4 resultados para STEPPING-STONES
em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS
A method for measurement and visualization of the complex transmission coefficient of 2-D micro- objects is proposed. The method is based on calculation of the transmission coefficient from the diffraction pattern and the illumination aperture function for monochromatic light. A phase-stepping method was used for diffracted light phase determination.
In this paper we propose an optimized algorithm, which is faster compared to previously described finite difference acceleration scheme, namely the Modified Super-Time-Stepping (Modified STS) scheme for age-structured population models with difusion.
In this paper we propose an optimized algorithm, which is faster compared to previously described finite difference acceleration scheme, namely the Modified Super-Time-Stepping (Modified STS) scheme for age- structured population models with diffusion.
Дойчин Бояджиев, Галена Пеловска - В статията се предлага оптимизиран алгоритъм, който е по-бърз в сравнение с по- рано описаната ускорена (модифицирана STS) диференчна схема за възрастово структуриран популационен модел с дифузия. Запазвайки апроксимацията на модифицирания STS алгоритъм, изчислителното времето се намаля почти два пъти. Това прави оптимизирания метод по-предпочитан за задачи с нелинейност или с по-висока размерност.