4 resultados para Mind the gap
em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest
Purpose – The paper aims to explore the gap between theory and practice in foresight and to give some suggestions on how to reduce it. Design/methodology/approach – Analysis of practical foresight activities and suggestions are based on a literature review, the author's own research and practice in the field of foresight and futures studies, and her participation in the work of a European project (COST A22). Findings – Two different types of practical foresight activities have developed. One of them, the practice of foresight of critical futures studies (FCFS) is an application of a theory of futures studies. The other, termed here as praxis foresight (PF), has no theoretical basis and responds directly to practical needs. At present a gap can be perceived between theory and practice. PF distinguishes itself from the practice and theory of FCFS and narrows the construction space of futures. Neither FCFS nor PF deals with content issues of the outer world. Reducing the gap depends on renewal of joint discourses and research about experience of different practical foresight activities and manageability of complex dynamics in foresight. Production and feedback of self-reflective and reflective foresight knowledge could improve theory and practice. Originality/value – Contemporary practical foresight activities are analysed and suggestions to reduce the gap are developed in the context of the linkage between theory and practice. This paper is thought provoking for futurists, foresight managers and university researchers.
The aim of this paper is to build the stated preference method into the social discount rate methodology. The first part of the paper presents the results of a survey about stated time preferences through pair-choice decision situations for various topics and time horizons. It is assumed that stated time preferences differ from calculated time preferences and that the extent of stated rates depends on the time period, and on how much respondents are financially and emotionally involved in the transactions. A significant question remains: how can the gap between the calculation and the results of surveys be resolved, and how can the real time preferences of individuals be interpreted using a social time preference rate. The second part of the paper estimates the social time preference rate for Hungary using the results of the survey, while paying special attention to the pure time preference component. The results suggest that the current method of calculation of the pure time preference rate does not reflect the real attitudes of individuals towards future generations.
Ez a tanulmány a projektvezetési szakirodalomban kialakult ismeretanyagot szem előtt tartva (noha tételesen nem hivatkozva arra) tárja fel azt a sajátos és tipikusnak nevezhető kontextust, amelyben a projektalapú szervezetek projektmarketing tevékenysége megnyilvánul. A tanulmány célja tehát nem magának a projektmarketingnek a kérdéskörére irányul, hanem elsősorban annak projektspecifikus kontextusára. Jellegét illetően a tanulmány spekulatív jellegű, vagyis lényegét tekintve nem empirikus kutatási eredményekből levont következtetésekre épül. _____ Traditional approach to project marketing focuses on process-related aspects of the marketing efforts of project- based organisations. This paper is different. Unlike to the traditional approach it highlights the decisive contextual features of project marketing, bearing in mind the typical project business from the point of view of project-based organisations. These features include: a) instead of physically existing products project-based organisations need to sell their ability to create the project outcome physically; b) the project outcome and the conditions of implementation are defined by the project client; c) project clients are involved in creating the project outcome; d) project implementation strategy applied in a client organisation may vary project by project. These determining contextual features shape to a great extent the actual competitive position of the project-based organisations which may vary project by project even in relation to the very same project client.
A szerzők kutatásának célja ráirányítani a figyelmet arra a tényre, hogy a tényleges és potenciális munkavállalók szervezeti kultúrára vonatkozó vágyai és a valóság között jelentős eltérés tapasztalható. Napjaink pénzpiaci és reálgazdasági válságának hatásaként még fokozottabban jelentkezik az igény a változásra, változtatásra nemcsak a szervezetek, de az egyén szintjén is. Ahhoz azonban, hogy a változtatás lehetséges útjai, módjai közül megalapozottan lehessen választani, nemcsak a kívánatos cél kitűzésére, de a kiinduló állapot minél precízebb meghatározására is szükség van. Jelen cikkükben a szerzők egyrészt azokról az eredményekről számolnak be, amelyek az egyetemi hallgatók „vágyott” munkahelyének szervezeti kultúráját, és ennek kapcsolatát a tényleges piaci kínálattal mutatják be. Másrészt egy közszolgáltató cég példáján a munkavállalók szervezeti kultúrára vonatkozó vágyai és a valóság kapcsolatával foglalkoznak. _____ The aim of the authors is to review and examine the gap between the aspirations and reality regarding organizational culture of those already employed and those seeking employment. These days the financial and real economic crisis generated an increased demand for change on the part of organizations as well as individuals. However, in order to map the possibilities for change and formulate a well-founded decision on which alternative to adopt it is essential to define the starting point and to set clear aims. Present article outlines the research results of the aspirations of university students regarding the organizational culture of their possible future workplaces and how they can be related to the reality of labor market supply. Furthermore, by providing the case of a public utility company, the aspirations of employees regarding organizational culture and the way it relates to reality is also presented.