5 resultados para Mass media in family planning.

em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest


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Contemporary strategic-planning processes don’t help family businesses cope with some of the big problems they face. Owner managers admit that they are confronted with issues, such as those associated with succession and inter-generational transfer that cannot be resolved merely by gathering additional data, defining issues more clearly, or breaking them down into small problems. Preparing for succession is often put off or ignored, many planning techniques don’t generate fresh ideas and implementing solutions is often fraught with political peril. This paper presents a framework to explore the idea of wicked problems, its relevance to succession planning in family businesses and its implications for practice and policy. A wicked problem has many and varied elements, and is complex as well as challenging. These problems are different to hard but ordinary problems, which people can solve in a finite time period by applying standard techniques. In this paper the authors argue that the wicked problem of family business succession requires a different approach to strategy, founded on social planning processes to engage multiple stakeholders and reconcile family/business interests to foster a joint commitment to possible ways of resolution. This requires academics and practitioners to re-frame traditional business strategic planning processes to achieve more sustainable family business futures.


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A válság okozta megszorítások a projektek költségvetését sem hagyták változatlanul. Nagyon sokszor nemcsak a jövőbeni projekttervek költségvetését kell átgondolni, hanem a már futó projektek költségvetését is újra kell szabni. E tanulmány ilyen esetekben nyújthat módszertani támogatást. A szerző ebben a kutatásban négy költség- és időcsökkentő módszert hasonlít össze. Ismerteti, hogy ezeket az eljárásokat milyen módon lehet ötvözni, illetve mikor, melyiket célszerű alkalmazni. Az eljárások között van olyan módszer, amely a hagyományos projektmenedzsment (pl. építési, beruházási projektek menedzselésének) eszköztárát gazdagítja, de találkozhatunk olyan eljárásokkal is, amelyek az agilis projektszemléleten alapuló módszerek körét szélesítik. A bemutatott módszerek nemcsak a hálótervezési, hanem a mátrixos projekttervezési eljárások esetén is alkalmazhatók. ____ Due to the effects of the crisis, budgets of present as well as future projects are decreasing steadily. In this study four different methods are introduced for minimising budget and time demands. These introduced methods support not only the traditional but also the agile project management. Furthermore these methods can be used not only in case of network planning, but also for matrix-based project planning.


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A márkatulajdonosok számára elsődleges fontosságú, hogy feltérképezzék saját márkaközösségüket, ezáltal is elősegítve a közösségi fókuszú kommunikációs tevékenységüket. Különösen igaz ez a jellemzően kis- és középvállalati formában működő vendéglátóhelyek számára, ahol a közösségi média sokszor az egyetlen rendelkezésre álló marketingkommunikációs eszköz. Empirikus kutatásunkban fogyasztói narratívákat (n=151) elemzünk a tartalomelemzés módszertanával. A válaszadókat arra kértük, hogy írjanak kedvenc vendéglátóhelyükkel való kapcsolatukról az online térben. Elemzésünkben arra keressük a választ, hogy a márkaközösségek tagjai milyen belső indíttatásból kerültek kapcsolatba kedvenc vendéglátóhelyeikkel a közösségi platformokon. Az elsősorban fogyasztási élményekhez kötött kapcsolat online közösségi térbe való kiterjesztésére olyan belső motivációkat tártunk fel, mint a pragmatikusabb információközpontú indíttatások (pl. kizárólagos információk, naprakészség, vállalati ajánlatok, közösségimédia-specifikus tartalmakhoz való hozzáférés igénye), az érzelmi kötődés kifejezése (pl. nosztalgia, ismerősöknek való ajánlás, személyes érintettség), a társas befolyás (oldalak kedvelése mint kommunikációs tartalom, konformitás, önkifejezés), valamint a vállalati alapképességeken túlmutató egyéb tematikus kapcsolódások. ____ It is of primary importance for brand owners to map their own brand community, in order to stimulate their social-focused communication activity. This is especially true for typically small and medium-sized catering enterprises, where in most cases, social media is the only available marketing communications tool. In our empirical research, we analyze consumer narratives (n=151) with the methodology of content analysis. We asked the respondents to write about their relationship with their most preferred catering establishments in the online social sphere. In our research, we search for the inner intention by which members of brand communities got connected with their most preferred catering establishments on social platforms. We revealed such inner motivations for users extending a primarily experience (an consumption) based relationship to the online social sphere like rather pragmatic, information-focused intentions (e.g. exclusive information, timeliness, company offers, access claim for social media -specific contents), the expression of emotional binding (e.g. nostalgia, reference for acquaintances, personal involvement), social influence (the like as communication content, conformity, self-expression), and other thematic linkages beyond core company competences.


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The most natural mode of family firm succession is the intergenerational ownership transfer. Statistical evidence, however, suggests that in most cases the succession process fails. There can be several reasons as a lot of personal, emotional and structural factors can act as an inhibitor to succession. The effectiveness of the implementation of any succession strategy is strongly dependent on the efficiency of intergenerational knowledge transfer, which is related to the parties’ absorptive capacity and willingness to learn. The paper is based on the experiences learned from the INSIST project. In the framework of the project different aspects of family business succession have been investigated in three participating countries (Hungary, Poland and the United Kingdom). The aim of the paper is to identify the patterns of management, succession, knowledge transfer and learning in family businesses. Issues will be examined in detail such as the succession strategies of companies investigated and the efforts family businesses and their managers make in order to harmonize family goals (such as emotional stability, harmony, and reputation) with business- related objectives (e.g. survival, growth or profitability).


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The paper aims to identify actual media audiences of different mass- and non-mass media types through identifying those audience clusters consuming not different but differentiable media mixes. A major concern of the study is to highlight the transformation of mass media audiences when technology, digitalization and participation behaviors are able to reshape traditional audience forms and media diets, which may directly affect the traditional media value chain and in turn the thinking and decision making of media managers. Through such a kaleidoscope the authors examined media use and consumption patterns using an online self-reported questionnaire. They developed different media consumer clusters as well as media consumption mixes. Based on the results of the study the authors can state that internet use is today’s main base of media consumption, and as such it is becoming the real mass media, replacing television. However this “new” media has a completely different structure, being more fragmented with smaller audience reach. At the same time, television is keeping its audience. However, there are emerging segments self-reporting non- or light television viewing. This is how the question of the viewer-television relation among different television viewer clusters evolves. At the same time only gaming exhibited demographic differentiation of audiences based on gender.