17 resultados para Minimization

em Bulgarian Digital Mathematics Library at IMI-BAS


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In this paper we present algorithms which work on pairs of 0,1- matrices which multiply again a matrix of zero and one entries. When applied over a pair, the algorithms change the number of non-zero entries present in the matrices, meanwhile their product remains unchanged. We establish the conditions under which the number of 1s decreases. We recursively define as well pairs of matrices which product is a specific matrix and such that by applying on them these algorithms, we minimize the total number of non-zero entries present in both matrices. These matrices may be interpreted as solutions for a well known information retrieval problem, and in this case the number of 1 entries represent the complexity of the retrieve and information update operations.


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The problem of finite automata minimization is important for software and hardware designing. Different types of automata are used for modeling systems or machines with finite number of states. The limitation of number of states gives savings in resources and time. In this article we show specific type of probabilistic automata: the reactive probabilistic finite automata with accepting states (in brief the reactive probabilistic automata), and definitions of languages accepted by it. We present definition of bisimulation relation for automata's states and define relation of indistinguishableness of automata states, on base of which we could effectuate automata minimization. Next we present detailed algorithm reactive probabilistic automata’s minimization with determination of its complexity and analyse example solved with help of this algorithm.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 90C26, 90C20, 49J52, 47H05, 47J20.


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AMS subject classification: 65K10, 49M07, 90C25, 90C48.


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In this paper the technique of shorter route determination of fire engine to the fire place on time minimization criterion with the use of evolutionary modeling is offered. The algorithm of its realization on the base of complete and optimized space of search of possible decisions is explored. The aspects of goal function forming and program realization of method having a special purpose are considered. Experimental verification is executed and the results of comparative analysis with the expert conclusions are considered.


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Determination of the so-called optical constants (complex refractive index N, which is usually a function of the wavelength, and physical thickness D) of thin films from experimental data is a typical inverse non-linear problem. It is still a challenge to the scientific community because of the complexity of the problem and its basic and technological significance in optics. Usually, solutions are looked for models with 3-10 parameters. Best estimates of these parameters are obtained by minimization procedures. Herein, we discuss the choice of orthogonal polynomials for the dispersion law of the thin film refractive index. We show the advantage of their use, compared to the Selmeier, Lorentz or Cauchy models.


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Information extraction or knowledge discovery from large data sets should be linked to data aggregation process. Data aggregation process can result in a new data representation with decreased number of objects of a given set. A deterministic approach to separable data aggregation means a lesser number of objects without mixing of objects from different categories. A statistical approach is less restrictive and allows for almost separable data aggregation with a low level of mixing of objects from different categories. Layers of formal neurons can be designed for the purpose of data aggregation both in the case of deterministic and statistical approach. The proposed designing method is based on minimization of the of the convex and piecewise linear (CPL) criterion functions.


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* This work was supported by the CNR while the author was visiting the University of Milan.


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The general iteration method for nonexpansive mappings on a Banach space is considered. Under some assumption of fast enough convergence on the sequence of (“almost” nonexpansive) perturbed iteration mappings, if the basic method is τ−convergent for a suitable topology τ weaker than the norm topology, then the perturbed method is also τ−convergent. Application is presented to the gradient-prox method for monotone inclusions in Hilbert spaces.


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Research and development of mathematical model of optimum distribution of resources (basically financial) for maintenance of the new (raised) quality (reliability) of complex system concerning, which the decision on its re-structuring is accepted, is stated. The final model gives answers (algorithm of calculation) to questions: how many elements of system to allocate on modernization, which elements, up to what level of depth modernization of each of allocated is necessary, and optimum answers are by criterion of minimization of financial charges.


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We present OBDD transformation problem representing finite labeled transition systems corresponding to some congruence relation. Transformations are oriented toward obtaining the OBDD of a minimized transition system for this congruence relation.


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The evaluation from experimental data, of physical quantities, which enter into the electromagnetic Maxwell equations, is described as inverse optical problem. The functional relations between the dependent and independent variables are of transcendental character and numeric procedures for evaluation of the unknowns are largely used. Herein, we discuss a direct approach to the solution, illustrated by a specific example of determination of thin films optical constants from spectrophotometric data. New algorithm is proposed for the parameters evaluation, which does not need an initial guess of the unknowns and does not use iterative procedures. Thus we overcome the intrinsic deficiency of minimization techniques, such as gradient search methods, Simplex methods, etc. The price of it is a need of more computing power, but our algorithm is easily implemented in structures such as grid clusters. We show the advantages of this approach and its potential for generalization to other inverse optical problems.


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Prognostic procedures can be based on ranked linear models. Ranked regression type models are designed on the basis of feature vectors combined with set of relations defined on selected pairs of these vectors. Feature vectors are composed of numerical results of measurements on particular objects or events. Ranked relations defined on selected pairs of feature vectors represent additional knowledge and can reflect experts' opinion about considered objects. Ranked models have the form of linear transformations of feature vectors on a line which preserve a given set of relations in the best manner possible. Ranked models can be designed through the minimization of a special type of convex and piecewise linear (CPL) criterion functions. Some sets of ranked relations cannot be well represented by one ranked model. Decomposition of global model into a family of local ranked models could improve representation. A procedures of ranked models decomposition is described in this paper.


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33; 93C15, 93C55, 93B36, 93B35, 93B51; 03B42; 70Q05; 49N05


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MSC 2010: 26A33, 70H25, 46F12, 34K37 Dedicated to 80-th birthday of Prof. Rudolf Gorenflo