30 resultados para attracting fixed point

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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∗ The final version of this paper was sent to the editor when the author was supported by an ARC Small Grant of Dr. E. Tarafdar.


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The main aim of this paper is to obtain fixed point theorems for Kannan and Zamfirescu operators in the presence of cyclical contractive condition. A method for approximation of the fixed points is also provided, for which both a priori and a posteriori error estimates are given. Our results generalize, unify and extend several important fixed points theorems in literature. In order to illustrate the efficiency of our generalizations five significant examples are also given.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H10, 54E15.


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AMS subject classification: 65K10, 49M07, 90C25, 90C48.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 47H10; Secondary: 54H25.


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Здравко Д. Славов - В тази статия се разглежда математически модел на икономика с фиксирани общи ресурси, както и краен брой агенти и блага. Обсъжда се ролята на някои предположения за отношенията на предпочитание на икономическите агенти, които влияят на характеристиките на оптимално разпределените дялове. Доказва се, че множеството на оптимално разпределените дялове е свиваемо и притежава свойството на неподвижната точка.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54H25, 55M20.


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When Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) are going to be used as Pattern Recognition systems, the problem to be considered is how to impose prescribed prototype vectors ξ^1,ξ^2,...,ξ^p as fixed points. The synaptic matrix W should be interpreted as a sort of sign correlation matrix of the prototypes, In the classical approach. The weak point in this approach, comes from the fact that it does not have the appropriate tools to deal efficiently with the correlation between the state vectors and the prototype vectors The capacity of the net is very poor because one can only know if one given vector is adequately correlated with the prototypes or not and we are not able to know what its exact correlation degree. The interest of our approach lies precisely in the fact that it provides these tools. In this paper, a geometrical vision of the dynamic of states is explained. A fixed point is viewed as a point in the Euclidean plane R2. The retrieving procedure is analyzed trough statistical frequency distribution of the prototypes. The capacity of the net is improved and the spurious states are reduced. In order to clarify and corroborate the theoretical results, together with the formal theory, an application is presented


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The "recursive" definition of Default Logic is shown to be representable in a monotonic Modal Quantificational Logic whose modal laws are stronger than S5. Specifically, it is proven that a set of sentences of First Order Logic is a fixed-point of the "recursive" fixed-point equation of Default Logic with an initial set of axioms and defaults if and only if the meaning of the fixed-point is logically equivalent to a particular modal functor of the meanings of that initial set of sentences and of the sentences in those defaults. This is important because the modal representation allows the use of powerful automatic deduction systems for Modal Logic and because unlike the original "recursive" definition of Default Logic, it is easily generalized to the case where quantified variables may be shared across the scope of the components of the defaults.


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A Quantified Autoepistemic Logic is axiomatized in a monotonic Modal Quantificational Logic whose modal laws are slightly stronger than S5. This Quantified Autoepistemic Logic obeys all the laws of First Order Logic and its L predicate obeys the laws of S5 Modal Logic in every fixed-point. It is proven that this Logic has a kernel not containing L such that L holds for a sentence if and only if that sentence is in the kernel. This result is important because it shows that L is superfluous thereby allowing the ori ginal equivalence to be simplified by eliminating L from it. It is also shown that the Kernel of Quantified Autoepistemic Logic is a generalization of Quantified Reflective Logic, which coincides with it in the propositional case.


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Nonmonotonic Logics such as Autoepistemic Logic, Reflective Logic, and Default Logic, are usually defined in terms of set-theoretic fixed-point equations defined over deductively closed sets of sentences of First Order Logic. Such systems may also be represented as necessary equivalences in a Modal Logic stronger than S5 with the added advantage that such representations may be generalized to allow quantified variables crossing modal scopes resulting in a Quantified Autoepistemic Logic, a Quantified Autoepistemic Kernel, a Quantified Reflective Logic, and a Quantified Default Logic. Quantifiers in all these generalizations obey all the normal laws of logic including both the Barcan formula and its converse. Herein, we address the problem of solving some necessary equivalences containing universal quantifiers over modal scopes. Solutions obtained by these methods are then compared to related results obtained in the literature by Circumscription in Second Order Logic since the disjunction of all the solutions of a necessary equivalence containing just normal defaults in these Quantified Logics, is equivalent to that system.


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The nonmonotonic logic called Reflective Logic is shown to be representable in a monotonic Modal Quantificational Logic whose modal laws are stronger than S5. Specifically, it is proven that a set of sentences of First Order Logic is a fixed-point of the fixed-point equation of Reflective Logic with an initial set of axioms and defaults if and only if the meaning of that set of sentences is logically equivalent to a particular modal functor of the meanings of that initial set of sentences and of the sentences in those defaults. This result is important because the modal representation allows the use of powerful automatic deduction systems for Modal Logic and because unlike the original Reflective Logic, it is easily generalized to the case where quantified variables may be shared across the scope of the components of the defaults thus allowing such defaults to produce quantified consequences. Furthermore, this generalization properly treats such quantifiers since all the laws of First Order Logic hold and since both the Barcan Formula and its converse hold.


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The nonmonotonic logic called Default Logic is shown to be representable in a monotonic Modal Quantificational Logic whose modal laws are stronger than S5. Specifically, it is proven that a set of sentences of First Order Logic is a fixed-point of the fixed-point equation of Default Logic with an initial set of axioms and defaults if and only if the meaning or rather disquotation of that set of sentences is logically equivalent to a particular modal functor of the meanings of that initial set of sentences and of the sentences in those defaults. This result is important because the modal representation allows the use of powerful automatic deduction systems for Modal Logic and because unlike the original Default Logic, it is easily generalized to the case where quantified variables may be shared across the scope of the components of the defaults thus allowing such defaults to produce quantified consequences. Furthermore, this generalization properly treats such quantifiers since both the Barcan Formula and its converse hold.


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Reflective Logic and Default Logic are both generalized so as to allow universally quantified variables to cross modal scopes whereby the Barcan formula and its converse hold. This is done by representing both the fixed-point equation for Reflective Logic and the fixed-point equation for Default both as necessary equivalences in the Modal Quantificational Logic Z. and then inserting universal quantifiers before the defaults. The two resulting systems, called Quantified Reflective Logic and Quantified Default Logic, are then compared by deriving metatheorems of Z that express their relationships. The main result is to show that every solution to the equivalence for Quantified Default Logic is a strongly grounded solution to the equivalence for Quantified Reflective Logic. It is further shown that Quantified Reflective Logic and Quantified Default Logic have exactly the same solutions when no default has an entailment condition.


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The nonmonotonic logic called Autoepistemic Logic is shown to be representable in a monotonic Modal Quantificational Logic whose modal laws are stronger than S5. Specifically, it is proven that a set of sentences of First Order Logic is a fixed-point of the fixed-point equation of Autoepistemic Logic with an initial set of axioms if and only if the meaning or rather disquotation of that set of sentences is logically equivalent to a particular modal functor of the meaning of that initial set of sentences. This result is important because the modal representation allows the use of powerful automatic deduction systems for Modal Logic and unlike the original Autoepistemic Logic, it is easily generalized to the case where quantified variables may be shared across the scope of modal expressions thus allowing the derivation of quantified consequences. Furthermore, this generalization properly treats such quantifiers since both the Barcan formula and its converse hold.