10 resultados para Cooperation between Libraries

em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest


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Inter-regionalism refers to regular forms of cooperation between regions or actors from different regions and is a result of the parallel phenomena of globalization and regionalism. Inter-regional links are rapidly developing all around the world and form a new level of global governance. Though originally inter-regionalism typically connected the actors of the so-called Triad, today emerging economies and developing regions are more active and visible participants of inter-regional cooperation. The article examines the perspectives and limitations of inter-regional relations between China and Latin America as a new dimension of deepening Sino–Latin American relations.


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A cikk azt a kérdést vizsgálja, hogy milyen szerepet töltenek be a multinacionális vállalatok leányvállalatai a hazai klaszterekben, milyen a kapcsolatuk a klasztertag kis- és középvállalatokkal többek között a közös innovációban, a tudásközvetítésben, a klaszterek reputációjának növelésében. A felderítő kutatás a témát a hazai klaszterfejlesztési program, a Pólus Program által életre hívott három, úgynevezett akkreditált klaszter menedzsereivel, a klasztertag multinacionális vállalatok (MNV-k) hazai leányvállalatainak képviselőivel és a klasztertag KKV-k vezetőivel készült interjúk alapján mutatja be. A téma relevanciáját a program által potenciálisan indukált együttműködési folyamatok adják, mivel a klaszterfejlesztési pályázati konstrukciók úgy lettek kialakítva, hogy a klasztertag KKV-knak érdemes legyen nagyvállalatot is bevonniuk a közös innovációs és kutatás-fejlesztési projektekbe. A kutatási eredmények alapján az MNV leányvállalatainak leginkább a globális trendek és standardok klaszterbeli elterjesztésében van meghatározó szerepük, illetve a KKV-k és leányvállalatok közötti üzleti kapcsolatok alakításában kiemelt szerepe van a klasztermenedzsment szervezet tevékenységének. / === / The paper focuses on the topic which deals with the role of subsidiaries of multinational companies (MNC’s) in Hungarian industrial clusters in the fields of common innovation, knowledge transfer, and increasing the cluster’s reputation. The findings of the paper are based on an explorative research. Interviews were made with cluster managers, representatives of MNC’s subsidiaries, leaders of small and medium size (SME’s) enterprises operating in three accredited clusters created by the Hungarian cluster development program, the Pole Program. The relevance of the topic is given by the Program, which has induced potential cooperation between MNC’s subsidiaries and domestic SME’s in cluster environment in a way so the members of the cluster – SME’s and subsidiaries – were driven to cooperate in common innovation and R+D projects. The author’s research results suggest that MNC’s subsidiaries in Hungarian clusters seem to play a key role in the dissemination of global industrial trends and standards between the cluster members. The national cluster management organization can also play a decisive role in shaping business relationship between MNC’s and SME’s.


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A cikk azt a kérdést vizsgálja, hogy milyen szerepet töltenek be a multinacionális vállalatok leányvállalatai a hazai klaszterekben, milyen a kapcsolatuk a klasztertag kis- és középvállalatokkal többek között a közös innovációban, a tudásközvetítésben, a klaszterek reputációjának növelésében. A felderítő kutatás a témát a hazai klaszterfejlesztési program, a Pólus Program által életre hívott három, úgynevezett akkreditált klaszter menedzsereivel, a klasztertag multinacionális vállalatok (MNV-k) hazai leányvállalatainak képviselőivel és a klasztertag KKV-k vezetőivel készült interjúk alapján mutatja be. A téma relevanciáját a program által potenciálisan indukált együttműködési folyamatok adják, mivel a klaszterfejlesztési pályázati konstrukciók úgy lettek kialakítva, hogy a klasztertag KKV-knak érdemes legyen nagyvállalatot is bevonniuk a közös innovációs és kutatás-fejlesztési projektekbe. A kutatási eredmények alapján az MNV leányvállalatainak leginkább a globális trendek és standardok klaszterbeli elterjesztésében van meghatározó szerepük, illetve a KKV-k és leányvállalatok közötti üzleti kapcsolatok alakításában kiemelt szerepe van a klasztermenedzsment-szervezet tevékenységének. ----- Abstract: The paper focuses on the topic which deals with the role of subsidiaries of multinational companies (MNC’s) in Hungarian industrial clusters in the fields of common innovation, knowledge transfer, and increasing the cluster’s reputation. The findings of the paper are based on an explorative research. Interviews were made with cluster managers, representatives of MNC’s subsidiaries, leaders of small and medium size (SME’s) enterprises operating in three accredited clusters created by the Hungarian cluster development program, the Pole Program. The relevance of the topic is given by the Program, which has induced potential cooperation between MNC’s subsidiaries and domestic SME’s in cluster environment in a way so the members of the cluster – SME’s and subsidiaries – were driven to cooperate in common innovation and R+D projects. Our research results suggest that MNC’s subsidiaries in Hungarian clusters seem to play a key role in the dissemination of global industrial trends and standards between the cluster members. The national cluster management organization can also play a decisive role in shaping business relationship between MNC’s and SME’s.


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A kommunizmusnak – vagy amit a XX. században annak neveztek – a fasizmus nem elfogadható alternatívája. Az elmúlt húsz év meghatározó ideológiai áramlata, a neoliberalizmus ezt nem értette meg. A baloldallal szemben túlzott mértékben lépett fel, míg ezzel szemben a jobboldali szélsőségnek jelentős teret engedett. A szélsőjobboldali szemlélet, az anakronisztikus, barbár provincializmus felszámolásához szükség van a nyugati típusú konzervativizmus és a szociáldemokrácia együttműködésére, a két elméleti irányzat partneri viszonyára. Ehhez mindenekelőtt a neoliberalizmus elméleti meghaladására van szükség. A tanulmányban ezért a neoliberalizmus meghatározó tételeinek kritikáját végezzük el annak érdekében, hogy az új világrendhez igazodó elméleti keret kialakulásához hozzájáruljunk. _____ The acceptable alternative of communism, or what it had been called in the 20th century, is not fascism. The mainstream in the ideology of the last couple of decades, neo-liberalism, has not understood this statement. It allows too wide range for the extremists in the far right; however, in the other side it was too rigid with the left. To terminate the barbarian, anachronistic provincialism in the far right, cooperation between the neo-conservativism prevailing in the West and the social democrat movement is needed. The partnership between the two streams is inevitable. In order to achieve this goal the first step is the debate with the theoretical background of the neo-liberal way of thinking. The main purpose of this paper is to start this discussion hoping that we can contribute to the new theoretical framework in the social sciences.


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The official cooperation between the Hungarian and the Belarusian geography began to be outlined in a sunny afternoon of June 2010 in the Minsk building of the Geographic Faculty of the Belarusian State University, four years ago. Then we reviewed the potential frames of cooperation with Professor Ekaterina Antipova. It was supported by the academican Károly Kocsis, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, director of the Geographical Research Institute, and we could also win the support of the dean Ivan Pirozhnik and the academician Vladimir Loginov from the Belarusian State University and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, respectively. This informal cooperation became official in the autumn of 2010 in the frame of the Academic Mobility Agreement Project between the Hungarian and the Belarusian academies of sciences. Since then several publications have appeared about Hungary and Belarus in the geographic journals of both countries, however, this is the first, long awaited, significant common publication. Besides the project-based co-operations like e. g. the EastMig (www.eastmig.mtafki.hu) and the ReSEP-CEE (www.mtafki.hu/ReSEP_CEE_Be.html) supported by the Visegrad Fund, a vivid student exchange program was also launched from the autumn of 2010 between the Geographic Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the Geographic Faculty of the Belarusian State University with the scholarship program of the Visegrad Fund. Later the Department of Economic Geography of the Corvinus University of Budapest, headed by István Tózsa became also an active partner of the cooperation. The publishing expenses of this book are also fully financed by the Department of Economic Geography.


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The present study was prepared within the framework of cooperation between the Competitiveness Research Centre, operating within the Institute of Business Economics of Corvinus University of Budapest, and the National Association of Entrepreneurs, based on a commission from the latter. Th e goal of the study was to survey the self-financing capabilities and borrowing opportunities of majority Hungarian-owned small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and to identify potential problems. The results of the research revealed that the high proportion of owner’s equity in the financing structure is not due to difficulties with borrowing, but because enterprises that cover their fi nancing primarily from their own resources have other financing opportunities at their disposal. Although general satisfaction with banks shows a diminishing tendency, it can still be interpreted favourably. The majority of companies have not encountered serious borrowing difficulties. With regard to the system of competitive tenders, company managers have sensed some improvement, but general satisfaction is still lacking. Although the research results suggest that the primary obstacle to growth in 2013 was not the lack of credit or external funding, it is important to emphasize that start-ups, young enterprises and micro-enterprises, which struggle the most with financing worries, were not represented in the analysed database.


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A hazai kis- és középvállalkozások (kkv-k) tőkeellátottságának javítása meghatározó szerepet játszik fejlődésük előmozdításában. Jelen tanulmány az Új Széchenyi Terv (ÚSZT) keretében a vállalkozások rendelkezésére álló pénzügyi eszközök közül a kockázati tőke működését mutatja be. A fejlődésük növekedési ciklusában járó cégek mellett a korai életszakaszukban járó, innovatív tevékenységet folytató, gyors növekedésre képes, de forráshiányos vállalkozások finanszírozásában nyújthat segítséget Magyarországon a 2010-ben elindult JEREMIE Kockázati Tőkeprogram. Az állami és a privát tulajdonban levő piaci szereplők hazánkban újnak mondható együttműködése révén megvalósuló program a magyar kockázatitőke-piac kínálati oldalának bővítését szolgálja, abban az alsó (döntően az 1-1,5 millió EUR/tranzakció alatti) szegmensben, ahol a tisztán piaci alapon működő befektetők korlátozottabb szerepvállalása figyelhető meg, és így a piacon hiány jelentkezik. Az EU-s támogatások ezen új típusú felhasználási formája színesíti és kibővíti a vállalkozások számára elérhető pénzügyi eszközök körét és volumenét, fokozottabb mértékben érvényesül a piaci szemlélet, hiszen verseny van a forrásokért, és verseny van a források kihelyezését végző pénzügyi közvetítő szervezetek között is, mindezek mellett további magánforrások bevonását biztosítja, ösztönzőleg hat a cégek működésére, és a visszaforgó rendszer biztosítja a fenntarthatóságot, a források későbbi újbóli felhasználását is. _______ To improve the capitalization of the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has a decisive role in promoting development. This study presents the operation of venture capital from the available business financial instruments of the New Széchenyi Plan. In Hungary the JEREMIE Venture Capital Program, which launched in 2010, can help in financing of the rapidly growth, innovative, early life stage companies besides the development cycle of growth companies. This program with new cooperation between the stateowned and private companies enlarge the supply-side of the Hungarian venture capital market, at that the bottom (mostly in the 1 to 1.5 million EUR / transaction below) segment, where can be observed the limited role of the purely market-based investors, and thus there is a shortage in the market. These new type application form of the EU supports enriches and expands the scope and volume of the available financial instruments for the enterprises, the market orientation prevails more broadly, because there is a competition for resources and there is a competition between the resources allocation financial intermediaries,in addition ensures further private resources.


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The aim of the paper is to analyse the ongoing transformation process within the Islamist movements using the example of the moderate Islamic Action Front party in Jordan. The dilemma of participation in the 2010 general elections raised tensions between the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan and its political wing, the Islamic Action Front, and between doves and hawks of the same organizations. Internal debate on the future has started recently among different groups within the Islamist movement in Jordan. The research is based on the author‘s recent field experience in Jordan (April–July 2010, Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship at the American Centre of Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan). The author also conducted research in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Egypt, where several interviews were carried out with leading and lower level Islamist politicians. The dynamic changes within Islamic Action Front Party in Jordan and its relation with the regime has been used as reference point. The main question of the research was aa how the changing political and regional context shapes decisions of the Islamist with special attention to the acceptance of democratic values and human rights, political participation, and the meanings of Islamic values in the 21st century, possible cooperation with secular parties/movements/the regime.


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Along with the recognition of the increasing environmental and social problems stemming from globalization, the need to address these problems and to develop the relevant international framework has strengthened since the 1970s. The scope of this cooperation gradually broadened and eventually it embraced all issues, which were considered to be critical for sustainable development. The summits on sustainability, namely, the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, the “Rio+5” in 1997 and the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, wished to respond to all unsustainable processes by adopting, reinforcing and expanding a global program. This program is based on a series of important principles and includes various goals and instruments adopted by consensus; however, it also reflects delicate compromises between development related aspirations and environmental barriers, and also between the developed and the developing countries. Actually, there is a serious implementation gap and there are also new challenges. Referring to these problems, the idea of convening an extraordinary summit in 2012 was raised and it was eventually adopted but with a rather narrow mandate and agenda. It turned out that besides the “usual” conflicts between the developed and developing countries e.g. upon the common but differentiated responsibilities or international development financing, there were also diverting views on the green economy and on the ways of institutional strengthening of the international sustainable development and environmental governance. As a consequence, the 2012 Conference concluded with rather modest results.