18 resultados para Multi-dimensional Numbered Information Spaces

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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The concept of data independence designates the techniques that allow data to be changed without affecting the applications that process it. The different structures of the information bases require corresponded tools for supporting data independence. A kind of information bases (the Multi-dimensional Numbered Information Spaces) are pointed in the paper. The data independence in such information bases is discussed.


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An approach for organizing the information in the data warehouses is presented in the paper. The possibilities of the numbered information spaces for building data warehouses are discussed. An application is outlined in the paper.


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In the article it is considered preconditions and main principles of creation of virtual laboratories for computer-aided design, as tools for interdisciplinary researches. Virtual laboratory, what are offered, is worth to be used on the stage of the requirements specification or EFT-stage, because it gives the possibility of fast estimating of the project realization, certain characteristics and, as a result, expected benefit of its applications. Using of these technologies already increase automation level of design stages of new devices for different purposes. Proposed computer technology gives possibility to specialists from such scientific fields, as chemistry, biology, biochemistry, physics etc, to check possibility of device creating on the basis of developed sensors. It lets to reduce terms and costs of designing of computer devices and systems on the early stages of designing, for example on the stage of requirements specification or EFT-stage. An important feature of this project is using the advanced multi-dimensional access method for organizing the information base of the Virtual laboratory.


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 47B06, 47G30, 60G50, 60G52, 60G60.


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Let in even-dimensional a±nely connected space without a torsion A2m be given a composition Xm£Xm by the affinor a¯ ®. The affinor b¯ ®, determined with the help of the eigen-vectors of the matrix (a¯ ®), de¯nes the second composition Ym £ Y m. Conjugate compositions are introduced by the condition: the a±nors of any of both compositions transform the vectors from the one position of the composition, generated by the other a±nor, in the vectors from the another its position. It is proved that the compositions de¯ne by a±nors a¯ ® and b¯ ® are conjugate. It is proved also that if the composition Xm£Xm is Cartesian and composition Ym£Y m is Cartesian or chebyshevian, or geodesic than the space A2m is affine.


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his article presents some of the results of the Ph.D. thesis Class Association Rule Mining Using MultiDimensional Numbered Information Spaces by Iliya Mitov (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS), successfully defended at Hasselt University, Faculty of Science on 15 November 2011 in Belgium


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2014


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Algorithmic resources are considered for elaboration and identification of monotone functions and some alternate structures are brought, which are more explicit in sense of structure and quantities and which can serve as elements of practical identification algorithms. General monotone recognition is considered on multi- dimensional grid structure. Particular reconstructing problem is reduced to the monotone recognition through the multi-dimensional grid partitioning into the set of binary cubes.


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Марусия Н. Славчова-Божкова - В настоящата работа се обобщава една гранична теорема за докритичен многомерен разклоняващ се процес, зависещ от възрастта на частиците с два типа имиграция. Целта е да се обобщи аналогичен резултат в едномерния случай като се прилагат “coupling” метода, теория на възстановяването и регенериращи процеси.


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 65C05, 60G50, 39A10, 92C37


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The paper describes education complex "Multi-agent Technologies for Parallel and Distributed Information Processing in Telecommunication Networks".


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In this paper is proposed a model for researching the capability to influence, by selected methods’ groups of compression, to the co-efficient of information security of selected objects’ groups, exposed to selected attacks’ groups. With the help of methods for multi-criteria evaluation are chosen the methods’ groups with the lowest risk with respect to the information security. Recommendations for future investigations are proposed.


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We are concerned with two-level optimization problems called strongweak Stackelberg problems, generalizing the class of Stackelberg problems in the strong and weak sense. In order to handle the fact that the considered two-level optimization problems may fail to have a solution under mild assumptions, we consider a regularization involving ε-approximate optimal solutions in the lower level problems. We prove the existence of optimal solutions for such regularized problems and present some approximation results when the parameter ǫ goes to zero. Finally, as an example, we consider an optimization problem associated to a best bound given in [2] for a system of nondifferentiable convex inequalities.


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The polyparametric intelligence information system for diagnostics human functional state in medicine and public health is developed. The essence of the system consists in polyparametric describing of human functional state with the unified set of physiological parameters and using the polyparametric cognitive model developed as the tool for a system analysis of multitude data and diagnostics of a human functional state. The model is developed on the basis of general principles geometry and symmetry by algorithms of artificial intelligence systems. The architecture of the system is represented. The model allows analyzing traditional signs - absolute values of electrophysiological parameters and new signs generated by the model – relationships of ones. The classification of physiological multidimensional data is made with a transformer of the model. The results are presented to a physician in a form of visual graph – a pattern individual functional state. This graph allows performing clinical syndrome analysis. A level of human functional state is defined in the case of the developed standard (“ideal”) functional state. The complete formalization of results makes it possible to accumulate physiological data and to analyze them by mathematics methods.


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The principles of adaptive routing and multi-agent control for information flows in IP-networks.