6 resultados para Model-driven engineering

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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The aim of our work is to present solutions and a methodical support for automated techniques and procedures in domain engineering, in particular for variability modeling. Our approach is based upon Semantic Modeling concepts, for which semantic description, representation patterns and inference mechanisms are defined. Thus, model-driven techniques enriched with semantics will allow flexibility and variability in representation means, reasoning power and the required analysis depth for the identification, interpretation and adaptation of artifact properties and qualities.


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Милослав A. Средков - Понятията модел и моделиране се използват толкова интензивно в много дисциплини, че е трудно да им се придаде конретно значение. Дори в Софтуерните технологии, разбирането на тези понятия силно зависи от контекста. Ние смятаме, че това допринася за неконсистентността между подходите за моделиране там. В тази статия посочваме някои от произтичащите проблеми, както и важността да има подходяща дефиниция, съчетана с подходящи инструменти. Преглеждаме по-общите дефиниции на модел отвъд границите на Софтуерните технологии. Минаваме през моделирането на различни вторични продукти на процесите от Софтуерните технологии. Накрая представяме нашата визия относно използването на такава обща основа за наша полза.


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The operating model of knowledge quantum engineering for identification and prognostic decision- making in conditions of α-indeterminacy is suggested in the article. The synthesized operating model solves three basic tasks: Аt-task to formalize tk-knowledge; Вt-task to recognize (identify) objects according to observed results; Сt-task to extrapolate (prognosticate) the observed results. Operating derivation of identification and prognostic decisions using authentic different-level algorithmic knowledge quantum (using tRAKZ-method) assumes synthesis of authentic knowledge quantum database (BtkZ) using induction operator as a system of implicative laws, and then using deduction operator according to the observed tk-knowledge and BtkZ a derivation of identification or prognostic decisions in a form of new tk-knowledge.


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Structural monitoring and dynamic identification of the manmade and natural hazard objects is under consideration. Math model of testing object by set of weak stationary dynamic actions is offered. The response of structures to the set of signals is under processing for getting important information about object condition in high frequency band. Making decision procedure into active monitoring system is discussed as well. As an example the monitoring outcome of pillar-type monument is given.


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∗ Thematic Harmonisation in Electrical and Information EngineeRing in Europe,Project Nr. 10063-CP-1-2000-1-PT-ERASMUS-ETNE.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015