37 resultados para Lonovics, József, abp. of Erlau.


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INTRODUCTION: Prostate cancer, the most frequent malignant disease in males in Europe, accounts for a great proportion of health expenditures. AIM: A systematic review of registry-based studies about the cost-of-illness and related factors of prostate cancer, published in the last 10 years. METHOD: A MEDLINE-based literature review was carried out between January 1, 2003 and October 1, 2013. RESULTS: Fifteen peer-reviewed articles met the criteria of interest. In developed countries radiotherapy, surgical treatment and hormone therapy account for the greatest per capita costs. In Europe early stage tumours (4-7000 €, 2006), while in the USA metastatic prostate cancer (19 900-25 500 $, 2004) was associated with highest per capita expenses. In Europe the greatest costs incurred within the initial treatment (6400 €/6 months, 2008), while in the USA within the end-of-life care (depending on age: 62 200-93 400 $, 2010). CONCLUSIONS: Despite public health importance of prostate cancer, the cost-of-illness literature from Europe is relatively small.


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A szerzők kutatásának célja, hogy az innovációmenedzsment és az innovációs stratégiák összefüggéseiben rávilágítsanak a magyarországi vállalatokat jellemző stratégiai irányokra és azonosítsák a vállalati tudás szerepét az innovációs folyamatokban. Az induktív logikán alapuló, kvalitatív interjúkra építkező módszertan segítségével történt az adatok gyűjtése és elemzése. Kutatási eredményeik alapján megállapítható, hogy a magyar vállalatok többsége tisztában van az innováció stratégiai jelentőségével és a tudás innovációfokozó erejével. Azonban a bizonytalan szabályozási környezet, a negatív piaci hangulat, a finanszírozási forrásokhoz való hozzáférés és a globális verseny megnehezítik a hazai KKV-k innovációs törekvéseit. Ugyanakkor a multinacionális vállalatok élen járnak mind a technológiai, mind pedig a nem technológiai innovációk terén is. A nem technológiai innováció területén komoly fejlődési lehetőségek körvonalazódhatnak a magyar KKV-k számára is, hiszen ezek kevésbé költségesek és időigényesek, és a belső erőforrásokat felhasználva a szervezeti tudásbázisra is épülhetnek. ____ The aim of the authors’ research is to highlight the characteristic strategic directions of Hungarian companies and identify the role of corporate knowledge in the innovative processes in the context of innovation management and innovative strategies. The collection and analysis of data were helped by a methodology which is based on inductive logic and qualitative interviews. The diagnosis, based on there search results,was that the majority of Hungarian companies are aware of the strategic importance of innovation and the innovation enhancing power of knowledge.


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By the strengthening of environmental protection and food safety efforts in Hungary, integrated and especially biological pest control methods should increasingly put forward, for which a solid knowledge on the life course and efficiency of natural enemies applied against certain pests is necessary. Pepper has distinguished significance in domestic vegetable forcing, and the profitability of production is determined primarily by the efficiency of the control of thrips pests. This is why we attached great importance to study what results may be expected by introducing arthropod predators (Amblyseius cucumeris, Orius laevigatus) to control thrips species under domestic conditions on rock wool in a long vegetation period pepper culture. We also liked to find out what kind of role the cultivars play in the change of phytophagous and zoophagous populations. The A. cucumeris predatory mite introduced in late January proved to be effective in controlling thrips pests until mid-April. Despite repeated introductions, the predatory bug O. laevigatus (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) did not proliferate. Among the three pepper cultivars (Hó, Keceli, Titán) grown at Ráckeve, thrips species proliferated in the highest number on cultivar ‘Hó’, while the population of predatory mites was lowest on the cultivar ‘Titán’, compared to the other two cultivars.


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During the 2004 growing season, five raspberry cultivars were evaluated in terms of their susceptibility to the raspberry cane midge (Resseliella theobaldi Barnes). The trial was carried out at Berkenye, Nógrád County, Hungary. The cultivars evaluated were ‘Rubaca’ from Germany, ‘Fertődi Zamatos’ from Hungary, ‘Tulameen’ from Canada, and ‘Autumn Bliss’ and ‘Golden Bliss’ from the United Kingdom. Every other week, twenty-five split primocanes of each cultivar were randomly collected for laboratory examination. Data recorded for each cultivar included the mean number of larvae, the mean split length, and the mean extent of bark peeling per primocane. Pearson’s linear correlation coefficients were calculated for the correlations between the annual mean number of larvae per primocane on the one hand, and the annual cumulative mean split length per primocane and annual mean extent of bark peeling per primocane on the other hand. There was a weak correlation between annual mean number of larvae and annual cumulative mean split length, and a stronger correlation between annual mean number of larvae and annual mean extent of bark peeling. Annual mean number of larvae per primocane and annual mean extent of bark peeling per primocane were both highest in ‘Rubaca’, which means that the number of larvae per cane largely depends on the extent of stem peeling, although longitudinal splitting may also play a role. Therefore, cultivars with hardly any bark peeling and few and small longitudinal splits can be presumed to be less susceptible to infestation by the raspberry cane midge. Using these criteria, the least susceptible of the five cultivars evaluated would be ‘Tulameen’ and ‘Fertődi Zamatos’. Further research is needed to confirm this conclusion and to gather data on other factors which affect cultivar choice for new plantations, including winter hardiness, and susceptibility to cane diseases.


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Since the damage of the onion thrips (Thrips tabaci Lindemann) first occurred on white cabbage in Hungary several observations have been carried out, both in Hungary and abroad, to assess varietal resistance. The use of a new evaluation method for field screening is described and the result of the monitoring of 64 varieties is reported. The most susceptible varieties were ‘Bejo 1860’, ‘SG 3164’, ‘Quisto’, ‘Green Gem’ and ‘Ramada’. On the other hand, ‘Golden Cross’, ‘Balashi’, ‘Riana’, ‘Autumn Queen’, ‘Leopard’, Ama-Daneza’ and ‘Galaxy’ suffered the least damage under natural infestation. Methods for testing the patterns of resistance are also described and evaluated. In case of plants at the few leaf growth stage significant negative correlation was found between egg mortality and the egg laying preference of adults. The results of the other antibiotic and antixenotic tests were greatly affected by differences in the physiological age and condition of the varieties.


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It gives an overview of the papers of the Competitiveness of the CEE Region in the Global Economy conference. This is a document of the 1st AIB-CEE Chapter Conference and the 2nd Working Conference on Competitiveness. AIB-CEE Chapter and CRC joined to organize an international conference. Actually three organizations supported and influenced the academic content of the conference with their missions, commitments and communities.


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A cikkben a szerzők először áttekintik a cafeteria-rendszer legfontosabb jellemzőit (célját, tipikus „stakeholdereit” és HR-stratégiai kérdéseit). Ezt követően megvizsgálják, milyen átalakuláson ment át a béren kívüli juttatások rendszere 1996-tól – az első ilyen rendszerek magyarországi megjelenésétől – napjainkig. Áttekintik azt is, milyen mozgatórugók idézték elő a főbb változásokat, és ezekhez a piaci szereplők hogyan alkalmazkodtak. Szintén vizsgálják a 2012-re vonatkozó legfőbb változásokat, és ezek lehetséges kihatásait a cégek juttatási politikájára, valamint elmutatnak néhány alternatívát az új feltételek közötti lehetőségekre és kihívásokra. Empirikus felméréseik tükrében kitérnek arra is, hogy főleg a szervezeti méret és kisebb részben a tulajdonforma szignifikánsan befolyásolja a cafeteria-rendszerek alkalmazását. _________ The authors review firstly the most important features of the cafeteria system (goals, typical “stakeholders” and strategic HR issues). Then they examine the evolution of the system of flexible benefits since 1996, the first appearance of such systems in Hungary. Authors also analyze how the main drivers caused the changes, and how the key players of the cafeteria systems adapted to these movements. The reader also can find insights about the major changes for 2012 and about the potential impact of these changes on benefit policies of Hungarian firms. The contribution shows some alternative opportunities and challenges driven by different influencing factors. They also touch upon the light of empirical surveys, that the cafeteria systems are significantly influenced to a lesser extent by the form of ownership and to a bigger extent by the organizational size.