19 resultados para Innovation System, Research Policy
em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest
Chinas long term development path has always been strongly infl uenced by its own ways of innovation and invention. Though around one thousand years ago China had been undoubtedly the most advanced country in the world, by the 17th century Europe had surpassed it. And when the PRC was founded in 1949, it was only a poor, severely underdeveloped country without adequate, modern technologies. In the last three decades, however, the country has achieved remarkable success in economic terms: China has become the second largest economy in the world, and its new economic, fi nancial and trading power has made it clear that the dominance of the USA and Europe has passed. At the same time China is still lagging behind technologically. Though there are huge efforts to narrow the gap, it is extremely diffi cult to build up a new technological and innovation system without deep, organic foundations. China, however, has rich experience of innovations from the past, and the question is whether it is possible to use them to formulate a new technology policy. In this paper I will try to examine Chinas technology system, its functioning and its prospects, while comparing it with the traditional ways of innovations in China. I would like to show that current technology policy is, at least partly, based upon traditional values, and that high tech research, R&D, and state of the art innovations can be reconcilable with several thousand-year-old approaches.
A magyar vllalatok innovatv kpessgt felmr krdves kutatsok eltr eredmnyeket adtak, ami a piaci szereplk eltr innovci-rtelmezsvel magyarzhat. A szerzk feltevse szerint a vllalati vezetk jellemzen innovatvnak tartjk magukat, s ez alapjn jelents rszk fejlesztseket tervez a jvben, amelyhez plyzati forrsokat kvnnak ignybe venni. A gyakorlati letben az innovci fogalmt a tudomnyos defincinl tgabban rtelmezik, a vllalatnl bevezetett jdonsgokat (pldul a piaci versenytrsaktl tvett j termket) is innovcinak rtkelik. A vllalati nvekedst a finanszrozsi nehzsgek korltozzk. A tmogatsok, a hitelek s a kockzati tke jelleg forrsok eltr mrtkben jtszanak szerepet a vllalatok letben. A szerzk tanulmnyukban a vllalatok innovatv tevkenysge s a klnbz forrsok meglte kztti kapcsolatot, valamint a plyzati rendszerhez fzd vllalati tapasztalatokat vizsgljk. /===/ Questionnaire surveys of innovation abilities of the Hungarian enterprises have given different results, which could be explained by different innovation interpretation of the market players. According to the authors' hypothesis the managers consider themselves innovative, and many of them plan developments in the future to realize them with tender sources. In the practice idea of innovation is broader interpreted than the scientific definition, and novelties introduced at the companies (eg. a new product taken over from competitors) is also considered innovation. Corporate growth is limited by financing difficulties. Supports, credits and sources of venture capital character play a role int he corporate life to different extent. Authors investigate the connection between the innovative activity of companies and the existence of several sources, and corporate experience linked to tendering system.
A tanulmny bemutatja a Versenyben a vilggal 2009 kutats alapjn a hazai vllatok legfontosabb innovcis jellemzit, az innovcis tevkenysgre hat tnyezket s a vllalati versenykpessg s innovci kztti kapcsolatot. Eredmnyeink szerint kevs cg vesz rszt innovcis egyttmkdsekben, s elssorban a nagyobbak. Az llam szerepben (szablyozs, trvnyek, adztats) ltjk a vllalatok az innovci legnagyobb gtjt. A klfldi tulajdon cgek nagyobb arnyban vezetnek be j termkeket, szolgltatsokat, mint hazai versenytrsaik. Az llami innovcis tmogatsok segtettk a kooperciban foly kutatsok ltrejttt, s hozzjrultak az j termkek, szolgltatsok kifejlesztshez. Kutatsaink szerint az innovatv cgek versenykpesebbek. _____ This paper analyses the determinants of innovation activities and the impact of innovation on competitiveness, based on Hungarian firm level data. We find that low proportion of the companies take part in R&D collaborations, mainly the large ones. The legislation, regulations and taxation policy of the Hungarian government hampers firms innovation activities above all others. Foreign owned subsidiaries have a higher innovation performance than the Hungarian counterparts. Innovation subsidies stimulate companies to participate in R&D collaboration and contribute to the firms higher innovation performance. According to our research innovative firms are more competitive.
A szerz kvalitatv kutatsi mdszerekkel vizsglja a kis- s kzpvllalatok (kkv-k) innovatv tevkenysgeinek korltait s lehetsgeit. A vizsglat trgyai (legalbb) Magyarorszg szintjn j termket vagy szolgltatst nyjt kkv-k, melyek hatrozott nvekedsi szndkkal rendelkeznek. Az eredmnyek egysges vizsglati keretben, 41 vezet vlemnye alapjn szlettek meg, hrom terletre fkuszlva: (1) a krnyezeti bizonytalansg megtlse, (2) a szervezet kvetett stratgija, ketts kpessge, kiaknz s feldert tevkenysge, s (3) a versenykpes teljestmnyclok, konfigurcik. A cikk a kutats lpseit rszletesen bemutatja, fontos eredmnynek tekinthet, hogy rmutat arra, hogy a kutatsi s fejlesztsi, valamint az innovatv tevkenysgek legfontosabb gtja leginkbb a vezetsi s szervezsi kpessgek s a stratgiai gondolkods hinyra vezethet vissza a kis- s kzpvllalkozsokban. ______ The author conducted a qualitative research on the innovation potential of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). SMEs with new products and services and with growth orientation are in the focus of the research. The standardized research design is based on 41 owner managers responses. It is focusing on 3 main areas: (1) environmental uncertainty, (2) the strategy followed by the organization, its ambidextrous capability, exploitative and explorative behavior, and (3) competitive performance and configurations. The paper describes a qualitative research design in detail. The main finding of the research is that the lack of managerial skills and strategic thinking inhibit SMEs to conduct innovation as well as to engage in research and development activities.
Kutatsukban a szerzk a sikeres innovcis-nvekedsi stratgik beazonostsra trekedtek kt dimenzi mentn: nvekedsi erfeszts s innovcis erfeszts. A sikert mint a radiklis innovci piaci bevezetseknt definiltk. A szakirodalom ttekintse s kvalitatv kutatsi eredmnyeink alapjn azt talltk, hogy a siker felttelei a kvetkezk: (1) felkszltsg, azaz biztos szakmai tuds (know-what); a (2) gyakorls, azaz a folyamatok tkletes ismerete (know-how); a (3) tehetsggondozs, azaz a megfelel kapcsolati tke a hinyz kpessgek, erforrsok s informcik megszerzshez (know-who); s vgl a (4) tehetsg, azaz kreativits, magas asszocicis kszsg, s innovatv tletek. A vezet feladata annak felismerse, hogy mikor szksges lasstania a szervezetre nehezed nvekedsi nyomson. A nyugalmi idszakban tovbbra is fontos az innovcis kpessgek fejlesztse. Kvetkezetesen fel kell ismernie, hogy mikor lesz nagyobb a sztaprzott erforrsok s a megosztott figyelem kltsge, mint a potencilis hozadka. _______ In present research the successful innovation-growth strategies are identified along two dimensions: growth effort and innovation effort. The success is defined as the introduction to the market of a radical innovation. After reviewing the literature and conducting a qualitative research, authors found that the threshold condition of success are the followings: (1) preparation, that is expertise (know-what); (2) practice, that is deep understanding of processes (know-how); (3) talent support, that is access to missing resources; and finally (4) talent, that is creativity, innovative idea, and high association capability. This is the role of the manager to decide when the organizational growth should be slowed down. While the development of innovation capability is still important in times of slow growth periods, the manager must recognize that the cost of divided attention and fragmented resources is higher, than the potential return of the innovation.
Az empirikus kutats azokra a krdsekre keresi a vlaszt, hogy a hazai innovatv, nvekedsorientlt kis- s kzpvllalkozsokat milyen tnyezk tmogatjk s segtik abban, hogy egyszerre legyenek kpesek kivlan teljesteni jelenlegi piacaikon, mikzben radiklis innovciikon keresztl biztostjk a szervezet hossz tv nvekedsi plyjt. A kutats kvalitatv, feltr, egyni interjkra pl esettanulmnyos mdszertan keretein bell 14 vezeti interjra, helyszni megfigyelsre s szles kr dokumentumelemzsre pl. Az eredmnyek alapjn a ketts kpessg szervezetek teljestmnyt egy hat, egymssal sszefggsben lv elembl ll modell hatrozza meg, melynek rszei a felsvezeti decentralizci, menedzsmentkontroll, vezeti szerepek s identits, feladat- s hatskrk, motivcis rendszer s a menedzsmenttuds sznvonala. _______ The empirical research seeks the answer to the question what kind of factors support and help the innovative, growth-oriented Hungarian SMEs to both have the ability to operate at an excellent level in their current markets and to ensure the long-term growth path of the organization through radical innovations. The research applies qualitative, interview-based methodology. The dataset consists of 14 interviews with managers from different organizational level of the examined company, on-site observation and document-analysis. The main contribution of the article is a model that includes the influential structural and contextual factors of organizational ambidexterity, which are decentralization, management controlling, leader roles and identity, functions and authorities, motivation system and level of management knowledge.
Managing Succession and Knowledge Transfer in Family Businesses: Lessons from a Comparative Research
The most natural mode of family firm succession is the intergenerational ownership transfer. Statistical evidence, however, suggests that in most cases the succession process fails. There can be several reasons as a lot of personal, emotional and structural factors can act as an inhibitor to succession. The effectiveness of the implementation of any succession strategy is strongly dependent on the efficiency of intergenerational knowledge transfer, which is related to the parties absorptive capacity and willingness to learn. The paper is based on the experiences learned from the INSIST project. In the framework of the project different aspects of family business succession have been investigated in three participating countries (Hungary, Poland and the United Kingdom). The aim of the paper is to identify the patterns of management, succession, knowledge transfer and learning in family businesses. Issues will be examined in detail such as the succession strategies of companies investigated and the efforts family businesses and their managers make in order to harmonize family goals (such as emotional stability, harmony, and reputation) with business- related objectives (e.g. survival, growth or profitability).
Az elmlt vtizedek felgyorsult technolgiai fejldse komoly kihvsokat jelent mind a cgeknek, mind az egyneknek. Intzmnyestett jvkezelsre s ennek menedzselsre van szksg. A szerzk tanulmnyukban t kvnjk tekinteni a jvkutats, a technolgiamenedzsment, az innovcimenedzsment s egyb megkzeltsek relevns alapjait, viszonyait s lehetsges integrcijukat. Be kvnjk mutatni a meghatroz terleteket s trendeket. Keresik azokat a menedzsment-alapkrdseket, tanulsgokat s dilemmkat, amelyek minden olyan vllalatnak rdekesek s hasznosak lehetnek, amelyek a fejld technolgia lehetsgeit szeretnk kiaknzni, vagy csak egyszeren szeretnnek a kvethetetlenl gyors fejldsben talpon maradni. _____________ The fast pace technology development creates a serious challenge both for individuals and for companies. There is a concept which attempts to handle this challenge by institutional future management. In their paper the authors survey the relevant concepts of future studies, technology management and other areas, and explore their connections and integration possibilities. They also would like to introduce some key technology trends, and at the same time some basic managerial questions, dilemmas, conclusions which might have importance to those corporations which have to survive in an environment determined by accelerated technology based innovation.
Mra az innovci a versenyelny megszerzsnek s megrzsnek legfbb forrsa, ezrt az innovcis tevkenysget vez menedzselsi feladatok egyre komplexebbek s sokrtbbek lettek. Az innovci nem csupn a vletlen eredmnye, ezrt ha a vllalat rdemi erfesztseket tesz az innovcivezrelt szervezet kialaktsa rdekben, akkor vlhetleg sikeresebben veszi a versenypiaci akadlyokat, ami hossz tvon eredmnyesebb vllalkozst eredmnyezhet. A cikk elsdleges clja, hogy rvilgtson az innovci s a stratgia kapcsolatra. A tanulmny rendszerez jelleggel tekinti t a nemzetkzi s hazai szakirodalmat, annak rdekben, hogy bemutassa az innovci stratgiai jelentsgt. A cikk eredmnyeknt innovcis alapstratgikat fogalmaz meg, amelyek segtenek megrteni az innovci vllalati rtkteremtsben betlttt szerept. A tanulmny tovbb rmutat azokra a fkuszterletekre, amelyek kiemelt relevancival rendelkeznek az innovci menedzselse szempontjbl. _____ Nowadays innovation is one of the most important sources of competitiveness, thus more and more attention turns on its execution. Innovation is not only the result of random development, it can be managed in order to make the entire innovation process more predictable and profitable. The aim of this article is to highlight the interconnections between innovation and strategy. The study systematizes the international and the domestic literature to get an overall picture about the current issues of innovation management. As a conclusion, the author tries to reveal the role of innovation in corporate value creation. Besides, he proposes further innovation strategies that can support a higher execution level in strategic innovation management.
A stratgiai gondolkodsmd a szervezetben mkd egynek olyan kognitv sminak sszessge, melyek alapjaiban befolysoljk a szervezet zleti lehetsgeivel kapcsolatos feltevseiket, valamint ezltal a vllalati stratgit s innovcit. Jelen tanulmny egy koncepcialkot munka, mely ngy alapvet stratgiai gondolkodsmdot azonost, amelyek mindegyike sajtos mdon kapcsoldik az innovcihoz. Ksbbi empirikus vizsglathoz kapcsoldan hrom feltevst azonost, melyek a kvetkezek: 1. Minl dinamikusabb a vllalat stratgiai gondolkodsmdja, annl radiklisabb innovcis kezdemnyezseket tmogat. 2. Idben a vllalatok (a stabilitsra val trekvsk miatt) a statikusabb stratgiai gondolkodsmd fel mozdulnak el. 3. Minl konzisztensebb a vllalat stratgiai gondolkodsmdja, annl nagyobb mrtkben kerl megvalstsra a tervezett stratgia. _____ Strategic mindset is the sum of those cognitive patterns of a group of individuals in an organization which fundamentally influence their assumptions about business opportunities. Four types of strategic mindsets can be distinguished which fundamentally influence the strategy and innovation capability of the firm. This paper is a conceptual framework which describes three assumptions such as 1. the more dynamic strategic mindset results the more radical innovation strategy; 2. in time strategic mindsets become more static; and 3. the more consistent strategic mindsets inside the firm, the greater possibility of the intended strategy is implemented. By this way it is a first step of a future research examining why start-up companies can lose their innovation capability and why large firms can keep it?
A cikk clja, hogy kzelebb vigye az olvast az innovci s az innovcimenedzsment krdskrhez. A tanulmny az innovci tmakrnek feldolgozst a vllalatelmleti alapoktl kezdi, majd konkrt stratgiai megfontolsokig jut el a cikk vgre. A tanulmny szles kr hazai s nemzetkzi szakirodalom alapjn trja fel az innovci vllalatelmleti gykereit. A felhasznlt irodalom nem ragad meg elmleti szinten, hiszen a tanulmny lefordtja ezeket az elmleti koncepcikat vals, gyakorlatorientlt zleti nyelvre. Clja, hogy a nagyvilgban sztszrt elmleteket letiszttsa, s a modern kori menedzsmentelvekkel szintetizlja. A cikk az innovcit a vllalati rtkteremts szemszgbl vizsglja. Megllaptja, hogy az innovci szmos vllalatelmlet tanait integrlja egybe, aminek kvetkeztben a stratgiai implikcik is szles spektrumon mozoghatnak. Ahogy az innovci vltozst indukl a szervezetben, gy bukkannak fel komplex optimalizlsi dilemmk, amelyek a turbulens gazdasgi krnyezetben, a rvidl reakciidk miatt, egyre nagyobb kihvst okoznak a menedzserek szmra. A cikk ezeket a dilemmkat mutatja be vitaindt attitddel, valamint az elmlet s a gyakorlat szintetizlsval. ____ The aim of the article is to bring the reader closer to the topic of innovation management through several company theories and strategic implications. This study is based on a wide range of international literature which is interpreted in a practice oriented way. This article is summarizing the sporadic information on innovation as well as makes an effort on synthesizing this knowledge. The aspect of observation is mainly based on corporate value creation. As innovation causes changes into the organization company leaders have to face complex economic optimization questions. These management dilemmas are not easy to solve in this turbulent business environment. This article tries to highlight these strategic level issues around innovation management by synthesizing theoretical knowledge with business implications.
The project management literature on project success is rich. Numerous papers focus on the evolution of the understanding of project success, identification of success criteria and critical success factors. Critical success factors increase the potential for achieving project success, while project success can be evaluated with the help of success criteria. Although the interrelationships between critical success factors and success criteria are rarely analyzed, yet there is a strong demand for it. The aim of this paper is twofold. One of the aims is to identify the impact of one of the critical success factors, the project managers project management attitude on project success. The other aim is to highlight the interrelationship between the project managers personal characteristics and project management attitude and leadership style, which are three critical success factors. These aim to address the shortcoming mentioned above, which is considering the lack of the interrelationships between critical success factors and success criteria. The research outcomes are drawn from qualitative field research at the Hungarian subsidiaries of multinational companies operating in the ICT sector.
Fizikai pldkon s matematikai modelleken bemutatjuk, hogy a rendszerek mkdsnek hatkonysgnvekedse instabilitst eredmnyezhet. Megvizsgljuk, hogy az informatika s a telekommunikci fejldse okozhat-e rendszerszint instabilitst, illetve milyen gazdasgi eszkzk vannak a stabilits fenntartsra. / === / Using examples from physics and mathematical modeling, the paper shows that increasing efficiency in systems can lead to instability. The question thus arises whether the development of information and telecommunication technology can lead to instability in the economic system. The policy tools used to maintain stability are also discussed.
A tanulmny tmja az zleti bizalom. Az innovci pldjn keresztl bemutatja azt a mkdsi mechanizmust, amelynek rvn az egyttmkd partnerek kztti bizalom kpes hatkonyabb tenni a gazdasgi kapcsolatokat. A szerz rtelmezi az zleti kapcsolatok koordinlsnak s irnytsnak fogalmait, bemutatja tpusait s alkalmazsnak jellemzit. A hazai szakmai kzletben ma uralkod felfogstl eltren megklnbzteti a bizalomra mltsg s a bizalom fogalmt. A bizalomra mltsg aktulis szintje az, amit egy kapcsolatban mrni lehet. Amennyiben a bizalomra mltsg szintje megfelel, lehetv vlik, hogy e kapcsolatokban megjelenjen maga a cselekvsi hajlandsgknt rtelmezett bizalom.
A kzssgi finanszrozs a pnzgy, a technolgia s a vllalkozs nexusba gyazva katalizlhatja a regionlis s egyetemen belli helyi vllalkozi koszisztmt, hozzjrulhat a gazdasgi nvekedshez, innovcihoz s munkahely-teremtshez. Az egyetemeken keletkez vllalkozi s innovcis potencil szempontjbl a hallgati, oktati s alumni startup-ok, valamint a K+F kapacits szmra nyjthat alternatv finanszrozsi mdot az n. crowdfunding. A szerzk clja, hogy a vllalkozi koszisztmk s a kzssgi finanszrozs fontosabb vonsait bemutatva feltrjk a kzs keresztmetszeteket, interakcikat, tovbb tgondoljk egy ilyen platform implementcis lehetsgeit a Pcsi Tudomnyegyetemen.