7 resultados para new keynesian models

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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The lecture analyses the traditional business model in scientific communication and describes the new emerging models in the context of Open Access. Copyright and licensing part provides an overview of the legal issues and copyright at the heart of Open Access.


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It is consider the new global models for society of neuronet type. The hierarchical structure of society and mentality of individual are considered. The way for incorporating in model anticipatory (prognostic) ability of individual is considered. Some implementations of approach for real task and further research problems are described. Multivaluedness of models and solutions is discussed. Sensory-motor systems analogy also is discussed. New problems for theory and applications of neural networks are described.


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Румен В. Николов - Статията анализира необходимостта от институционални промени в училищата и университетите с цел да се адаптират към съвременните изисквания на обществото на знанието. Паралелно се анализират феноменът на електронното обучение, глобалната образователна реформа и необходимостта от разработването и прилагането на нови педагогически модели. В статията е поставен акцент върху Уеб 2.0 технологиите и електронните инфраструктури, както и върху тяхното влияние върху образованието и научните изледвания в училищата и университетите. Професионална квалификация на учителите, която да е проектирана така, че да отговаря на новите предизвикателства, се разглежда като ключов фактор за успешното навлизане на новите технологии в училище. Важно е да се отбележи необходимостта от разработка на стратегия за обучение на учителите през целия живот, която да отчита съвременните научни постижения в технологично- обогатеното обучение и новите теории за ученето. Препоръчва се изграждането на социални умения и компетенции, които са подходящи за работа в една Уеб 2.0 базирана учебна среда и с глобалния социален софтуер, да се включи в учебните планове и програми както на учениците, така и в курсовете за подготовка на учители.


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While openness is well applied to software development and exploitation (open sources), and successfully applied to new business models (open innovation), fundamental and applied research seems to lag behind. Even after decades of advocacy, in 2011 only 50% of the public-funded research was freely available and accessible (Archambault et al., 2013). The current research workflows, stemming from a pre-internet age, result in loss of opportunity not only for the researchers themselves (cf. extensive literature on topic at Open Access citation project, http://opcit.eprints.org/), but also slows down innovation and application of research results (Houghton & Swan, 2011). Recent studies continue to suggest that lack of awareness among researchers, rather than lack of e-infrastructure and methodology, is a key reason for this loss of opportunity (Graziotin 2014). The session will focus on why Open Science is ideally suited to achieving tenure-relevant researcher impact in a “Publish or Perish” reality. Open Science encapsulates tools and approaches for each step along the research cycle: from Open Notebook Science to Open Data, Open Access, all setting up researchers for capitalising on social media in order to promote and discuss, and establish unexpected collaborations. Incorporating these new approaches into a updated personal research workflow is of strategic beneficial for young researchers, and will prepare them for expected long term funder trends towards greater openness and demand for greater return on investment (ROI) for public funds.


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An effective mathematical method of new knowledge obtaining on the structure of complex objects with required properties is developed. The method comprehensively takes into account information on the properties and relations of primary objects, composing the complex objects. It is based on measurement of distances between the predicate groups with some interpretation of them. The optimal measure for measurement of these distances with the maximal discernibleness of different groups of predicates is constructed. The method is tested on solution of the problem of obtaining of new compound with electro-optical properties.


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Computer networks are a critical factor for the performance of a modern company. Managing networks is as important as managing any other aspect of the company’s performance and security. There are many tools and appliances for monitoring the traffic and analyzing the network flow security. They use different approaches and rely on a variety of characteristics of the network flows. Network researchers are still working on a common approach for security baselining that might enable early watch alerts. This research focuses on the network security models, particularly the Denial-of-Services (DoS) attacks mitigation, based on a network flow analysis using the flows measurements and the theory of Markov models. The content of the paper comprises the essentials of the author’s doctoral thesis.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60K15, 60K20, 60G20,60J75, 60J80, 60J85, 60-08, 90B15.