével rekonstruáljuk ez utóbbira vonatkozó eredményeit. Megmutatjuk, hogy egyrészt bizonyításai egyenértékűek a lineáris programozás dualitási tételeinek igazolásával, másrészt a gazdasági hatékonysági árak voltaképpen a mai értelemben vett árnyékárak. Rámutatunk arra is, hogy a gazdasági hatékonyság értelmezéséhez megfogalmazott modellje az Arrow-Debreu-McKenzie-féle általános egyensúlyelméleti modellek közvetlen előzményének tekinthető, tartalmazta azok szinte minden lényeges elemét és fogalmát - az egyensúlyi árak nem mások, mint a Koopmans-féle hatékonysági árak. Végezetül újraértelmezzük Koopmans modelljét a vállalati technológiai mikroökonómiai leírásának lehetséges eszközeként. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: B23, B41, C61, D20, D50. /===/ Generalizing from his experience in solving practical problems, Koopmans set about devising a linear model for analysing activity. Surprisingly, he found that economics at that time possessed no uniform, sufficiently exact theory of production or system of concepts for it. He set out in a pioneering study to provide a theoretical framework for a linear model for analysing activity by expressing first the axiomatic bases of production theory, which rest on the concept of technological sets. He is associated with exact definition of the concept of production efficiency and efficiency prices, and confirmation of their relation as mutual postulates within the linear model of activity analysis. Koopmans saw the present, purely technical definition of efficiency as a special case; he aimed to introduce and analyse the concept of economic efficiency. The study uses the duality precepts of linear programming to reconstruct the results for the latter. It is shown first that evidence confirming the duality precepts of linear programming is equal in value, and secondly that efficiency prices are really shadow prices in today's sense. Furthermore, the model for the interpretation of economic efficiency can be seen as a direct predecessor of the Arrow–Debreu–McKenzie models of general equilibrium theory, as it contained almost every essential element and concept of them—equilibrium prices are nothing other than Koopmans' efficiency prices. Finally Koopmans' model is reinterpreted as a necessary tool for microeconomic description of enterprise technology.


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Consumer policy approaches regarding green products and solutions can be differentiated by their main focus. “Green positioning” is basically targeted at environmentally aware consumers, while “efficiency-focused positioning” concentrates on the efficiency gain of the product or solution, targeting the whole society, regardless of consumers' environmental awareness. The paper argues that the scope and total environmental benefit can be increased if green products or solutions are promoted in different ways, not only as “green” but also based on other arguments (like cost-efficiency, return on investment, etc.). The paper suggests a model for improving the efficiency of greenhouse gas (GHG)-related consumer policy. Based on the marginal social cost curve and the marginal private cost curve, different (green, yellow, and red) zones of action are identified. GHG mitigation options chosen from those zones are then evaluated with the help of profiling method, addressing the barriers to implementation. Profiling may help design an implementation strategy for the selected options and make consumer policy more effective and acceptable for mass market. Case study results show three different ways of positioning of GHG-related consumer policy in Hungary from 2000 and give practical examples of profiling, based on the latest marginal social cost curve and the contemporary energy saving policy of the state regarding the residential sector.


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The economy is communication between Man and Nature. It is an interaction-network between our outside and inside Nature, that is, the external Nature surrounding us and the internal nature expressing our human essence. Money is an institution of the society, an infrastructure that ensures division of labour, enables the flow of information and material between the participants. The concept of regional material and financial circular flow will be more important with the oncoming peak-oil and post-carbon era. We should describe in time the outlines of closed or semi-closed loops economy. The fundamentals of Input-Output will flourish once again; it could help us formulate the link between the efficiency and resiliency of a regional complex system.


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Consumer policy approaches regarding green products and solutions can be differentiated by their main focus. “Green positioning” is basically targeted at environmentally aware consumers, while “efficiency-focused positioning” concentrates on the efficiency gain of the product or solution, targeting the whole society, regardless of consumers' environmental awareness. The paper argues that the scope and total environmental benefit can be increased if green products or solutions are promoted in different ways, not only as “green” but also based on other arguments (like cost-efficiency, return on investment, etc.). The paper suggests a model for improving the efficiency of greenhouse gas (GHG)-related consumer policy. Based on the marginal social cost curve and the marginal private cost curve, different (green, yellow, and red) zones of action are identified. GHG mitigation options chosen from those zones are then evaluated with the help of profiling method, addressing the barriers to implementation. Profiling may help design an implementation strategy for the selected options and make consumer policy more effective and acceptable for mass market. Case study results show three different ways of positioning of GHG-related consumer policy in Hungary from 2000 and give practical examples of profiling, based on the latest marginal social cost curve and the contemporary energy saving policy of the state regarding the residential sector.


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A cikk alapvető kérdése, hogy miképpen használható a tervezés a termelési folyamatok, s ezzel a vállalati m}uködés egészének hatékonyságnövelése érdekében. A termeléstervezés szintjei és eszközei közül a középtávú aggregált tervezésre koncentrálunk. Ennek oka elsősorban az, hogy tapasztalatunk szerinte tervezési szint gyakorlati alkalmazása még nem tekinthető elterjedtnek, s ebből következően az eszköz alaposabb ismerete és alkalmazásának elterjedése jelentős tartalékokat tárhat fel a m}uködési hatékonyság növelése terén. A dolgozat a termeléstervezés klasszikusnak tekinthető modelljét alkalmazza egy hazai vállalat esetében. Az elemzés során vizsgáljuk a modell alkalmazhatóságát és a különböző tervezési alternatívák hatását a hatékonyság növelésére. A modell számítógépes megoldását a Microsoft Excel Solver programjával végeztük. _______ The article demonstrates how production planning, especially aggregate production planning can positively influence the competitiveness of production firms. First the structure of production planning, different, but interconnected levels of it are introduced than the aggregate planning is elaborated in more details. Reason for focusing on aggregate planning lies in the fact that according to our experience aggregate planning is an operation planning method applied least of all production planning methods in Hungary. Due to this we are convinced that demonstrating a real case study in this area can help managers to realize that adopting it can significantly influence e±ciency in operation and represent important source of development. We applied a classic aggregate planning model for a Hungarian producing company. We have tested the adaptability of the model and also the effect of different concrete planning scenarios on efficiency. Solution of the mathematical model is calculated using the program of Microsoft Excel Solver.


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A cikkben paneladatok segítségével a magyar gabonatermesztő üzemek 2001 és 2009 közötti technikai hatékonyságát vizsgáljuk. A technikai hatékonyság szintjének becslésére egy hagyományos sztochasztikus határok modell (SFA) mellett a látens csoportok modelljét (LCM) használjuk, amely figyelembe veszi a technológiai különbségeket is. Eredményeink arra utalnak, hogy a technológiai heterogenitás fontos lehet egy olyan ágazatban is, mint a szántóföldi növénytermesztés, ahol viszonylag homogén technológiát alkalmaznak. A hagyományos, azonos technológiát feltételező és a látens osztályok modelljeinek összehasonlítása azt mutatja, hogy a gabonatermesztő üzemek technikai hatékonyságát a hagyományos modellek alábecsülhetik. _____ The article sets out to analyse the technical efficiency of Hungarian crop farms between 2001 and 2009, using panel data and employing both standard stochastic frontier analysis and the latent class model (LCM) to estimate technical efficiency. The findings suggest that technological heterogeneity plays an important role in the crop sector, though it is traditionally assumed to employ homogenous technology. A comparison of standard SFA models that assumes the technology is common to all farms and LCM estimates highlights the way the efficiency of crop farms can be underestimated using traditional SFA models.