7 resultados para Gap acceptance.
em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest
Understanding online price acceptance and its determining factors can be essential if the companies try to manage different type of channels. The paper aimed to reveal the role of enduring involvement in price acceptance in a multichannel (online and offline) context. The study revealed that the hedonic value of shopping can increase the negative intention of price acceptance in the online channel, but also explored that for the segment without shopping motivations a similar price level can be applied both in the online and in the offline environment.
A tanulmány célja az innováció-terjedés marketingvonzatú irodalmának bemutatása, valamint betekintés az exploratív tartalomelemzés módszerével az informális, kollektív intelligenciát generáló on-line felületek, nevesül a blogok és fórumok kutathatóságába. Az okostelefonok innováció-elfogadásának példáján keresztül a szerzők megpróbálják felderíteni az információterjedés elméletének megvalósulását az elemzett felületeken. Bemutatnak három, a mintára jellemző információterjedési és felvett szerep mintát, melyek alapul szolgálhatnak a további célirányú kutatások számára. / === / Adaptive smart phones that give space for user-added functions create active online discussions. Committed users are ready to share information, advise others, while less expert users seek this information. In their paper the authors show that related user-generated content i.e. blogs and bulletin boards provide a rich data source for analysis, which gives them the opportunity to further elaborate on the diffusion of information in the case of smart phone usage among online Hungarian users. Online collective intelligence may well contribute to the diffusion of innovations through diffusing information. Following a thorough review on the literature on the diffusion of innovations, in their exploratory content analysis, they found two categories of users on the analyzed boards: a first group we dubbed "experts" (corresponding to innovators in Bass's typology) that made a special effort trying to solve particular problems thus contributing to collective intelligence, thus reducing (among others) the perceived complexity of these phones and adding to their trialability, both factors influencing users' innovation acceptance, and a second group, "simple users" (or imitators in Bass's typology), uninterested in product innovation, still asking questions and searching for solutions concerning extant technology. Manufacturers do not seem yet to regard these boards as a source of valuable data, even though these clearly serve as an important pool of information and a growing factor of decision for their potential customers.
Preceding research has made hardly any attempt to measure the ecological impacts of pro-environmental behaviour in an objective way. Those impacts were rather supposed or calculated. The research described herein scrutinized the ecological impact reductions achieved through pro-environmental behaviour and raised the question how much of a reduction in carbon footprint can be achieved through voluntary action without actually affecting the socio-economic determinants of life. A survey was carried out in order to measure the difference between the ecological footprint of “green” and “brown” consumers. No significant difference was found between the ecological footprints of the two groups—suggesting that individual pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour do not always reduce the environmental impacts of consumption. This finding resulted in the formulation of a new proposition called the BIG (behaviour–impact gap) problem, which is an interesting addition to research in the field of environmental awareness gaps.
A szerző arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogyan alakulhat ki látványos szakadék az egyéni cselekvések iránya és azok együttes hatása között. A szándékok és tettek hatását felülírhatja a társadalmi gazdasági tényezőkből adódó tehetetlenség: a kritikus tömeg hiánya, szervezeti-infrastrukturális tényezők, kompenzációs hatások, egymás hatását kioltó cselekvések. A szerző a környezettudatosság és az ökológiai lábnyom példáján - ezerfős reprezentatív felmérésre alapozva - mutatja be, hogy az önkéntességre alapozó megközelítés sokszor túlbecsüli a fogyasztó - társadalmi-gazdasági tényezők által korlátozott - lehetőségeit és szuverenitását. _____ Behaviour impact gaps are demonstrably present in everyday life. It is increasingly found that environmental awareness in individuals fails to lead to reductions in the ecological footprint. Intensive agricultural practice reduces biodiversity in the EU even in areas where massive agri-environmental grant schemes are available and applied. Labour market training programmes do not necessarily facilitate job-finding for underprivileged segments of the society. So individual efforts may not add up or induce the expected effect. This outcome appears even for programmes that are successful in attaining the required behavioural change in a target group. The impact of attitudes and individual acts may be wiped out by structural and economic lock-ins such as trade-offs made for the gains, lack of a critical mass of actions, infrastructural deficiencies, or interfering acts of economic actors. The discrepancy between environmental awareness and ecological footprint is used to point out how awareness-raising programmes may miss their targets by overestimating the sovereignty and capabilities of consumers. Consumers are unwillingly locked into unsustainable practices and cannot be moved from that position unless economic and structural premises are also changed.
Current energy systems are in most instances not fully working sustainably. The provision and use of energy only consider limited resources, risk potential or financial constraints on a limited scale. Furthermore, the knowledge and benefits are only available for a minor group of the population or are outright neglected. The availability of different resources for energy purposes determines economic development, as well as the status of the society and the environment. The access to energy grids has an impact on socio-economic living standards of communities. This not fully developed system is causing climate change with all its related outcomes. This investigation takes into consideration different views on renewable energy systems — such as international discussions about biomass use for energy production, “fuel versus food”, biogas use — and attempts to compare major prospects of social acceptance of renewable energy in Europe and Africa. Can all obstacles to the use of renewable energy be so profound that the overall strategy of reducing anthropogenic causes of climate change be seriously affected?
Current energy systems are in most instances not fully working sustainably. The provision and use of energy only consider limited resources, risk potential or financial constraints on a limited scale. Furthermore, the knowledge and benefits are only available for a minor group of the population or are outright neglected. The availability of different resources for energy purposes determines economic development, as well as the status of the society and the environment. The access to energy grids has an impact on socio-economic living standards of communities. This not fully developed system is causing climate change with all its related outcomes. This investigation takes into consideration different views on renewable energy systems — such as international discussions about biomass use for energy production, “fuel versus food”, biogas use — and attempts to compare major prospects of social acceptance of renewable energy in Europe and Africa. Can all obstacles to the use of renewable energy be so profound that the overall strategy of reducing anthropogenic causes of climate change be seriously affected?
Mára elkerülhetetlennek tűnik a gondolati váltás a gazdaságtudományok területén annak érdekében, hogy közelebb kerüljünk a hármas (gazdasági, társadalmi, környezeti) válságot előidéző problémák megoldásaihoz. A szerzők cikkükben amellett érvelnek, hogy a komplexitás befogadása kezdeti törekvésként értelmezhető azon az úton, amely a mindennapokban érzékelhető társadalmi és ökológiai problémák megoldásához vezet. Már léteznek olyan gazdaság- és vállalatelméletek, amelyek kezdik megkérdőjelezni az eddigi főáramú koncepciókat, és készek arra, hogy elveiket, elméleteiket a működési környezet bonyolultságát elfogadva alakítsák ki, és így találjanak mindennapos megoldásokat a gazdasági működésben. Ilyen például – a cikkben szereplő – IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing) csoport hálózatelmélete. A szerzők azt kívánják bemutatni, hogy az ilyen hálózatelméletek alkalmasak arra, hogy a vállalatközi szférán túl is befolyásolják azt, ahogyan a vállalatok döntéseiket meghozzák és kapcsolataikat kezelik. ______ Today, it seems inevitable change of thought in the field of economics in order to get closer to solutions of problems which induced the triple (economic, social, environmental) crisis. In their article, the authors argue that the reception of complexity can be interpreted as an initial effort on the path that leads to the solutions of the everyday perceived social and ecological problems. The authors aim to present that the IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing) group network theory is able to influence beyond the sphere of inter-company, that companies take their decisions and their relationships are treated.