13 resultados para tabu search algorithm

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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* The work is supported by RFBR, grant 04-01-00858-a.


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This paper considers the problem of concept generalization in decision-making systems where such features of real-world databases as large size, incompleteness and inconsistence of the stored information are taken into account. The methods of the rough set theory (like lower and upper approximations, positive regions and reducts) are used for the solving of this problem. The new discretization algorithm of the continuous attributes is proposed. It essentially increases an overall performance of generalization algorithms and can be applied to processing of real value attributes in large data tables. Also the search algorithm of the significant attributes combined with a stage of discretization is developed. It allows avoiding splitting of continuous domains of insignificant attributes into intervals.


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): I.2.8, G.1.6.


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Рассматривается метаэвристический метод комбинаторной оптимизации, основанный на использовании алгоритмов табу-поиска и ускоренного вероятностного моделирования. Излагается общая вычислительная схема предложенного метода, названного алгоритмом GS-tabu. Приведены результаты серии вычислительных экспериментов по решению известных задач коммивояжера и квадратичных задач о назначении.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62P10, 92D10, 92D30, 94A17, 62L10.


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We describe an approach for recovering the plaintext in block ciphers having a design structure similar to the Data Encryption Standard but with improperly constructed S-boxes. The experiments with a backtracking search algorithm performing this kind of attack against modified DES/Triple-DES in ECB mode show that the unknown plaintext can be recovered with a small amount of uncertainty and this algorithm is highly efficient both in time and memory costs for plaintext sources with relatively low entropy. Our investigations demonstrate once again that modifications resulting to S-boxes which still satisfy some design criteria may lead to very weak ciphers. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): E.3, I.2.7, I.2.8.


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Accelerated probabilistic modeling algorithms, presenting stochastic local search (SLS) technique, are considered. General algorithm scheme and specific combinatorial optimization method, using “golden section” rule (GS-method), are given. Convergence rates using Markov chains are received. An overview of current combinatorial optimization techniques is presented.


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In this paper the technique of shorter route determination of fire engine to the fire place on time minimization criterion with the use of evolutionary modeling is offered. The algorithm of its realization on the base of complete and optimized space of search of possible decisions is explored. The aspects of goal function forming and program realization of method having a special purpose are considered. Experimental verification is executed and the results of comparative analysis with the expert conclusions are considered.


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The problem of finding the optimal join ordering executing a query to a relational database management system is a combinatorial optimization problem, which makes deterministic exhaustive solution search unacceptable for queries with a great number of joined relations. In this work an adaptive genetic algorithm with dynamic population size is proposed for optimizing large join queries. The performance of the algorithm is compared with that of several classical non-deterministic optimization algorithms. Experiments have been performed optimizing several random queries against a randomly generated data dictionary. The proposed adaptive genetic algorithm with probabilistic selection operator outperforms in a number of test runs the canonical genetic algorithm with Elitist selection as well as two common random search strategies and proves to be a viable alternative to existing non-deterministic optimization approaches.


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In this paper a variable neighborhood search (VNS) approach for the task assignment problem (TAP) is considered. An appropriate neighborhood scheme along with a shaking operator and local search procedure are constructed specifically for this problem. The computational results are presented for the instances from the literature, and compared to optimal solutions obtained by the CPLEX solver and heuristic solutions generated by the genetic algorithm. It can be seen that the proposed VNS approach reaches all optimal solutions in a quite short amount of computational time.


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This paper presents a Variable neighbourhood search (VNS) approach for solving the Maximum Set Splitting Problem (MSSP). The algorithm forms a system of neighborhoods based on changing the component for an increasing number of elements. An efficient local search procedure swaps the components of pairs of elements and yields a relatively short running time. Numerical experiments are performed on the instances known in the literature: minimum hitting set and Steiner triple systems. Computational results show that the proposed VNS achieves all optimal or best known solutions in short times. The experiments indicate that the VNS compares favorably with other methods previously used for solving the MSSP. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): I.2.8.


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In this paper a Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) algorithm for solving the Capacitated Single Allocation Hub Location Problem (CSAHLP) is presented. CSAHLP consists of two subproblems; the first is choosing a set of hubs from all nodes in a network, while the other comprises finding the optimal allocation of non-hubs to hubs when a set of hubs is already known. The VNS algorithm was used for the first subproblem, while the CPLEX solver was used for the second. Computational results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has reached optimal solutions on all 20 test instances for which optimal solutions are known, and this in short computational time.


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Sequential pattern mining is an important subject in data mining with broad applications in many different areas. However, previous sequential mining algorithms mostly aimed to calculate the number of occurrences (the support) without regard to the degree of importance of different data items. In this paper, we propose to explore the search space of subsequences with normalized weights. We are not only interested in the number of occurrences of the sequences (supports of sequences), but also concerned about importance of sequences (weights). When generating subsequence candidates we use both the support and the weight of the candidates while maintaining the downward closure property of these patterns which allows to accelerate the process of candidate generation.