2 resultados para New statistics for monitoring

em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest


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Climate change is one of the biggest environmental problems of the 21st century. The most sensitive indicators of the effects of the climatic changes are phenological processes of the biota. The effects of climate change which were observed the earliest are the remarkable changes in the phenology (i.e. the timing of the phenophases) of the plants and animals, which have been systematically monitored later. In our research we searched for the answer: which meteorological factors show the strongest statistical relationships with phenological phenomena based on some chosen plant and insect species (in case of which large phenological databases are available). Our study was based on two large databases: one of them is the Lepidoptera database of the Hungarian Plant Protection and Forestry Light Trap Network, the other one is the Geophytes Phenology Database of the Botanical Garden of Eötvös Loránd University. In the case of butterflies, statistically defined phenological dates were determined based on the daily collection data, while in the case of plants, observation data on blooming were available. The same meteorological indicators were applied for both groups in our study. On the basis of the data series, analyses of correlation were carried out and a new indicator, the so-called G index was introduced, summing up the number of correlations which were found to be significant on the different levels of significance. In our present study we compare the significant meteorological factors and analyse the differences based on the correlation data on plants and butterflies. Data on butterflies are much more varied regarding the effectiveness of the meteorological factors.


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A tanulmány az aukciós villamosenergia-tőzsdéken kialakuló óránkénti árak statisztikai jellemzőivel foglalkozik. Célja, hogy egyes legújabb kutatási eredmények alapján új megvilágításban mutassa be a villamos energia óránkénti árára jellemző főbb megállapításokat, amelyek a későbbiekben az ár modellezésének alapjául szolgálhatnak. A jelenségeket az EEX és Nord Pool áramtőzsdén kereskedett termékek árainak adatain szemlélteti. Látni fogjuk, hogy át kell értékelnünk több, a villamosenergia-árak statisztikai viselkedéséről alkotott meggondolást. / === / The article concerns the statistical features of the hourly prices on auction-based markets for electric power. The purpose is to use the latest research findings to present the main statements about the hourly price for electric power in a new light, so that they can serve later as a basis for price modelling. The phenomena are viewed through the price data of products traded on the EEX and Nord Pool power exchanges. It emerges that several ideas about the statistical behaviour of electric power prices have to be reviewed.