7 resultados para criterion of identity
em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54C10, 54D15, 54G12.
The authors analyse some of the research outcomes achieved during the implementation of the EC GUIDE research project “Creating an European Identity Management Architecture for eGovernment”, as well as their personal experience. The project goals and achievements are however considered in a broader context. The key role of Identity in the Information Society was emphasised, that the research and development in this field is in its initial phase. The scope of research related to Identity, including the one related to Identity Management and Interoperability of Identity Management Systems, is expected to be further extended. The authors analyse the abovementioned issues in the context established by the EC European Interoperability Framework (EIF) as a reference document on interoperability for the Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to Public Administrations, Business and Citizens (IDABC) Work Programme. This programme aims at supporting the pan-European delivery of electronic government services.
* This work was financially supported by RFBR-04-01-00858.
* This work was financially supported by RFBR-04-01-00858.
Research and development of mathematical model of optimum distribution of resources (basically financial) for maintenance of the new (raised) quality (reliability) of complex system concerning, which the decision on its re-structuring is accepted, is stated. The final model gives answers (algorithm of calculation) to questions: how many elements of system to allocate on modernization, which elements, up to what level of depth modernization of each of allocated is necessary, and optimum answers are by criterion of minimization of financial charges.
* The work was supported by the RFBR under Grants N07-01-00331a, 08-07-00136a
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 45A05, 45B05, 45E05,45P05, 46E30