2 resultados para arts based research

em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest


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A tanulmány azt vizsgálja, hogy milyen vállalkozást szeretnének indítani, honnan szerzik az ötletet és a társakat az egyetemi hallgatók, és milyen módon jelenik meg a vállalati felelősség. Betekintést ad az oktatott vállalkozáskurzusok elérhetőségébe, és a GUESSS adatbázisára építve értékeli a válaszokat. Jelen tanulmány csak a magyar adatok feldolgozását tartalmazza, egyes helyeken nemzetközi kitekintéssel. A szerző a cikk végén szemlélteti, hogyan térnek el vállalkozásindítást gátló tényezők Magyarországon a nemzetközi átlagtól a hallgatók körében. _____ The primary focus of the study, what kind of small business students intend to start, where the ideas come from, and how corporate responsibility present in student plans. It gives some figures about availability of entrepreneurial courses, and based on GUESS database it analyses results. This study is limited to the Hungarian results, with some international outlook. The author at the end of the article, shows how obstacles of start-up are differ from international average.


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Our aim was to approach an important and well-investigable phenomenon – connected to a relatively simple but real field situation – in such a way, that the results of field observations could be directly comparable with the predictions of a simulation model-system which uses a simple mathematical apparatus and to simultaneously gain such a hypothesis-system, which creates the theoretical opportunity for a later experimental series of studies. As a phenomenon of the study, we chose the seasonal coenological changes of aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera community. Based on the observed data, we developed such an ecological model-system, which is suitable for generating realistic patterns highly resembling to the observed temporal patterns, and by the help of which predictions can be given to alternative situations of climatic circumstances not experienced before (e.g. climate changes), and furthermore; which can simulate experimental circumstances. The stable coenological state-plane, which was constructed based on the principle of indirect ordination is suitable for unified handling of data series of monitoring and simulation, and also fits for their comparison. On the state-plane, such deviations of empirical and model-generated data can be observed and analysed, which could otherwise remain hidden.