9 resultados para Web-based tool

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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The information domain is a recognised sphere for the influence, ownership, and control of information and it's specifications, format, exploitation and explanation (Thompson, 1967). The article presents a description of the financial information domain issues related to the organisation and operation of a stock market. We review the strategic, institutional and standards dimensions of the stock market information domain in relation to the current semantic web knowledge and how and whether this could be used in modern web based stock market information systems to provide the quality of information that their stakeholders want. The analysis is based on the FINE model (Blanas, 2003). The analysis leads to a number of research questions for future research.


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* This work has been supported by NIMP, University of Plovdiv under contract No MU-1.


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): H.5.2, H.2.8, J.2, H.5.3.


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This article considers the Internet/Intranet information systems as the tool for distance learning. Author considers the model of the 3-tier WEB based information system, the idea of the language for implementing and customized solution, which includes the original language and processor for fast prototyping and implementing small and middle sized Internet/Intranet information systems.


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In this paper a flexible approach to design LMS with QTI Ready component based on the e-Learning standards AICC and IMS QTI is described. This system and component permits a dynamic learning and assessment process. QTI Ready component can provide these facilities to other real world virtual learning management system.


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In this paper we consider two computer systems and the dynamic Web technologies they are using. Different contemporary dynamic web technologies are described in details and their advantages and disadvantages have been shown. Specific applications are developed, clinic and studying systems, and their programming models are described. Finally we implement these two applications in the students education process: Online studying has been tested in the Technical University – Varna, Web based clinic system has been used for practical education of the students in the Medical College - Sofia, branch V. Tarnovo


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This paper presents Hi!MVC, a framework for developing high interactive web applications with a MVC Architecture. Nowadays, to manage, extend and correct web applications can be difficult due to the navigational paradigm they are based on. Hi!MVC framework helps to make these tasks easier. This framework allows building a web based interface, generating each page from the objects that represent its state. Every class to be showed in the interface is associated with two entities: its html representation (view) and its interactions in the view manager (controller). The whole html page is generated by composition of views according to the composition relationship of objects. Interactions between user and application are managed by the controller associated to the view which shows interaction elements (links or forms). Hi!MVC allows building web interface in a hierarchical and distributed way. There are other frameworks and APIs offering MVC architectures to web applications, but we think that they are not applying exactly the same concepts. While they keep on basing their architectures on the navigational paradigm we are offering a new point of view based on an innovator hierarchical model. First, we present the main ideas of our proposal. Next, we expose how to implement it using different Java technologies. Finally, we make a first approach to our hierarchical MVC model. We also compare shortly our proposal with the previously cited technologies.


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* The research work reviewed in this paper has been carried out in the context of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research funded project “Adaptable Intelligent Interfaces Research and Development for Distance Learning Systems”(grant N 02-01-81019). The authors wish to acknowledge the co-operation with the Byelorussian partners of this project.


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Encyclopaedia slavica sanctorum (eslavsanct.net) is designed as a complex heterogenous multimedia product. It is part of the project Encyclopaedia Slavica Sanctorum: Saints and Holy Places in Bulgaria (in electronic and Guthenberg versions). Until 2013, its web-based platform for online management and presentation of structured digital content has been prepared and numerous materials have been input. The platform is developed using the server technologies PHP, MySQL and HTML, JavaScript, CSS on the client side. The search in the e-ESS can be made by different parameters (12, or combinations of parameters), such as saints’ or feasts’ names, type of sainthood, types of texts dedicated to the saints, dates of saints’ commemorations, and several others. Both guests and registered users can search in the e-ESS but the latter have access to much more information including the publications of original sources. The e-platform allows for making statistics of what have been searched and read. The software used for content and access analysis is BI tool QlikView. As an analysis services provider, it is connected to the e-ESS objects repository and tracking services by a preliminary created data warehouse. The data warehouse is updated automatically, achieving real time analytics solution. The paper discusses some of the statistics results of the use of the e-ESS: the activities of the editors, users, and guests, the types of searches, the most often viewed object, such as the date of January 1 and the article on St. Basil the Great which is one of the richest encyclopaedia articles and includes both matadata and original sources published, both from medieval Slavonic manuscripts and popular culture records.