2 resultados para Artificial Intelligence Application
em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest
A személyazonosság-menedzsment napjaink fontos kutatási területe mind elméleti, mind gyakorlati szempontból. A szakterületen megvalósuló együttműködés, elektronikus tudásáramoltatás és csere hosszú távon csak úgy képzelhető el, hogy az azonos módon történő értelmezést automatikus eszközök támogatják. A szerző cikkében azokat a kutatási tevékenységeket foglalja össze, amelyeket - felhasználva a tudásmenedzsment, a mesterséges intelligencia és az információtechnológia eszközeit - a személyazonosság-menedzsment terület fogalmi leképezésére, leírására használt fel. Kutatási célja olyan közös fogalmi bázis kialakítása volt személyazonosság-menedzsment területre, amely lehetővé teszi az őt körülvevő multidimenzionális környezet kezelését. A kutatás kapcsolódik a GUIDE kutatási projekthez is, amelynek a szerző résztvevője. ______________ Identity management is an important research field from theoretical and practical aspects as well. The task itself is not new, identification and authentication was necessary always in public administration and business life. Information Society offers new services for citizens, which dramatically change the way of administration and results additional risks and opportunities. The goal of the demonstrated research was to formulate a common basis for the identity management domain in order to support the management of the surrounding multidimensional environment. There is a need for capturing, mapping, processing knowledge concerning identity management in order to support reusability, interoperability; to help common sharing and understanding the domain and to avoid inconsistency. The paper summarizes research activities for the identification, conceptualisation and representation of domain knowledge related to identity management, using the results of knowledge management, artificial intelligence and information technology. I utilized the experiences of Guide project, in which I participate. The paper demonstrates, that domain ontologies could offer a proper solution for identity management domain conceptualisation.
Regional climate models (RCMs) provide reliable climatic predictions for the next 90 years with high horizontal and temporal resolution. In the 21st century northward latitudinal and upward altitudinal shift of the distribution of plant species and phytogeographical units is expected. It is discussed how the modeling of phytogeographical unit can be reduced to modeling plant distributions. Predicted shift of the Moesz line is studied as case study (with three different modeling approaches) using 36 parameters of REMO regional climate data-set, ArcGIS geographic information software, and periods of 1961-1990 (reference period), 2011-2040, and 2041-2070. The disadvantages of this relatively simple climate envelope modeling (CEM) approach are then discussed and several ways of model improvement are suggested. Some statistical and artificial intelligence (AI) methods (logistic regression, cluster analysis and other clustering methods, decision tree, evolutionary algorithm, artificial neural network) are able to provide development of the model. Among them artificial neural networks (ANN) seems to be the most suitable algorithm for this purpose, which provides a black box method for distribution modeling.