8 resultados para Teaching of mathematics. Combinatorial analysis. Heuristic analysis of combinatorial problems
em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS
AMS subject classification: 49K40, 90C31.
The paper considers vector discrete optimization problem with linear fractional functions of criteria on a feasible set that has combinatorial properties of combinations. Structural properties of a feasible solution domain and of Pareto–optimal (efficient), weakly efficient, strictly efficient solution sets are examined. A relation between vector optimization problems on a combinatorial set of combinations and on a continuous feasible set is determined. One possible approach is proposed in order to solve a multicriteria combinatorial problem with linear- fractional functions of criteria on a set of combinations.
Дагмар Рааб Математиката е вълнуваща и забавна. Можем ли да убедим учениците, че това може да стане действителност. Задачите са най-важните инструменти за учителите по математика, когато планират уроците си. Планът трябва да съдържа идеи как да се очертае и как да се жалонира пътят, по който учениците ще стигнат до решението на дадена задача. Учителите не трябва да очакват от учениците си просто да кажат кой е отговорът на задачата, а да ги увлекат в процеса на решаване с подходящи въпроси. Ролята на учителя е да помогне на учениците • да бъдат активни и резултатни при решаването на задачи; • самите те да поставят задачи; • да модифицират задачи; • да откриват закономерности; • да изготвят стратегии за решаване на задачи; • да откриват и изследват различни начини за решаване на задачи; • да намират смислена връзка между математическите си знания и проблеми от ежедневието. В доклада са представени избрани и вече експериментирани примери за това как учители и ученици могат да намерят подходящ път към нов тип преживявания в преподаването и изучаването на училищната математика.
A new method for solving some hard combinatorial optimization problems is suggested, admitting a certain reformulation. Considering such a problem, several different similar problems are prepared which have the same set of solutions. They are solved on computer in parallel until one of them will be solved, and that solution is accepted. Notwithstanding the evident overhead, the whole run-time could be significantly reduced due to dispersion of velocities of combinatorial search in regarded cases. The efficiency of this approach is investigated on the concrete problem of finding short solutions of non-deterministic system of linear logical equations.
AMS subject classification: 41A17, 41A50, 49Kxx, 90C25.
MSC 2010: 49K05, 26A33
The complex of questions connected with the analysis, estimation and structural-parametrical optimization of dynamic system is considered in this article. Connection of such problems with tasks of control by beams of trajectories is emphasized. The special attention is concentrated on the review and analysis of spent scientific researches, the attention is stressed to their constructability and applied directedness. Efficiency of the developed algorithmic and software is demonstrated on the tasks of modeling and optimization of output beam characteristics in linear resonance accelerators.
Ironically, the “learning of percent” is one of the most problematic aspects of school mathematics. In our view, these difficulties are not associated with the arithmetic aspects of the “percent problems”, but mostly with two methodological issues: firstly, providing students with a simple and accurate understanding of the rationale behind the use of percent, and secondly - overcoming the psychological complexities of the fluent and comprehensive understanding by the students of the sometimes specific wordings of “percent problems”. Before we talk about percent, it is necessary to acquaint students with a much more fundamental and important (regrettably, not covered by the school syllabus) classical concepts of quantitative and qualitative comparison of values, to give students the opportunity to learn the relevant standard terminology and become accustomed to conventional turns of speech. Further, it makes sense to briefly touch on the issue (important in its own right) of different representations of numbers. Percent is just one of the technical, but common forms of data representation: p% = p × % = p × 0.01 = p × 1/100 = p/100 = p × 10-2 "Percent problems” are involved in just two cases: I. The ratio of a variation m to the standard M II. The relative deviation of a variation m from the standard M The hardest and most essential in each specific "percent problem” is not the routine arithmetic actions involved, but the ability to figure out, to clearly understand which of the variables involved in the problem instructions is the standard and which is the variation. And in the first place, this is what teachers need to patiently and persistently teach their students. As a matter of fact, most primary school pupils are not yet quite ready for the lexical specificity of “percent problems”. ....Math teachers should closely, hand in hand with their students, carry out a linguistic analysis of the wording of each problem ... Schoolchildren must firmly understand that a comparison of objects is only meaningful when we speak about properties which can be objectively expressed in terms of actual numerical characteristics. In our opinion, an adequate acquisition of the teaching unit on percent cannot be achieved in primary school due to objective psychological specificities related to this age and because of the level of general training of students. Yet, if we want to make this topic truly accessible and practically useful, it should be taught in high school. A final question to the reader (quickly, please): What is greater: % of e or e% of Pi