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em Corvinus Research Archive - The institutional repository for the Corvinus University of Budapest


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A szerző a pénzügyi válság kapcsán a pénzügyi matematikát ért kritikai észrevételekre próbál válaszolni. Megítélése szerint a pénzügyi matematika negatív hatása a magyarországi pénzügyi problémák esetében nem mutatható ki, ugyanis Magyarországon a pénzügyi döntések mindenfajta kvantitatív megalapozás nélkül, nagyrészt politikai alapon történtek, így a felelősséget is a politikát körülvevő gazdaságpolitikusoknak kell viselniük. A matematikai modellek legfőbb felhasználási területe nem a konkrét pénzügyi döntések megalapozásában, hanem sokkal inkább az oktatásban található. _____ The author discusses some critical observations about financial mathematics in connection with the financial crisis. In his view no negative effect of financial mathematics on Hungary's financial problems can be observed, since the financial decisions in Hungary were made without any kind of serious quantitative basis. The decisions were made mainly on political ground, so that the blame must go to economic politicians involved in that policy. The main area of application of mathematical models is not its application in specific financial decisions, but far more in the field of education.


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In 2002, 2003 and 2004, we took macoinvertebrate samples on a total of 36 occasions at the Badacsony bay of Lake Balaton. Our sampling site was characterised by areas of open water (in 2003 and 2004 full of reed-grass) as well as by areas covered by common reed (Phragmites australis) and narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia). Samples were taken both from water body and benthic ooze by use of a stiff hand net. We have gained our data from processing 208 individual samples. We took samples frequently from early spring until late autumn for a deeper understanding of the processes of seasonal dynamics. The main seasonal patterns and temporal changes of diversity were described. We constructed a weather-dependent simulation model of the processes of seasonal dynamics in the interest of a possible further utilization of our data in climate change research. We described the total number of individuals, biovolume and diversity of all macroinvertebrate species with a single index and used the temporal trends of this index for simulation modelling. Our discrete deterministic model includes only the impact of temperature, other interactions might only appear concealed. Running the model for different climate change scenarios it became possible to estimate conditions for the 2070-2100 period. The results, however, should be treated very prudently not only because our model is very simple but also because the scenarios are the results of different models.