em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS
The paper has been presented at the International Conference Pioneers of Bulgarian Mathematics, Dedicated to Nikola Obreshko and Lubomir Tschakalo , So a, July, 2006.
* The work is partially supported by the grant of National Academy of Science of Ukraine for the support of scientific researches by young scientists No 24-7/05, " Розробка Desktop Grid-системи і оптимізація її продуктивності ”.
This paper describes the basic tools for a real-time decision support system of a semiotic type on the example of the prototype for management and monitoring of a nuclear power block implemented on the basis of the tool complex G2+GDA using cognitive graphics and parallel processing. This work was supported by RFBR (project 02-07-90042).
An expansion formula for fractional derivatives given as in form of a series involving function and moments of its k-th derivative is derived. The convergence of the series is proved and an estimate of the reminder is given. The form of the fractional derivative given here is especially suitable in deriving restrictions, in a form of internal variable theory, following from the second law of thermodynamics, when applied to linear viscoelasticity of fractional derivative type.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 42B20
This paper deals with communicational breakdowns and misunderstandings in computer mediated communication (CMC) and ways to recover from them or to prevent them. The paper describes a case study of CMC conducted in a company named Artigiani. We observed communication and conducted content analysis of e-mail messages, focusing on message exchanges between customer service representatives (CSRs) and their contacts. In addition to task management difficulties, we identified communication breakdowns that result from differences between perspectives, and from the lack of contextual information, mainly technical background and professional jargon at the customers’ side. We examined possible ways to enhance CMC and accordingly designed a prototype for an e-mail user interface that emphasizes a communicational strategy called contextualization as a central component for obtaining effective communication and for supporting effective management and control of organizational activities, especially handling orders, price quoting, and monitoring the supply and installation of products.
Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 42C40, 44A12.
The main focus of this paper is on mathematical theory and methods which have a direct bearing on problems involving multiscale phenomena. Modern technology is refining measurement and data collection to spatio-temporal scales on which observed geophysical phenomena are displayed as intrinsically highly variable and intermittant heirarchical structures,e.g. rainfall, turbulence, etc. The heirarchical structure is reflected in the occurence of a natural separation of scales which collectively manifest at some basic unit scale. Thus proper data analysis and inference require a mathematical framework which couples the variability over multiple decades of scale in which basic theoretical benchmarks can be identified and calculated. This continues the main theme of the research in this area of applied probability over the past twenty years.
2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62P35, 62P30.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60H30, 35K55, 35K57, 35B35.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30A05, 33E05, 30G30, 30G35, 33E20.