14 resultados para Environmental accounting methods

em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest


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In recent years there has been a growing concern about the emission trade balance of countries. It is due to the fact that countries with an open economy are active players in the international trade, though trade is not only a major factor in forging a country’s economic structure anymore, but it does contribute to the movement of embodied emissions beyond the country borders. This issue is especially relevant from the carbon accounting policy’s point of view, as it is known that the production-based principle is in effect now in the Kyoto agreement. The study aims at revealing the interdependence of countries on international trade and its environmental impacts, and how the carbon accounting method plays a crucial role in evaluating a country’s environmental performance and its role in the climate mitigation processes. The input-output models are used in the methodology, as they provide an appropriate framework for this kind of environmental accounting; the analysis shows an international comparison of four European countries (Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Hungary) with extended trading activities and carbon emissions. Moving from the production-based approach in the climate policy, to the consumptionperspective principle and allocation [15], it would also help increasing the efficiency of emission reduction targets and the evaluation of the sustainability dimension and its impacts of international trade. The results of the study have shown that there is an importance of distinction between the two emission allocation approaches, both from global and local level point of view.


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The presentation focuses on estimating benefits of environmental projects and achievements like image improvement, gaining an environmental award, profit from environmentally benign products, risk reduction benefits, etc. The paper integrates the results and experience gained in three different fields: EMA, evaluation of natural resources and working as a consultant


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A környezeti teljesítmény mérésére számtalan módszer létezik. A cikk a környezeti teljesítményértékelési eszközök útvesztőjében kínál némi eligazítást azáltal, hogy hat, a gyakorlatban is többé-kevésbé használt módszert mutat be és értékel. A szerző kísérletet tesz a bemutatott módszerek összehasonlítására is aszerint, hogy kitérnek-e a környezeti és a vállalati teljesítmény kapcsolatának vizsgálatára, illetve a környezeti teljesítményt kellően átfogóan vizsgálják-e. Nagyító alá kerül az a kérdés is, hogy vajon a teljesítményértékelési módszerek alapján jól teljesítő vállalatok valóban tekinthetők-e fenntarthatónak. ________ There are numerous methods existing for evaluating corporate environmental performance. The article offers some guidance in this labyrinth by introducing and evaluating six, in practice also used methods. The author makes an attempt to compare the different methods, whether they cover the relationship between environmental and company performance, and whether they analyse different components of environmental performance comprehensively enough. The question is also covered, whether companies with excellent performance based on the methods analysed can really be regarded as sustainable companies.


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In recent years there has been growing concern about the emission trade balances of countries. This is due to the fact that countries with an open economy are active players in international trade. Trade is not only a major factor in forging a country’s economic structure, but contributes to the movement of embodied emissions beyond country borders. This issue is especially relevant from the carbon accounting policy and domestic production perspective, as it is known that the production-based principle is employed in the Kyoto agreement. The research described herein was designed to reveal the interdependence of countries on international trade and the corresponding embodied emissions both on national and on sectoral level and to illustrate the significance of the consumption-based emission accounting. It is presented here to what extent a consumption-based accounting would change the present system based on production-based accounting and allocation. The relationship of CO2 emission embodied in exports and embodied in imports is analysed here. International trade can blur the responsibility for the ecological effects of production and consumption and it can lengthen the link between consumption and its consequences. Input-output models are used in the methodology as they provide an appropriate framework for climate change accounting. The analysis comprises an international comparative study of four European countries (Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Hungary) with extended trading activities and carbon emissions. Moving from a production-based approach in climate policy to a consumption-based principle and allocation approach would help to increase the efficiency of emission reductions and would force countries to rethink their trading activities in order to decrease the environmental load of production activities. The results of this study show that it is important to distinguish between the two emission accounting approaches, both on the global and the local level.


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During the Communist regime, companies' conflicts with the public were hidden. The public did not have the right to express their objection. Recent Hungarian law, however, supports people's right to influence decisions that have an impact on their lives, but attitudes change slowly. In this article, I show the typical methods of companies' mismanagement of environmental conflicts. The first part of the article concentrates on strategic issues, and the second one emphasizes mistakes in communication with local communities. There are signs that Hungarian companies have already started to learn their lesson, but they also need help to face the new situation of the post-Communist era. Conflict theory and conflict resolution techniques may help them to deal with communication problems and to reach win-win solutions. Although not unknown, facilitation is not a common technique in Hungary yet. This means that there is potential for its development.


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A cikk bemutatja, hogy az emissziós jogok mérleg- és beszámoló-képességi kritériumai milyen leképezést tesznek lehetővé a jelenleg érvényes Nemzetközi Pénzügyi Beszámolási Standardokban (IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards). A vizsgálat fókuszában az üzemeltető áll, aki az Európai Unió kibocsátás-kereskedelmi rendszerének hatálya alá tartozik, azaz ipari tevékenysége folytán szén-dioxiddal szennyezi a Föld légterét. Az üzemeltető mint az emissziós jog tulajdonosa jelenik meg. A cikk megvizsgálja mindazokat a folyamatokat, melynek eredményeképpen birtokolhatja ezeket az egységeket, valamint azt, hogy az IFRS-ek milyen lehetőséget nyújtanak a különböző forrásból származó jogosultságok értékelésére. / === / The author presents that accounting and report ability criteria of the emission rights what mapping allows in the current International Financial Standards. The study focuses on the operator, who is the subject of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, whose industrial activities pollute with carbon dioxide to the earth’s atmosphere. The operator, as the owner of emission rights is displayed. This article examines those processes, which resulted in these units may be owned, and that what possibility is provided by IFRSs to evaluate rights from different sources.


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A cikk kiindulópontja, hogy a kettős könyvvitelt vezető vállalkozások által kötelezően elkészítendő éves pénzügyi kimutatások (számviteli beszámolók) olyan információbázist jelentenek, amelyek segítséget nyújthatnak egyrészről a vállalati likviditásmenedzsment támogatásához, másrészről a vállalkozások likviditási helyzetének megítéléséhez. A cikk első fele felvázolja a vállalkozások pénzügyi helyzetét bemutató adatok számviteli kereteit, bemutatja a likviditás fogalmának egyes értelmezéseit, majd részletesen kitér arra, hogy a likviditás utólagos vizsgálatához, illetve előrejelzéséhez milyen korrekciókat kell (lehet) végezni a számviteli beszámoló adatain. A cikk második fele az elemzés lehetséges módjait és eszközeit veszi számba, kitérve a statikus és dinamikus elemzés közötti különbségek bemutatására, az egyes mutatók számításának lehetséges módjaira és értelmezésükre, mindvégig szem előtt tartva az alkalmazás korlátait. ________ The study examines how information provided by accounting information systems could support companies’ liquidity management. The starting point is that compulsory financial statements prepared by economic entities embody an adequate information basis, which could help liquidity management as well as the judgement of liquidity. The first part of the study introduces the various interpretations of liquidity and gives a detailed description of the adjustments that need to be made on accounting data for an a posteriori examination of liquidity and to be able to forecast liquidity. The second part discusses the possible means and tools of analysis, including the differences between static and dynamic methods and the calculation and interpretation of the various ratios widely used by professionals. The conclusion is that there is no best-practice method or ratio, but rather a wide range of tools is to be used when one is willing to gain a complex and comprehensive insight about an entity’s liquidity.


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It is important to the landscape architects to become acquainted with the results of the regional climate models so they can adapt to the warmer and more arid future climate. Modelling the potential distribution area of certain plants, which was the theme of our former research, can be a convenient method to visualize the effects of the climate change. A similar but slightly better method is modelling the Moesz-line, which gives information on distribution and usability of numerous plants simultaneously. Our aim is to display the results on maps and compare the different modelling methods (Line modelling, Distribution modelling, Isotherm modelling). The results are spectacular and meet our expectations: according to two of the three tested methods the Moesz-line will shift from South Slovakia to Central Poland in the next 60 years.


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Nowadays we meet many different evaluation methods regarding the ecological performance of green surfaces and parks. All these methods are extremely valuable in determining how well a green surface performs from ecological aspect and to what extent the environment were damaged if these sites would be built or would be developed any other way causing reduction of green surfaces. The goal of the article is to clarify the differences between two evaluation methods (GSI – Green Space Intensity, BARC – Biological Activity Rate Calculation) suitable for urban green infrastructure analysis and to see if any significant difference can be observed evaluating the same site by these methods. Our research sites are in Budapest and their sizes vary between 2,5-8 acres. The most important aspects of site analysis are the following: size and boundaries of the park, existence or lack of water features, the characteristics of their surfaces and the complexity of vegetation. We summarize the data of the site analysis in tables, make a summarizing diagram for visual representation and draw conclusions from the results. As a final step, we evaluate how these two evaluation systems relate to urban open space developments.


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A tanulmány a vállalati működés során megjelenő környezetvédelmi intézkedések vállalaton belüli hasznainak rendszerezésével foglalkozik. A hagyományos vállalati számviteli rendszerben a környezetvédelem alapvetően a költségoldalon jelenik meg. Azonban a környezetvédelmi tevékenység vállalaton belül megjelenő hasznainak is fontos szerepe van környezetvédelmi intézkedésekkel, beruházásokkal kapcsolatos döntések meghozatalában. Ennek ellenére a környezeti hasznok a szakirodalomban elnagyoltan, valamint nem a teljes vállalatra vonatkozóan jelennek meg. Ezért a tanulmány célja, hogy a környezeti hasznok számviteli rendszerben való kimutatására egyfajta megoldást keressen. Az elemzés eredménye egy olyan új modell felállítása, amely képes a tulajdonosi érték koncepciójához szorosan kapcsolódva a vállalaton belüli környezeti hasznokat átfogóan kimutatni. Az újonnan felállított modell a hazai és a nemzetközi gyakorlatban is újdonságértékkel bír, és nagy előnye a vállalati gyakorlatban való alkalmazhatóság. --------- The main focus of this paper is the systematization of the environmental benefits within the company. The environmental benefits related to the company’s environmental action. Environmental protection appears in the accounting system mostly on the cost side. However, environmental benefits incurring within the company play an important role in the company’s environmental decision making processes. Despite these facts, environmental benefits are not analyzed in detail by the accounting literature and do not cover the whole activity of the company. Consequently, these paper aims to gain a possible demonstration of environmental benefits in the accounting system. The main outcome of this paper is a new model, able to comprehensively present the environmental benefits of the whole company. The theory on which the model is based is the shareholders’ value concept. The model has significant novelty both in the Hungarian and international practice. Another advantage of the model is that it can be integrated into the company’s accounting system.