em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS
The article presents the exact algorithm for solving one case of the job-scheduling problem for the case when the source matrix is ordered by rows.
In this paper it is explained how to solve a fully connected N-City travelling salesman problem (TSP) using a genetic algorithm. A crossover operator to use in the simulation of a genetic algorithm (GA) with DNA is presented. The aim of the paper is to follow the path of creating a new computational model based on DNA molecules and genetic operations. This paper solves the problem of exponentially size algorithms in DNA computing by using biological methods and techniques. After individual encoding and fitness evaluation, a protocol of the next step in a GA, crossover, is needed. This paper also shows how to make the GA faster via different populations of possible solutions.
This article discusses a solution method for Hamilton Problem, which either finds the task's solution, or indicates that the task is unsolvable. Offered method has significantly smaller requirements for computing resources than known algorithms.