5 resultados para Simulation-Numerical
em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS
Добри Данков, Владимир Русинов, Мария Велинова, Жасмина Петрова - Изследвана е химическа реакция чрез два начина за моделиране на вероятността за химическа реакция използвайки Direct Simulation Monte Carlo метод. Изследван е порядъка на разликите при температурите и концентрациите чрез тези начини. Когато активността на химическата реакция намалява, намаляват и разликите между концентрациите и температурите получени по двата начина. Ключови думи: Механика на флуидите, Кинетична теория, Разреден газ, DSMC
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary: 60J80, 60J85, secondary: 62M09, 92D40
Results of numerical experiments are introduced. Experiments were carried out by means of computer simulation on olfactory bulb for the purpose of checking of thinking mechanisms conceptual model, introduced in [2]. Key role of quasisymbol neurons in processes of pattern identification, existence of mental view, functions of cyclic connections between symbol and quasisymbol neurons as short-term memory, important role of synaptic plasticity in learning processes are confirmed numerically. Correctness of fundamental ideas put in base of conceptual model is confirmed on olfactory bulb at quantitative level.
The finding that Pareto distributions are adequate to model Internet packet interarrival times has motivated the proposal of methods to evaluate steady-state performance measures of Pareto/D/1/k queues. Some limited analytical derivation for queue models has been proposed in the literature, but their solutions are often of a great mathematical challenge. To overcome such limitations, simulation tools that can deal with general queueing system must be developed. Despite certain limitations, simulation algorithms provide a mechanism to obtain insight and good numerical approximation to parameters of queues. In this work, we give an overview of some of these methods and compare them with our simulation approach, which are suited to solve queues with Generalized-Pareto interarrival time distributions. The paper discusses the properties and use of the Pareto distribution. We propose a real time trace simulation model for estimating the steady-state probability showing the tail-raising effect, loss probability, delay of the Pareto/D/1/k queue and make a comparison with M/D/1/k. The background on Internet traffic will help to do the evaluation correctly. This model can be used to study the long- tailed queueing systems. We close the paper with some general comments and offer thoughts about future work.
For metal and metal halide vapor lasers excited by high frequency pulsed discharge, the thermal effect mainly caused by the radial temperature distribution is of considerable importance for stable laser operation and improvement of laser output characteristics. A short survey of the obtained analytical and numerical-analytical mathematical models of the temperature profile in a high-powered He-SrBr2 laser is presented. The models are described by the steady-state heat conduction equation with mixed type nonlinear boundary conditions for the arbitrary form of the volume power density. A complete model of radial heat flow between the two tubes is established for precise calculating the inner wall temperature. The models are applied for simulating temperature profiles for newly designed laser. The author’s software prototype LasSim is used for carrying out the mathematical models and simulations.