2 resultados para Computer Science, Hardware

em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest


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A szerzk cikkkben a szmtstechnikai hulladkokkal foglalkoznak, szmtstechnikai eszkzk alatt a szmtgp konfigurcik sszetevit rtik, teht szmtgpeket (asztali, hordozhat, terminl stb.), s perifriit (monitor, nyomtat, cd-r stb.), valamint ezek alkatrszeit s kiegsztit (chipek, mechanikus rszek, festkkazettk stb.). A rendszeres hasznlat krnyezeti hatsait csak abbl a szempontbl vizsgltk, hogy ennek sorn bizonyos alkatrszek, kellkek (kiemelten a nyomtatk festkkazetti) a gpnl nagyobb gyakorisggal cserldnek, s vlhatnak hulladkk. A f fkusz a szmtstechnikai eszkzk lettartamnak vge, s ebbl a szempontbl kulcsfogalom a hasznlt szemlyi szmtgp kategria. _____ In their article, the authors discuss the issue of computer waste; under the category of information technology devices they understand the components of computer configurations, that is computers (desktop, portable, terminal etc.) and their peripheries (monitor, printer, CD writer, etc), and also the components and supplements of these (chips, mechanical parts, toner cartridges, etc.). The environmental impact of regular use was examined only from one aspect: during regular use certain components and accessories (especially the toner cartridges of printers) are more often changed and become waste. The main focus is the end of the life time of computer devices, and from this point of view used personal computers are a key concept.


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A szmtgpes munkavgzs elterjedse szmos szempontbl s mdszerrel vizsglhat. A szerz kutatsai sorn az ember-gp-krnyezet sszhang megteremtsnek ignybl kiindulva arra keresi a vlaszt, hogy milyen tnyezk befolysoljk a szmtgppel vgzett tevkenysgek megszervezsnek s vgrehajtsnak hatkonysgt. Tanulmnyban a kutats indtfzisnak fbb eredmnyeirl, a szmtgp-hasznlati szoksokrl ad ttekintst, ami elengedhetetlen az irodai-adminisztratv jelleg tevkenysgekhez ktd kritikus tnyezk feltrshoz, tovbb a mrsi s fejlesztsi feladatok megalapozshoz. A szkebb rtelemben vett ergonmiai szempontok mellett a digitlis kompetencik krdskrt vonta be a munkba, amit relevns krdsnek tart a hatkonysg mrse szempontjbl, mivel a szmtgp megvlasztsa s a munkahely kialaktsa nem rtkelhet az emberi tnyez alkalmassga s az elvgzend feladat tartalma nlkl. __________ Office and administrative work, business corres-pondence, private contacts and learning are increasingly supported by computers. Moreover the technical possibilities of correspondence are wider than using a PC. It is accessible on the go by a cell phone. The author analysed the characteristics of the used devices, the working environment, satisfaction factors in connection with computer work and the digital competence by a survey. In his opinion development in an ergonomic approach is important not only to establish the technological novelties but to utilize the present possibilities of hardware and environment. The reason for this is that many people can not (or do not want) to follow the dynamic technological development of computers with buying the newest devices. The study compares the results of home and work characteristic of computer work. This research was carried out as part of the TAMOP-4.2.1.B-10/2/ KONV-2010-0001 project with support by the European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund.