37 resultados para Eastern European Studies
Our paper investigates the supply chain position of manufacturing companies in Europe, and the relation of this position to the extent and kind of services these companies provide. Our research builds on analyzing differences between Western and Eastern European companies. For the empirical research the database from the fifth round of the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey is used which covers 445 manufacturing companies from 13 European countries. Based on the connection between supply chain position and the extent and type of services offered dominant business models are identified both in Eastern and Western Europe.
The EU played an instrumental role re-starting the international development policies in Central and Eastern European member states, but questions remain about how far this policy area has been Europeanized since accession. Focusing on the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, the paper investigates why the new donors have been reluctant to adopt the EU’s development acquis more fully. The paper traces the process of the EU’s development policy rulemaking and subsequent national rule implementation to understand the socialization opportunities these processes offer. The conclusions reveal thrre reasons why socialization has been weak: (1) perceptions among the new member states on the development acquis’ procedural legitimacy; (2) low domestic resonance with the development acquis; and (3) inconsistencies in the activities of norm entrepreneurs. The paper contributes to our understanding of development policy in the EU, in particular how decision making takes place within the Council and its Working Groups post enlargement.
In this paper we explore the impact of the economic recession of 2008 on gender inequality in the labor force in Central and Eastern European countries. We argue that job and occupational segregation protected women’s employment more than men's in the CEE region as well, but unlike in more developed capitalist economies, women’s level of labor force participation declined and their rates of poverty increased during the crisis years. We also explore gender differences in opinions on the impact of the recession on people’s job satisfaction. For our analysis we use published data from EUROSTAT and our own calculations from EU SILC and ESS 2010.
In this paper, we construct a composite indicator to estimate the potential of four Central and Eastern European countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) to benefit from productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment (FDI) in the manufacturing sector. Such transfers of technology are one of the main benefits of FDI for the host country, and should also be one of the main determinants of FDI incentives offered to investing multinationals by governments, but they are difficult to assess ex ante. For our composite index, we use six components to proxy the main channels and determinants of these spillovers. We have tried several weighting and aggregation methods, and we consider our results robust. According to the analysis of our results, between 2003 and 2007 all four countries were able to increase their potential to benefit from such spillovers, although there are large differences between them. The Czech Republic clearly has the most potential to benefit from productivity spillovers, while Poland has the least. The relative positions of Hungary and Slovakia depend to some extent on the exact weighting and aggregation method of the individual components of the index, but the differences are not large. These conclusions have important implications both for the investment strategies of multinationals and government FDI policies.
Jenő Szűcs wrote his essay entitled Sketch on the three regions of Europe in the early 1980s in Hungary. During these years, a historically well-argued opinion emphasising a substantial difference between Central European and Eastern European societies was warmly received in various circles of the political opposition. In a wider European perspective Szűcs used the old “liberty topos” which claims that the history of Europe is no other than the fulfillment of liberty. In his Sketch, Szűcs does not only concentrate on questions concerning the Middle Ages in Western Europe. Yet it is this stream of thought which brought a new perspective to explaining European history. His picture of the Middle Ages represents well that there is a way to integrate all typical Western motifs of post-war self-definition into a single theory. Mainly, the “liberty motif”, as a sign of “Europeanism” – in the interpretation of Bibó’s concept, Anglo-saxon Marxists and Weber’s social theory –, developed from medieval concepts of state and society and from an analysis of economic and social structures. Szűcs’s historical aspect was a typical intellectual product of the 1980s: this was the time when a few Central European historians started to outline non-Marxist aspects of social theory and categories of modernisation theories, but concealing them with Marxist terminology.
The aim of this article is to evaluate the situation of the Central and Eastern European countries within the EU on the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Enlargement. Since 2004, the region has shown a trend to catch up with Western Europe in terms of both employment and economic performance. However, the financial and economic crisis which started in 2008 disrupted the previous trends of convergence for some, and greater differences emerged between individual countries' performances. The eastward enlargement has practically doubled labour mobility within the EU, and this phenomenon is likely to be sustained as long as income disparities between Member States persist. The 2004 and 2007 enlargements brought more welfare to the countries receiving mobile workers, whereas countries of origin bear the real risks of labour mobility from east to west. Today, it can be said that most of the newer Member States, irrespective of the varying speeds of convergence have developed within the EU as an 'inner periphery'. In order to make better use of the potential for economic growth in Central-Eastern Europe, investing in human capital should become a priority. The major question for the second decade of our enlarged European Union - aside from the reform of the monetary union - is whether the EU’s eastern region can continue to catch up without the internal socio-economic polarisation observed thus far, and whether the latter process can in fact be reversed.
The authors have analysed the economic growth and its determining factors in countries of the European Union, particularly in Hungary and Ukraine. We applied quantitative methods by analysing topic related database. We have found that the Central-Eastern European Periphery has not finished its transition, and this change is heading in the direction of the Southern Periphery of the European Union. As the Southern Periphery is the area of economic crises right now, it is obvious that something should be done in order to avoid falling to the same fate for the Central-Eastern European Periphery. The authors introduced a new production function and with its help they identified the bottlenecks of growth in Hungary and Ukraine, namely the organizational and human capital that in its present development stage, do not correspond to the needs of creating state of the art larger companies. The present crisis pushes both countries to postpone long-term developments, such as investments into human capital, and in this way makes the solution of the crisis more difficult.
A szerző tanulmányában a 2000 és 2010 közötti gazdasági és társadalmi változásokat és a munkával kapcsolatos értékek és attitűdök alakulását állítja időbeli párhuzamba, és azokra a kérdésekre keresi a választ, hogy milyen prioritások jellemzik 2010-ben a munka egyes aspektusaihoz való viszonyulást Közép-Kelet- Európa uniós tagállamaiban, és közöttük kiemelten Magyarországon? Vajon változtak-e ezek a jellemzők az elmúlt tíz év során, s ha igen, milyen irányú az elmozdulás. Azonos tendenciájúak-e a változások a vizsgált országokban? Megállapíthatók-e jellegzetes különbségek három kiválasztott, magas életszínvonalú, régebbi uniós (EU-15) tagországhoz viszonyítva? Elemzése jelentős mértékben támaszkodik az EVSfelmérés 2010-ben közzétett adataira, melynek alapját a 2008 és 2009 során lefolytatott adatgyűjtés képezi. Tanulmányában azokra a közép-kelet-európai országokra összpontosít, amelyek az elmúlt évtized során az unió tagjai lettek, és a 2000-es felmérésben is részt vettek már. _____ The author sets into parallelism economic and social changes and the development of values and attitudes regarding labour between 2000 and 2010, and looks for answers to questions what priorities characterize in 2010 the attitude to some aspects of labour in EU member countries of CEE, and especially in Hungary. Have these features changed in the last decade and in positive case, what is the direction of the shift? Are changes of similar tendency in countries under consideration? Can considerable differences be stated as compared to three selected, earlier EU 15 member countries with high living standard? The analysis largely relies on data of EVS survey, published in 2010 whose basis is the data collection carried out in 2008-2009. The essay focuses on Central Eastern European countries which have become members of the Union during the last decade and took part already in the survey of 2000.
This essay addresses four major issues confronting the Central and Eastern European new members of the European Union in the decade to come. First: what to think of the financial meltdown of 2008-2009. Second, what have they learned from the tremors, having shaken the previous star performers of the EU? Third we ask if we can expect a return to ‘normalcy' as forecast by most models of financial rating agencies and international financial institutions? Fourth the question is raised what did the new members benefit from their EU membership? Some conclusions on the future of EU reforms and policies close the overview.
The global economic and financial crisis has raised further concerns about the euro-entry criteria, in addition to other factors, such as the effective tightening of the criteria due to the enlargement of the EU from 12 to 27 members, the highly unfavourable property of business cycle dependence, the internal inconsistency of the criteria due to the structural price level convergence of Central and Eastern European countries, and the continuous violation of the criteria by euro-area members. The interest rate criterion became a highly volatile measure. Many US metropolitan areas would fail to qualify to be members of the US monetary union by applying the currently used inflation criterion to the US. It is time to reform the criteria and to strengthen their economic rationale within the legal framework of the EU treaty. A good solution would be to relate all criteria to the average of the euro area and simultaneously to extend the compliance period from the currently considered one year to a longer period.
In 2004, Hungary joined the European Union (EU) along with nine other Central and Eastern European Countries, causing several changes in the field of agriculture. One of the major changes was the transformation of national agri-food trade. The aim of the paper is to analyse the effects of EU accession on the Hungarian primary and processed agri-food trade, especially considering revealed comparative advantages, by using recent data. Results suggest that EU accession raised the intensity of trade contacts but had a negative impact on trade balance. Nominal values of both exports and imports increased after 2004, however, Hungarian agriculture is increasingly based on raw material export and processed food import. It also turned out that revealed comparative advantages of Hungarian primary agri-food products in EU15 remained almost constant after accession, while comparative advantages of processed agri-food products has been gradually increasing by time and even reached the satisfactory level in some cases. From the policy perspective, it is apparent that there is a need for deeper structural reforms of the Hungarian agricultural and food sector is the future.
A tanulmány az európai magánjogi jogegységesítésnek a piaci versenyképességre gyakorolt esetleges hatásait vizsgálja összehasonlító-jogi és piaci érvek mentén. Arra keres választ, hogy az európai uniós tagállami jogi sajátosságok a szerződésen kívüli felelősség területén mennyire hatnak piacra-jutási korlátként, mennyire valósak ezek versenytorzító hatásai, illetve milyen mértékben működik a jogszabályverseny ezen a területen, használhatják-e a magánjogi felelősségi rendszert befektetés és kereskedelemösztönző eszközként a tagállamok. Ezek függvényében tesz ajánlásokat arra vonatkozóan, hogy üzleti szempontok mentén mennyire érdemes az európai lágy jog (DCFR) mércéi alapján átalakítani a nemzeti jogot, vagy inkább megmaradni a nemzeti értékek mentén, ha az előnyös a közép-kelet európai térségben, valamint az Európai Unióban zajló nemzeti jogfejlődési folyamatokhoz képest. E kérdéskör annál is inkább aktuális mert térségünk több országa, köztük Magyarország is polgári törvénykönyve reformján dolgozik. _________ The paper discusses along comparative law and market considerations the effects of European unification of private law via soft law instruments (DCFR) on Member States’ competitiveness. The research debates the potential effects of tort liability as market entry obstacle due to legal diversty at national level, the effects of legal diversity on the level playing field Internal Market wide and the role of regulatory competition in tort liability as market generating incentive in hands of Member States. Based on its findings the paper warns on the pitfalls of using the DCFR as model for reforming national civil codes in the Member States. The topic of research is justified by the ongoing civil law reform projects in the Central-Eastern European Member States of the EU, including Hungary.
A szerzők célja, hogy megvizsgálják, milyen kölcsönhatásban áll az ellátási láncban elfoglalt pozíció, valamint a szolgálatosodás szintje az európai termelővállalatoknál. Vizsgálatuk azt mutatja, hogy a globalizáció és a termelés nemzetközivé válása mindkét tényezőt jelentős mértékben befolyásolja. A termelés globalizációs trendjeinek megfelelően így a kelet-európai (fejlődő), illetve a nyugat-európai (fejlett) országokban eltérő üzleti modellek válnak dominánssá, amelyek különböző ellátásilánc-pozícióval és más-más szintű szolgáltatásnyújtással jellemezhetőek. A domináns üzleti modellek mellett természetesen más üzleti modellek is működőképesnek bizonyulhatnak a két vizsgált régióban. A létesítmények elhelyezésére, valamint az üzleti eredményességre vonatkozó mutatók elemzésbe történő bevonásával cikkük az Európában működő üzleti modellek kialakításának okára, valamint jövőbeli fenntarthatóságára is megpróbál választ adni. __________ The objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between supply chain position and level of servitization in European manufacturing companies. The analysis shows that globalization and internationalization of production has dramatic impact on both phenomena. Due to the globalization trends different business models became dominant in the less developed Eastern-European and the more developed Western European countries, which can be characterized by different supply chain position and servitization level. Certainly other business models can also be successful in the two regions. Involving facility location motivations and business performance indicators the article shed light on the reasons of why these business models came alive and how sustainable they can be.
In the past few years, several papers have been published in the international literature on the impact of the economic crisis on health and health care. However, there is limited knowledge on this topic regarding the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. The main aims of this study are to examine the effect of the financial crisis on health care spending in four CEE countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) in comparison with the OECD countries. In this paper we also revised the literature for economic crisis related impact on health and health care system in these countries. OECD data released in 2012 were used to examine the differences in growth rates before and after the financial crisis. We examined the ratio of the average yearly growth rates of health expenditure expressed in USD (PPP) between 2008–2010 and 2000–2008. The classification of the OECD countries regarding “development” and “relative growth” resulted in four clusters. A large diversity of “relative growth” was observed across the countries in austerity conditions, however the changes significantly correlate with the average drop of GDP from 2008 to 2010. To conclude, it is difficult to capture visible evidence regarding the impact of the recession on the health and health care systems in the CEE countries due to the absence of the necessary data. For the same reason, governments in this region might have a limited capability to minimize the possible negative effects of the recession on health and health care systems.
The global crisis of 2008 caused both liquidity shortage and increasing insolvency in the banking system. The study focuses on credit default contagion in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region, which originated in bank runs generated by non-performing loans granted to non-financial clients. In terms of methodology, the paper relies on one hand on review of the literature, and on the other hand on a data survey with comparative and regression analysis. To uncover credit default contagion, the research focuses on the combined impact of foreign exchange rates and foreign private indebtedness.