9 resultados para Woman social and economic conditions

em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest


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Ten years after the unanimous approval of the Lisbon Strategy at a special meeting of the European Council on 23-24 March 2000 in Lisbon, it will be inevitable for the European Council, the European Commission and the majority of the EU member states to face with its fi asco and to account for the reasons of their fundamental policy, governance and economic failures in 2010. The recent turbulence of the global economy offers some excuses for the underperformance of the main objectives of the Lisbon Strategy in the essential social and economic domains, like job creation, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. Negative growth rates, macroeconomic and fi nancial instability, the contraction of the internal and external markets of the European economy, drop in demand for capital investment, goods and services, sinking corporate revenues, depreciation of corporate assets, increasing private and public indebtedness, falling rate of employment, weakening social cohesion, widening social inequality, and so forth not only deprive the majority of the EU member states of fulfi lling the main objectives of the Lisbon Strategy but also drive them into worse social and economic conditions in many policy domains than they were in 2000.


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the political, social and economic background of the divergence of Belarusian and Ukrainian transitions. We focus on Belarus in order to find explanation for questions such as why could Lukashenko remain the authoritarian leader of Belarus, while in Ukraine the position of the political elite had proved less stable and collapsed in 2004. On the theoretical framework of elite-sociology, we seek to determine whether the internal factors (as macroeconomic conditions, standard of living, the oppressive nature of the political system and the structure of the political elite) play a significant role in the operation of the domino effect. This article emphasises the determining role of immanent internal factors, thus the political stability in Belarus can be explained by the role of the suppressing political regime, the hindrance of democratic rights and the relatively good living conditions that followed the transformational recession. Whilst in Ukraine, the markedly different circumstances brought forth the success of the Orange Revolution.


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The current world economic crisis induced countries to launch wide-scale spending programmes all over the world. Member states of the European Union have not been an exception to this trend. While deficit spending may increase the aggregate demand, it can also accelerate indebtedness and make the required spending cuts politically risky later on. However, deficit financing is not a new phenomenon in the EU; it has been widely practiced in the last couple of decades. As the crisis seems to come to an end, countries with huge deficits should adopt exit strategies now, thereby reducing deficit and debt and reintroducing fiscal discipline, a requirement laid down in the Stability and Growth Pact. Nevertheless, former adjustment processes can provide ample evidence for successful and politically viable fiscal consolidations. In certain cases, even economic activity started to accelerate as a response to the welldesigned adjustment measures. Based on the previous experiences of EU states, the aim of this paper is, therefore, to identify the conditions that may determine a fiscal consolidation to be successful in terms of a reduced debt ratio and a positive economic growth.


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In a paper on the effects of the global financial crisis in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), the author reacts to a paper of Ãslund (2011) published in the same issue of Eurasian Geography and Economics on the influence of exchange rate policies on the regionâs recovery. The author argues that post-crisis corrections in current account deficits in CEE countries do not in themselves signal a return to steady economic growth. Disagreeing with Ãslund over the role of loose monetary policy in fostering the regionâs economic problems, he outlines a number of competitiveness problems that remain to be addressed in the 10 new EU member states of CEE, along with improvements in framework conditions supporting future macroeconomic growth.


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The paper addresses five issue areas. First it describes the plurality of trajectories in central and eastern European transformations, offering a broad typology. Then it addresses the drift between acceptance of democracy and the market, owing to growing inequalities. Third, problems of poverty and exclusion are addressed. Fourth, it is addressed if any known model of redistribution emerged in the post-transition economies. Fifth, consequences of the populist turn in European policies are being analyzed. Influences of the EU practices will be dealt with and some preliminary conclusions drawn. These suggest a strong intertwining between social and economic performance that limit theoretically conceivable â neoliberal, social democratic, postmodern or conservative - policy choices.


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Tanulmányunk a gazdasági versenyképességgel, kiemelten annak nemzetgazdasági szintű vetületével és a sport esetében tÃrténŠértelmezésével foglakozik. A gazdasági versenyképesség esetén kiemelten kezeljük az IMD és a WEF versenyképességi rangsorait, a sport esetén pedig szétválasztjuk a hivatásos és a szabadidÅsportot. A hivatásos sport esetén bemutatjuk a sportszakmai versenyképességet indikáló és a sportszakmai versenyképességre hatással lévÅ gazdasági és társadalmi mutatókat egyaránt. Ãsszehasonlítási csoportot képeztünk, amelyben Magyarország és a kÃrnyezÅ országok szerepelnek és a komparatív elemzés kiterjed a gazdasági és a sportszakmai versenyképességre, valamint a sportszakmai versenyképességre ható gazdasági és társadalmi tényezÅkre egyaránt. A sportszakmai versenyképességet az olimpiai érmek számával és azok pontértékével mérjük, amit az olimpiák teljes tÃrténelmére és az elmúlt 20 év külÃnbÃzÅ szakaszaira egyaránt vizsgálunk, míg a gazdasági és társadalmi tényezÅket csak a mondanivalónk szempontjából legrelevánsabb évekre, az új évezredre vizsgálunk. A hivatásos sporttal kapcsolatos versenyképességi kérdésekbÅl azt a kÃvetkeztetést vontuk le, hogy Magyarország tÃrténelmi sportszakmai eredményességének fenntartását a jelen gazdasági és társadalmi tényezÅk nem igazolják, sÅt az elmúlt idÅszak visszaesését támasztják alá és a Londoni olimpián való szereplésünkkel kapcsolatban inkább az Ãsszehasonlítási csoporton belüli további visszacsúszást, mintsem az eredmény javulását támogatják. A tanulmányban azt állítjuk, hogy egyéni, vállalati és makrogazdasági versenyképességet is javíthat a szabadidÅsport. Mikro szinten, majd makrogazdasági szinten elemeztük a szabadidÅsport hatásait, valamint próbáltunk választ keresni arra a kérdésre, hogy hogyan válhat az egyén, a vállalat és végsÅ célként a gazdaság versenyképesebbé a fizikai aktivitás által. A kevesebb betegség és egészségügyi kiadás, vagy éppen a kedvezÅbb várható élettartami mutatók mellett termelékenység-nÃvekedés, a versenyképességi rangsorokban pedig elÅkelÅbb helyezések érhetÅk el. ______ Our paper tackles the concept of competitiveness in the national level and interprets it also in the field of sport as well. In the economics field we focus on the competitiveness rankings of IMD and WEF and in the sport field we differentiate between professional and leisure sport. In the case of professional sport we introduce the measures of sport competitiveness and its influencing economic and social factors as well. We have made a peer group which contains Hungary and its neighboring countries and the comparative study tackles the sport competitiveness and the influencing economic and social factors as well. We measure sport competitiveness with the Olympic medal count and the medals point value, which is counted in the whole Olympic history, and different phases of the last 20 years. The economic and social factors are compared only in the new millennia as this is the most relevant time frame of this study. From the competitiveness analysis of professional sport we concluded that the maintenance of Hungaryâs historical sport successes is not proved by nowadays economic and social factors, however they support the past years decline. These factors also indicate that in London (2012)we would rather slip one more position back in the peer group, than rise again from our ashes. In our opinion leisure sport could enhance the competitiveness of individuals, companies, and economy also. We analysed the effects of leisure sport on the microeconomic and macroeconomic level, and tried to find answer to that question how could be individuals, companies, and economy more competitive through leisure sport. Besides less illness and health care expenditures, longer life expectancy, productivity growth, countries could be well placed in competitivenessâ rankings.


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A dolgozat a politikatudomány és kÃzgazdaság-tudomány határán álló kivonulás-tiltakozás-hűség modell lényegét járja kÃrbe. Az Albert O. Hirschman által felépített gondolati keret szemléleti frissessége és sajátos megkÃzelítési módja rendkívül termékenyítÅen hatott az elmúlt évtizedekben a társadalomtudományok fejlÅdésére. Mégis viszonylag periferikus helyet foglal el a kÃzgazdaság-tudományon belül, mikÃzben például a rendszerváltás és az azt kÃvetÅ társadalmi feszültségek megjelenése szempontjából is sokoldalúan használható fogalmi keretrÅl van szó. A válság indukálta turbulens kÃrnyezet még inkább rávilágít arra, hogy ma is idÅszerű perspektívát kínál a hanyatlás politikai gazdaságtana, azaz hasznos elemzési kapaszkodó nyújt az úgynevezett Hirschman-trilemma a társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatok értelmezéséhez. ________ The article concerns the "exit, voice, and loyalty" concept, which straddles the border of political science and economics. This theoretical framework, invented by Albert O. Hirschman, has exercised a fruitful influence in the social sciences in the last few decades, through its fresh features and original approach. However, it holds a peripheral position in economics and plays an undervalued role in eco-nomic education in Hungary, even though it can be flexibly applied in analyses of such phenomena as the economic transition and the ensuing social tensions. Moreover the very turbulence of the conditions brought about by the crisis show that the political economy of decline offers a relevant perspective, so that the Hirschman trilemma is a practical analytical tool for understanding social and economic processes.


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This paper reviews the expected effects of the current financial crisis and subsequent recession on the rural landscape, in particular the agri-food sector in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) on the basis of the structure of the rural economy and of different organisations and institutions. Empirical evidence suggests that the crisis has hit the ECA region the hardest. Agriculture contributes about 9% to gross domestic product (GDP) for the ECA region as a whole with 16% of the population being employed in the agricultural sector. As far as the impact of the financial crisis on the agri-food sector is concerned, there are a few interconnected issues: (1) reduction in income elastic food demand and commodity price decline, (2) loss of employment and earnings of rural people working in urban centres, implying also costly labour reallocation, (3) rising rural poverty originating mainly from lack of opportunities in the non-farm sector and a sizable decline of international remittances, (4) tightening of agricultural credit markets, and the (5) collapse of sectoral government support programs and social safety-net measures in many countries. The paper reveals how the crisis hit farming and broader agri-business differently in general and in the ECA sub-regions.