12 resultados para Value Creation

em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest


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Kimutathat-e az e-kereskedelem hatsa a vllalati teljestmnyre a recesszival kzd magyar kiskereskedelmi piacon? A hagyomnyos bolti rtkests vagy on-line kereskedelem vezet haznkban jobb pnzgyi teljestmnyhez? Ezekre a krdsekre a magyar IKT (infokommunikcis technolgiai) kiskereskedk 187 elem mintjn igyekeznek a szerzk vlaszt keresni, az adatgyjtst jszer mdon rszben automatizlt webpkokra bzva, kvetkeztetseiket pedig elssorban klaszterelemzsi technikkra ptve. Megllaptjk, hogy br a legjobb bolti kereskedk tbbnyire valamivel nagyobb s stabilabb profitrtkkal jellemezhetk a vlsg veiben is, a piac megtartsa s nvelse tern mr egyrtelmen az e-kereskedk jeleskedtek. Eredmnyeik szerint az e-kereskedelem hozzsegtheti a kiskereskedket a munkaer-hatkonysg nvelshez is, m ha gyors rendelkezsre llssal vagy alacsony rakkal csbtjk veviket, akkor a profittbblet egy rszt felrlheti a magasabb kszlettartsi igny vagy az rverseny. _____ The study examines whether e-commerce has a significant impact on corporate performance on the Hungarian retail market struggling with the effects of economic downturn. Is it brick-and-mortal retail or e-commerce that leads to a better financial performance? Using the innovative data gathering tools of automotive web crawlers the authors seek answers to these questions on a sample of 187 Hungarian ICT retailers. Based on cluster analysis they conclude that while the best traditional retailers have somewhat higher and more stable profitability ratios even during the years of recession, e-tailers are more successful in retaining and increasing their market share. E-commerce is also associated with higher human resource productivity, but the possible profit surplus originating from this advantage could be jeopardized in the long run as new electronic traders typically attract their customers by shorter service time or lower prices.


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Napjainkra az rtkteremts tnyeziben hangslyeltolds ment vgbe a korbban tlnyom rszben trgyalt trgyiasult elemekrl a tudsalap, kzzel megfoghatatlan, immaterilis elemek fel. Az rtkteremts forrst alkot erforrsok dematerializldsa, azaz az immaterilis erforrsok szerepnek nvekedse mr az 1990-es vek msodik feltl ismertt vlt a nemzetkzi szakirodalomban, azonban az rtk s az rtkteremtsi folyamat immaterilis elemeirl csak a XXI. szzadban kezddtt vita. A szerz vizsglatnak kzppontjban az rtkteremts koncepcija s az ebben fellelhet immaterilis elemek llnak, kihangslyozva a dematerializldst. _____ Nowadays we can realize a shift in the focus of value creation from the formerly well discussed tangible factors to the knowledge-intensive, immaterial, intangible factors. The dematerialization of resources, which is the phenomena of growing importance of intangible resources, is known from the second half of 1990s in the literature, but the discussion from the intangible elements of value creation began only in the beginning of the 21st century. The concept of value creation and its intangible elements are in the focus of the paper as the emphasis of dematerialization.


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A tanulmny a mikrokonmia eszkzrendszert s a hazai gpjrmpiac 2013-as adatait segtsgl hvva egy j mdszert mutat be az rmeghatrozs terletn. A kutats kzponti krdse az, hogy hol tallhat az a pont, amikor a fogyaszt elgedett a knlt minsggel s rral lehetleg megfelel idben s a vllalat is elgedett a megszerzett profittal. A tanulmnyban teht az rmeghatrozs sorn kzponti szerepet jtszik a minsg s az id, mint rtkteremt funkci. Az elemzs egyik legfbb kvetkeztetse, hogy a profitmaximumbl levezetett optimlis r a minsg s az id klnbz paramterei mellett meghatrozhat. A mdszer segtsgvel a vllalatok kzgazdasgi eszkzrendszer segtsgvel kapnak egy j szemlletet mkdsi paramtereik s egyben versenyprioritsaik (r, kltsg, minsgszint, id) fellltshoz. _____ The study points to a new method for determining price with the tools of microeconomics and data of the Hungarian car market. The focus of the research is on where to find the point where the consumer is satisfied with the quality and price offered preferably right time and the company is satisfied with the profit achieved. In this study, therefore, in setting prices plays a central role the quality and time as a value-added feature. One of the main conclusions of the analysis is that the optimal price can be determined by various parameters of the quality and time. The method of using the economic tools help companies get a new perspective and to set up their optimal operating parameters (price, cost, quality level, time).


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Value creation is the result of the continuous innovation activity of the entrepreneur, which is carried out mainly in form of open innovation among the agri-food SMEs. However value creation is not the ultimate goal of the enterprises. They are more interested in increased appropriation of the created value. Although the value creation (innovation) is very well explored and cultivated area of research, there are some voids in the field of agriculture and food industry: the behavioural aspect of open innovation is very rare. The value capturing is even much less studied, therefor our research approach is largely explorative one. Data are drawn from a survey carried out in Hungary among the agri-food SMEs in 2014. We use Structural Equation Modelling as well as ordered probit and semi-non parametric ordered probit models for analysing the data. Our results show that there is positive relationship between the knowledge sharing with chain partners and the innovativeness. We could explore that size of the firm, absorptive capacity and openness to foreign trade ambiguously affects value capturing. However trust in chain partners, reciprocity in knowledge sharing with chain partners and willingness to cooperate with buyers positively influence the appropriation of the created value.


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A sport egyre fontosabb tnyezv vlik a trsadalomban, s gazdasgi slya is egyre szignifiknsabban jelentkezik. A sportgazdasgtani rsok nagy rsze azonban a hivatsos sporttal foglalkozik, a szabadidsport nem kap elg slyt. Downward s szerztrsai mg 2009-ben is az elmleti s gyakorlati munkk hinyra hvtk fel a figyelmet. Jelen cikk a szabadidsporttal kvn foglalkozni, s clja, hogy bemutassa, milyen rtket teremt a szabadidsport az egyn, a vllalatok, a trsadalom s a gazdasg szmra, valamint azt, hogy az egyes szereplk a szabadidsport ltal milyen mdon lehetnek versenykpesebbek. A szabadidsport s a versenykpessg rvid fogalmi definilsa utn a szerz bemutatja az irodalom-feldolgozs s a 31 kvalitatv mlyinterj kapcsold eredmnyeit. ___________________ Sport has always been an important part of society but it is now becoming an increasingly important part of the economy. The sport management literature mostly deals with competitive sport, leisure sport has a week position. Downward et al.have written about the lack of theoretical and empirical works in the area of leisure sport. This article deals with leisure sport, the aim of the authors work is: to present the value creation of leisure sport for individuals, companies, for society and economy, and to examine how they could be more competitive through leisure sport. After presenting short definitions of leisure sport and competitiveness, the author does literature review and presents the most important thoughts of the articles and the results of my 31 qualitative in-depth interviews.


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A lean menedzsment az rtkteremt folyamatok stratgiai s operatv szintjnek meghatroz formljv vlt az elmlt vtizedekben. Jelen tanulmny stratgiai nzpontbl trgyalja a lean menedzsment teljes bevezetst. Rszletes ttekintst ad a Womack s Jones (2003) ltal lefektetett lean alapelvekrl. Az operatv teljestmnyjavulsbl szrmaz vevi rtkteremts mellett foglalkozik a tulajdonosi rtkteremtssel, az MRP s a lean szinergikus sszekapcsolsval, valamint a lean idelis szervezeti krnyezetvel is. A lean a kapcsold terletek illesztst is megkveteli, a mhelytanulmny rviden kitr az emberi erforrs, a teljestmnymrs, az elltsi lnc s a termkfejleszts legfontosabb krdseire. = Lean management has become the dominant strategic and operative framework of value creating processes in the last decades. The working paper describes the strategic approach of full lean implementation. It is mainly built on Womack and Joness (2003) lean principles. Beside the five lean principles the study is concerned with customer and shareholder value creation, touches upon the relationship of lean and MRP, and describes ideal lean organizational environment. Lean redesigns value creating processes and requires functional fit of related departments, so the most important issues of human resource, performance, supply chain management and product design are discussed as well.


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rsunk a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) magyarorszgi megvalsulsnak hangslyairl szl. Azt vizsgljuk, hogy a szakmai kzvlemny milyen kpet alakthatott ki e projektekrl a szaksajt olvassn keresztl. Hrom tgabb elvi szempont sajtbeli megjelensnek slyt elemezzk: a PPP cljai, a feladatok hatkonyabb elvgzsnek mdja, illetve a trsadalmi kontroll megvalsulsa ll rdekldsnk kzppontjban. A tartalomelemzs matematikai-statisztikai mdszereit alkalmazzuk. Kvetkeztetsnk, hogy a PPP-projektek ltalban mg nem elvi lnyegk szerint valsultak meg Magyarorszgon, br az vek sorn rzkelhet pozitv irny elmozduls: tanulsi folyamat trtnik. Ennek alapjn nem szabad a PPP-t mint mdszert elvetni a kzfeladatok elltsban, hanem alkalmazsi mdjnak tkletestsre kell trekedni. = This working paper focuses on the perceptions of the Hungarian implementation of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects. It was examined how PPP was perceived in the wider public through the communication of the most read daily and weekly business journals. We analyzed the proportion of three broad aspects in the articles: the main goals of PPP, efficiency improvement as a substantial opportunity for value creation, and the role of democratic control. We applied the mathematical-statistical methods of content analysis. Our conclusion is that PPP-projects in Hungary are far from the normative model of implementation as discerned from literature, but from year to year a positive shift, a learning process can be observed. Therefore, instead of discarding PPP as a progressive government solution, Hungary should focus on improving the design and implementation of PPP projects.


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A kutatsi projektnk tanulmnysorozata a magyar gazdasg fejldsnek klnbz gazdasgfejlesztsi tjait vizsglja 2020-ig, amelyben a foglalkoztathatsg krdse kulcs szerepet kapott. Jelen tanulmnyunkban arra a kutatsi krdsre keressk a vlaszt, hogy milyen oktatsi rendszerre lenne szksge a magyar gazdasgnak ahhoz, hogy az emltett 2020-ig megvalsthat klnbz gazdasgfejlesztsi utak szmra, biztostani tudja a megfelel mennyisg s minsg emberi erforrst. A kutatsi krds megvlaszolsnak rdekben bemutattuk az oktatsi rendszer rtkteremtsi logikjt, a kompetencia alap, outputorientlt oktats koncepcijt, a jelenlegi oktatsi rendszert s annak kialakulst a rendszervlts ta, valamint a gazdasgfejlesztsi utak megvalsulshoz ksztett szmtsainkat. A magyar oktatsi rendszer, annak stacioner fejldse esetn nem lesz kpes mg a stacioner gazdasgfejlesztsi t (tlagosan vi 1%-os GDP nvekeds 2020-ig) emberi erforrs szksgletnek a biztostsra sem, nemhogy az ennl magasabb GDP nvekedssel jr ipari termelsen, vagy gazdasgi szolgltatsokon nyugv klnbz szcenrik szksgletnek biztostsra. A diplomsok tlkpzsnek a hiedelme megalapozatlan, nem a diplomsok mennyisgvel van a problma, mivel bellk lesz a legnagyobb hiny a klnbz gazdasgfejlesztsi plyk alapjn, hanem maximum azok minsge vethet fel krdseket. Ahhoz, hogy a gazdasgi nvekedsnk mg az emberi erforrs haznkban megfelel minsg s mennyisg legyen egy teljesen j koncepci szksges az oktatssal kapcsolatban. Be kell vezetni a kompetencia alap, output orientlt oktatsi modellt, amelynek irnytsban a munkaerpiac szerept jelentsen meg kell ersteni, s az t-, s tovbbkpzsek terletnek hangslyt jelentsen nvelni kell. Mindezek hinyban, vagy az hajtott gazdasgi nvekeds nem lesz megvalsthat, vagy fl millis nagysgrend kpzett munkaer importjra fog Magyarorszg rszorulni. ________ The working papers of our research project analyze the development paths of the Hungarian economy until 2020, where employability is one of the cornerstones of the research. The research question addressed in this paper is what kind of educational system does Hungary need if we want to provide the needed human resources for the mentioned development paths until 2020. To answer the research question we introduced the value creation logic of the educational system, the concept of competency based output oriented education, todays educational system and its 20 years history and our calculations for the development paths. The Hungarian educational system with its stationer development will not be able to provide the needed human resources to the stationer economic development path (average 1% GDP growth until 2020), not to mention the more productive manufacturing based or service based scenarios. The belief of overeducation in higher education is unfounded, the graduates will have the highest shortage according to the development paths, however their quality could raise some questions. To provide the needed quality and quantity in human resources for the economic development we need to implement a radically new educational concept, the competency based output oriented educational system, where the control of labor market and the emphasis of retraining, development as well as life-long learning has to be significantly strengthened. Without these either the desired growth will not be achievable or we should import around half million trained worker to Hungary.


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Kutatsunk alapvetse, hogy egy orszg versenykpessge az rtkteremt munkamegosztst tmogat teljes kzssgi intzmnyrendszer sikeres mkdsn mlik. Munknkkal arra kerestk a vlaszt, milyen rtkek s motivcik alaktjk a magyar gazdasg intzmnyrendszert. Nem a hivatalos magatartsi szablyok statikus elemzsre koncentrltunk, hanem a normk, konvencik s innovcik vilgra, az intzmnyrendszer jvjt befolysol dinamikus elemekre. Elemzsnk fkuszban a trsadalmi s vllalkozi rtkek, a gazdasgpolitika formlk versenykpessgi narratvi, a helyi gazdasgok versenykpessgi tnyezi, a versenykpessg javtst szolgl magnkezdemnyezsek s a nonprofit szektor mkdse lltak. F eredmnynk, hogy a Magyarorszg jvbeli versenykpessgt befolysol tudati elemek - a gazdasgi dntshozk motivcii s normi megfelel alapot teremtenek a gazdasgunk versenykpessgt megerst zleti, civil s kormnyzati kezdemnyezsek szmra. Magas kzssgi s morlis elvrsok jellemzik a lakossg s a vllalkozk rtkrendjt. A gazdasgpolitika-alkotk nyitottak az intzmnyi problmkra, a magyar vlemnyformlk krben egyetrts van a f versenykpessgi kihvsokat illeten. Jl azonosthatak a szervezk erfesztseit kompenzlni kpes versenykpessgi sszefogsok keretei. A helyi gazdasgfejleszts intzmnyei alakulban vannak. A nonprofit szektor mkdsi viszonyainak bizonytalansga ellenre a kzclsg s a versenykpessg kzs terletein (mint az atipikus foglalkoztats) jl teljest. Ezek az eredmnyek egyszerre nyitnak perspektvt a tudomnyos vizsglds s a gyakorlati cselekvs szmra. Az nrdek s a kzssgi rtkteremt kpessg javtsnak motivcija kztti kapcsolat tudomnyos vizsglata, a trsadalmi innovcik kutatsa a versenykpessg javthatsgnak kereteit trhatja fel. Az zleti, civil vagy kormnyzati szereplk pedig akkor tudjk a fogyaszti, kzssgi elvrsokat sikeresen sszeegyeztetni stratgiai cljaikkal, ha a gazdasgi s trsadalmi szereplk normihoz, konvenciihoz igaztva alaktjk ki intzmnyforml stratgiikat. __________ The competitiveness of nations is based on the successful function of the institutions that support the division of labor on value creation this is the basic principle of this research. Our project investigates what values and motivations shape the institutional setting of Hungarian economy. We study the world of norms, conventions and innovations the elements that shape the institutions. The static analysis of official rules has only a minor role in this approach. Research focuses (1) on the value system of entrepreneurs (2), on the mind setting of public managers and executives of economic policy (3) on the factors of local economic competitiveness, (4) on the actions of private and non-profit sector in order to enhance competitiveness. The main finding of this research is that the cognitive factors that shape the competitiveness of Hungary the norms and motivations of decision makers in the economy give a positive support for the competitiveness strengthening initiatives of business, non-profit and public sectors. The studies on the values system of entrepreneurs and citizens show that expectations and moral values connected to competitiveness are strong. The public managers of economic policy are open-minded and there is a general consensus of experts, business and politics on the key competitiveness challenges of Hungary. There are well defined frameworks to conceptualize the schemes that make organizers efforts affordable in private initiatives for competitiveness. There are various developments on the field of institutions for local economic development. The nonprofit sector has good results on the common fields of competiveness and equity (like atypical forms of employment) despite the uncertainties in the background of the sector. These results open perspectives both for scientific research and practical applications. The research on connection between individual goals and motivation to improve value creating ability of the society and the study of social innovation reveal new aspects of competitiveness. Business, non-profit or public leaders can better synchronize their strategies with the expectation of consumers, communities and constituencies if their intentions to shape institutional settings fit better to the norms and conventions of the social and economic stakeholders.


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Tanulmnyunk clja a versenykpessg kzssgi begyazottsgnak elemzshez alkalmas elemzsi keretek bemutatsa s a versenykpessg fogalmnak elemzse a fogalom intzmnyi, normatv tartalma szempontjbl. Clunk a kzssgi versenykpessg fogalmnak s az ezt elemezni kpes megkzelts kidolgozsa. A feladat ketts: 1. A versenykpessg rtelmezse a dntsek kzssgi keretei szempontjbl 2. A kzssgi keretek versenykpessgre gyakorolt hatsnak elemzse Ennek rdekben a tanulmny els fejezetben az egyni dntst meghatroz tnyezket s az egyni dntsek jvbeli interakcik krnyezetre gyakorolt hatst elemz keretet vzoljuk fel. Megkzeltsnk szerint az egyni dntst ngy tnyez hatrozza meg. a kzssgi krnyezet, a termszeti krnyezet, s szemlyes jellemzk s az interakcis partnerek. Az ez alapjn szlet dntsek formljk a jvbeli dntsi krnyezetet. A dntsek hatsnak elemzshez a krnyezetre gyakorolt hatsok rtkelst orientl fogalomra van szksg. Elemzsnk esetben ez a fogalom az rtkteremts, amit a kvetkezkpp hatrozunk meg: az rtkteremt tevkenysgek sorn valaki arra trekszik, hogy sajt szemlyes cljait a msokkal val klcsnsen elnys egyttmkdsek lehetsgeinek bvtsvel, hozamainak nvelsvel szolglja. A msodik fejezetben az egyni dntsek kzssgi kereteit s az egyni dntsek kzssgre gyakorolt hatst elemezzk rszletesen. A formlis s informlis intzmnyek vilgt, a kzssgi magatartsokat szablyoz normk s konvencik rendszert a kvetkez t a valsgban gyakran kevered - alapelemre bontjuk rtkrend, konvenci, kzssgi szably, hivatalos elrs, egynek kztti megllapods. Ezek kzl a magnszereplk egyttmkdsnek az rintett szereplk ltal mdosthat intzmnyi elemeinek (konvenci, megllapods) alkalmazkodsa a leggyorsabb, a kzssg egszt irnyt formlis intzmnyek a status quo irnti elfogultsguk miatt lomhbbak, mg a kzssg lett informlisan befolysol normk a legstabilabb intzmnyi elemek. A kzssgek vltozsa ltalban lass, legtbbszr nem szndkolt hatsok kvetkezmnye. Mindezek mellett a kzssgi intzmnyek tudatos alaktsban komoly szerepe van (1) a konvencikat megjt intzmnyi innovtoroknak, (2) a szerzdses formulkon mdost vllalkozknak s (3) a hivatalos elrsok formlsba bekapcsold politikai szereplknek politikai vllalkozknt, tisztviselknt, vagy kzleti rsztvevknt. A harmadik fejezetben a versenykpessg fogalmt elemezzk, s ez alapjn hatrozzuk meg a kzssgi versenykpessg fogalmt. Megvizsgljuk, milyen feltevsekkel l a fogalom a kzssgi krnyezettel kapcsolatban, illetve milyen normatv elemei vannak a defincinak. A vizsglathoz a versenykpessg fogalmnak egy lecsupasztott vltozatt hasznltuk. E szerint a versenykpessg valaki kpessge rtkteremt mdon bekapcsoldni a gazdasgi munkamegosztsba gy, hogy tevkenysge relatv hozama nem cskken. Az elemzs alapjn a versenykpessg a kzssgi krnyezet kvetkez ht elemre pl: 1. A kzssg tagjainak s a tagsg tartalmnak meghatrozottsga; 2. a potencilis egyttmkd felek kzs mltja, jvje, konvenci- s normarendszere; 3. A gazdasgi egyttmkds intzmnyeinek (csere, vllalkozs, tulajdon, szerzds) mkdkpessge; 4. Az rtkteremts normatv koncepcija s az arra pl rszleteiben meghatrozott, s rszleteiben is kzssgi legitimcival br szablyrendszer; 5. Az innovcit tmogat s a kellen rugalmas rtkrend s kzssgi szablyok. 6. A gazdasgi munkamegoszts ignyeihez rszleteiben s vltozsval is igazod konvencik, hivatalos elrsok s szerzdsek; 7. A kzssgi krnyezet tudatos alaktsval foglalkoz szereplk (kzssgi innovtorok, vllalkozk s politikai szereplk) motivcija s lehetsge a hozamok relatv szintjnek tartst tmogat intzmnyi krnyezet karbantartsban. A versenykpessg fogalmnak intzmnyi elemzse rmutat, hogy a fogalom gazdag rtktartalommal s hatrozott kzssgi intzmnyrendszer-kppel rendelkezik. A kzssgi versenykpessg ez alapjn a versenykpessg fogalmba kdolt kzssgi krnyezetknt hatrozhat meg. A kutats kvetkez lpse a kzssgi versenykpessg meghatrozsa, az azt befolysol mechanizmusok feltrsa s javtst tmogat elemzsi eszkzk, gyakorlati segdletek kidolgozsa. Ezen feladatok elksztse rdekben a tanulmny mellkletben kt trtnelmi esettanulmnyt mutatunk be, rviden ttekintjk a tma szempontjbl relevns irodalom fbb eredmnyeit s bemutatunk egy praktikus alkalmazsra sznt normatv elemzsi eszkzt, mellyel az elemezhet, hogy az llami lpsek mennyire btortjk az rtkteremt vllalkozst. _________ This paper (1) introduces an analytical framework to study the impact of the community on competitiveness and (2) analyses the institutional and normative content in the concept of competitiveness. The goal is to elaborate an approach that supports the definition and analysis of the competiveness of community. This task has two main parts: 1. interpretation of competiveness from social choice perspective 2. assessing the impact of social settings on the competiveness of a community The first chapter of the study draws up an analytical framework to study the social factors of individual decisions and their impact on the environment of future interactions. We focus on four main factors that shape setting of future interactions: social environment, natural environment, personal characteristics and partners in interactions. We use the concept of value creation to assess the impact of individual decisions on these factors. The second chapter discusses the social factors of individual decisions and the impact of individual decisions on the community. Institutions are conceptualized as value systems, conventions, community rules, official rules and contracts in the study. The conventions and contracts can accommodate to the changes of environment more smoothly, formal institutions are less flexible due to their bias toward status quo. Informal rules and value systems resists change more frequently. The formation of social environment is usually slow and based on unintended effects. Altogether (1) innovators who revise social conventions, (2) entrepreneurs who reshape contracts and (4) political entrepreneurs who formulate formal rules have influential roles on the institutional setting. The third chapter discusses the social assumptions included into the definition of competitiveness and we give a definition for the competiveness of communities. A simplified definition of competitiveness is used for this analysis: competiveness is someones ability and motivation to participate in the economic division of labor in a way that is based on value creation and maintains the relative return of activities. Our analysis reveals that competitiveness assumes the following features of the community: 1. Defined membership of community: who are the members and what does membership mean. 2. Common past, future, convention and norm system of the potential participants of interactions 3. Functionality of institutions that facilitate division of labor (exchange, entrepreneurship, property, contract) 4. Existing normative concept on value creation and social accepted rules that govern interactions 5. Value system and rules that promote innovation 6. Conventions, official norms and contracts that fits to economic division of labor in a detailed and dynamic way 7. Motivation and potential of actors who shape social environment consciously to maintain institutions in order to sustain the relative return of economic activities This analysis shows that the concept of competitiveness assumes well established values and detailed expectations on institutional settings. Followingly, competiveness of community can be defined with these criteria of social environment. Two historical case studies and the draft of a policy oriented toolkit demonstrate the applicability of the introduced approach in the appendix. The core findings of the literature are also reviewed there.


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Mra az innovci a versenyelny megszerzsnek s megrzsnek legfbb forrsa, ezrt az innovcis tevkenysget vez menedzselsi feladatok egyre komplexebbek s sokrtbbek lettek. Az innovci nem csupn a vletlen eredmnye, ezrt ha a vllalat rdemi erfesztseket tesz az innovcivezrelt szervezet kialaktsa rdekben, akkor vlhetleg sikeresebben veszi a versenypiaci akadlyokat, ami hossz tvon eredmnyesebb vllalkozst eredmnyezhet. A cikk elsdleges clja, hogy rvilgtson az innovci s a stratgia kapcsolatra. A tanulmny rendszerez jelleggel tekinti t a nemzetkzi s hazai szakirodalmat, annak rdekben, hogy bemutassa az innovci stratgiai jelentsgt. A cikk eredmnyeknt innovcis alapstratgikat fogalmaz meg, amelyek segtenek megrteni az innovci vllalati rtkteremtsben betlttt szerept. A tanulmny tovbb rmutat azokra a fkuszterletekre, amelyek kiemelt relevancival rendelkeznek az innovci menedzselse szempontjbl. _____ Nowadays innovation is one of the most important sources of competitiveness, thus more and more attention turns on its execution. Innovation is not only the result of random development, it can be managed in order to make the entire innovation process more predictable and profitable. The aim of this article is to highlight the interconnections between innovation and strategy. The study systematizes the international and the domestic literature to get an overall picture about the current issues of innovation management. As a conclusion, the author tries to reveal the role of innovation in corporate value creation. Besides, he proposes further innovation strategies that can support a higher execution level in strategic innovation management.


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A cikk clja, hogy kzelebb vigye az olvast az innovci s az innovcimenedzsment krdskrhez. A tanulmny az innovci tmakrnek feldolgozst a vllalatelmleti alapoktl kezdi, majd konkrt stratgiai megfontolsokig jut el a cikk vgre. A tanulmny szles kr hazai s nemzetkzi szakirodalom alapjn trja fel az innovci vllalatelmleti gykereit. A felhasznlt irodalom nem ragad meg elmleti szinten, hiszen a tanulmny lefordtja ezeket az elmleti koncepcikat vals, gyakorlatorientlt zleti nyelvre. Clja, hogy a nagyvilgban sztszrt elmleteket letiszttsa, s a modern kori menedzsmentelvekkel szintetizlja. A cikk az innovcit a vllalati rtkteremts szemszgbl vizsglja. Megllaptja, hogy az innovci szmos vllalatelmlet tanait integrlja egybe, aminek kvetkeztben a stratgiai implikcik is szles spektrumon mozoghatnak. Ahogy az innovci vltozst indukl a szervezetben, gy bukkannak fel komplex optimalizlsi dilemmk, amelyek a turbulens gazdasgi krnyezetben, a rvidl reakciidk miatt, egyre nagyobb kihvst okoznak a menedzserek szmra. A cikk ezeket a dilemmkat mutatja be vitaindt attitddel, valamint az elmlet s a gyakorlat szintetizlsval. ____ The aim of the article is to bring the reader closer to the topic of innovation management through several company theories and strategic implications. This study is based on a wide range of international literature which is interpreted in a practice oriented way. This article is summarizing the sporadic information on innovation as well as makes an effort on synthesizing this knowledge. The aspect of observation is mainly based on corporate value creation. As innovation causes changes into the organization company leaders have to face complex economic optimization questions. These management dilemmas are not easy to solve in this turbulent business environment. This article tries to highlight these strategic level issues around innovation management by synthesizing theoretical knowledge with business implications.