12 resultados para query rewriting
em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS
SMS (Short Message Service) is now a hugely popular and a very powerful business communication technology for mobile phones. In order to respond correctly to a free form factual question given a large collection of texts, one needs to understand the question at a level that allows determining some of constraints the question imposes on a possible answer. These constraints may include a semantic classification of the sought after answer and may even suggest using different strategies when looking for and verifying a candidate answer. In this paper we focus on various attempts to overcome the major contradiction: the technical limitations of the SMS standard, and the huge number of found information for a possible answer.
This paper presents an adaptive method using genetic algorithm to modify user’s queries, based on relevance judgments. This algorithm was adapted for the three well-known documents collections (CISI, NLP and CACM). The method is shown to be applicable to large text collections, where more relevant documents are presented to users in the genetic modification. The algorithm shows the effects of applying GA to improve the effectiveness of queries in IR systems. Further studies are planned to adjust the system parameters to improve its effectiveness. The goal is to retrieve most relevant documents with less number of non-relevant documents with respect to user's query in information retrieval system using genetic algorithm.
Query expansion (QE) is a potentially useful technique to help searchers formulate improved query statements, and ultimately retrieve better search results. The objective of our query expansion technique is to find a suitable additional term. Two query expansion methods are applied in sequence to reformulate the query. Experiments on test collections show that the retrieval effectiveness is considerably higher when the query expansion technique is applied.
User queries over image collections, based on semantic similarity, can be processed in several ways. In this paper, we propose to reuse the rules produced by rule-based classifiers in their recognition models as query pattern definitions for searching image collections.
Similar to Genetic algorithm, Evolution strategy is a process of continuous reproduction, trial and selection. Each new generation is an improvement on the one that went before. This paper presents two different proposals based on the vector space model (VSM) as a traditional model in information Retrieval (TIR). The first uses evolution strategy (ES). The second uses the document centroid (DC) in query expansion technique. Then the results are compared; it was noticed that ES technique is more efficient than the other methods.
This article describes architecture and implementation of subsystem intended for working with queries and reports in adaptive dynamically extended information systems able to dynamically extending. The main features of developed approach are application universality, user orientation and opportunity to integrate with external information systems. Software implementation is based on multilevel metadata approach.
The biggest threat to any business is a lack of timely and accurate information. Without all the facts, businesses are pressured to make critical decisions and assess risks and opportunities based largely on guesswork, sometimes resulting in financial losses and missed opportunities. The meteoric rise of Databases (DB) appears to confirm the adage that “information is power”, but the stark reality is that information is useless if one has no way to find what one needs to know. It is more accurate perhaps to state that, “the ability to find information is power”. In this paper we show how Instantaneous Database Access System (IDAS) can make a crucial difference by pulling data together and allowing users to summarise information quickly from all areas of a business organisation.
Let V be an array. The range query problem concerns the design of data structures for implementing the following operations. The operation update(j,x) has the effect vj ← vj + x, and the query operation retrieve(i,j) returns the partial sum vi + ... + vj. These tasks are to be performed on-line. We define an algebraic model – based on the use of matrices – for the study of the problem. In this paper we establish as well a lower bound for the sum of the average complexity of both kinds of operations, and demonstrate that this lower bound is near optimal – in terms of asymptotic complexity.
The problem of finding the optimal join ordering executing a query to a relational database management system is a combinatorial optimization problem, which makes deterministic exhaustive solution search unacceptable for queries with a great number of joined relations. In this work an adaptive genetic algorithm with dynamic population size is proposed for optimizing large join queries. The performance of the algorithm is compared with that of several classical non-deterministic optimization algorithms. Experiments have been performed optimizing several random queries against a randomly generated data dictionary. The proposed adaptive genetic algorithm with probabilistic selection operator outperforms in a number of test runs the canonical genetic algorithm with Elitist selection as well as two common random search strategies and proves to be a viable alternative to existing non-deterministic optimization approaches.
В статье представлены промежуточные результаты реализации комплексного подхода к разработке подсистемы управления электронными документами в CASE-системе METAS, предназначенной для создания распределенных информационных систем, допускающих динамическую настройку на меняющиеся условия эксплуатации и потребности пользователей. Предлагается значительно увеличить эффективность работы с электронными документами за счет их автоматизированного интеллектуального анализа. В предлагаемом решении для анализа документов используются агентный и онтологический подходы. Онтологии позволяют в явном виде представить семантику и структуру документа. Использование агентов позволяет упростить процесс анализа, сделать его расширяемым и масштабируемым. Результаты интеллектуального поиска и обработки документов, получаемых из гетерогенных источников, могут быть использованы не только для автоматической классификации и каталогизации документов в информационной системе в удобной для пользователя форме, но и для снижения трудоемкости выполнения этапа анализа предметной области информационной системы, ее проектирования, а также для интеллектуализации процессов создания отчетных документов на основе информации, размещенной в базе данных системы.
The following statements are proven: A correspondence of a semigroup in another one is a homomorphism if and only if when the entire prototype of the product of images contains (always) the product of their entire prototypes. The Kleene closure of the maximal rewriting of a regular language at a regular language substitution contains in the maximal rewriting of the Kleene closure of the initial regular language at the same substitution. Let the image of the maximal rewriting of a regular language at a regular language substitution covers the entire given regular language. Then the image of any word from the maximal rewriting of the Kleene closure of the initial regular language covers by the image of a set of some words from the Kleene closure of the maximal rewriting of this given regular language everything at the same given regular language substitution. The purposefulness of the ¯rst statement is substantiated philosophically and epistemologically connected with the spirit of previous mathematical results of the author. A corollary of its is indicated about the membership problem at a regular substitution.
The paper discusses the Europeana Creative project which aims to facilitate re-use of cultural heritage metadata and content by the creative industries. The paper focuses on the contribution of Ontotext to the project activities. The Europeana Data Model (EDM) is further discussed as a new proposal for structuring the data that Europeana will ingest, manage and publish. The advantages of using EDM instead of the current ESE metadata set are highlighted. Finally, Ontotext’s EDM Endpoint is presented, based on OWLIM semantic repository and SPARQL query language. A user-friendly RDF view is presented in order to illustrate the possibilities of Forest - an extensible modular user interface framework for creating linked data and semantic web applications.